100字范文 > 现代化进程 Modernization Process英语短句 例句大全

现代化进程 Modernization Process英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-28 21:55:18


现代化进程 Modernization Process英语短句 例句大全

现代化进程,Modernization Process

1)Modernization Process现代化进程

1.The growth of subject of S&T and the modernization process of China;科技主体的成长与中国现代化进程

2.This article puts an emphasis on the probing and discussion on the forming and features of Indian political system,the choice and achievements of its economic development models,the routes of its cultural transformation,and the role of its intellectuals,in its whole modernization process of 60 years since its independence,so as to outline the general .本文着重探讨和论述印度自独立至今60年的现代化进程中,其政治体制的形成与特色,经济模式的选择与绩效,文化转型的路径与知识分子作用等方面,以此来勾勒和揭示印度现代化发展的概貌。

3.Classic modernization theory believes that the modernization process is the transformation of the traditional agrarian society into industrial society.经典现代化理论认为,现代化进程就是由农业社会向工业社会转变的过程,其大致始于资本主义在欧洲的兴起。


1.Economic Developing and Couurse of Modernizations经济发展和现代化进程

2.Economic Development & Modernization经济发展与现代化进程

3.Farmers’ Ideological Modernity and the Agricultural Modernization;农民思想的现代性与农村现代化进程

4.Cent of Slow Reason in Near Modern Chinese Modern Progress;近现代中国现代化进程迟缓原因分析

5.Cultural Differences between China and Japan and Their Modernization Processes;近代以来中日现代化进程与文化差异

6.Urbanization & Modernization of the Countryside Should Go Neck and Neck in China s Modernization Cause;中国现代化进程中的城市化和农村现代化

7.Modernization of Xinjiang,Modernization Progression of Human Being and Secularization of Religion新疆现代化进程中人的现代化与宗教世俗化

8.On the Modernization of Thinking and Culture in the Drive of China’s Modernization试论中国现代化进程中的思想文化现代化问题

9.Development Orientation of the Course of the Hui Social Modernization in Contemporary Times;当代回族社会现代化进程的发展取向

10.Second, the modernization is proceeding slowly and in a piecemeal manner.其次,现代化进程进行地缓慢而又零碎。

11.Modernization of Historical Teacher s Quality in Educational Modernization Drive;教育现代化进程中历史教师素质的现代化

12.The Modernization of Peasant Ideology in Rural Modernization Process;农村现代化进程中农民思想观念的现代化

parison of the process of Chinese Modernization and That of Japanese Modernnization;中日现代化进程比较——中日经济现代化阶段比较

14.Modern Construction:A Research into the Development of National Culture in the Process of Modernization;现代建构:现代化进程中的民族文化发展研究

15.The Modernization of Research Object and the Subject in the Process of Modernization现代化进程中的研究客体与人的现代化

16.A Study of Shenzhen′s Plan to Realize Modernization in ;深圳市率先实现现代化进程研究

17.Is there a Coherent Process of Modernization in Myanmar?--Concurrently on the Starting point of the Process of the Third World s Modernization;缅甸有现代化进程吗?——兼论第三世界国家现代化进程的起点

18.On the Construction of Village Culture in the Course of Societal Modernization;论社会现代化进程中的村落文化建设



1.Promotion of two world wars to female clothingmodernization;两次世界大战对女装现代化进程的促动

2.Political Analyzing of the Ethical Development of China Modernization;中国现代化进程中民族发展的政治分析

3.For this reason, in this paper, we discuss how to accelerated realizingmodernization of rice development zones.在农业综合开发再上新台阶的新形势下,加速水田开发区的现代化进程,是我省农业综合开发战线的重要任务。

3)Process of modernization现代化进程

1.But with the further process of modernization,science and democracy demonstrated their new social effects in many ways such as changing the people\"s daily ideas,adjusting social operation mode and so on.但随着现代化进程的进一步发展,科学与民主在很多方面展现出了各自新的社会效应。

2.The contradictions between the culture of filial piety and modern culture in the process of modernization were discussed.分析和论证孝文化在传统伦理道德中的核心地位,以及其在现代化进程中与现代文化融合的矛盾,从思考孝文化的存在问题、人文教育角度、和谐理念的渗入三个角度提出对孝文化的价值建构,以期为建立孝文化在现代化进程中的新范式寻找一个新的出路。

4)modernization course现代化进程

1.Study on measurement of regionalmodernization course in China;中国区域现代化进程测度研究

2.This paper studies element meaning of modernization and builds the index system and standard of assessment ofmodernization course, on the basis of these, the author measures the degree of modernizational course in Henan province with some method.文章首先提出了现代化的基本概念、科学内涵与特征,其次在此基础上建立了现代化进程的评价体系与标准,然后对河南省城市现代化进程进行了测度。

5)process of water conservancy modernization水利现代化进程

6)process of modernized city现代化城市进程


《建设强大的现代化正规化的革命军队》《建设强大的现代化正规化的革命军队》Build a Powerful Modernized and Regularized Revolutionary ArmyihllQ:命军,d‘一)才‘l’}二刁、卜鲜内‘乍1在华 全文《邓小 走规许的特}仁战的水、卜.推动旱的和易。,},于卜石,匕’建处的现J ianshe Qiangda de XiandaZhengguihua de Geming!undui《建设强大的现代化正规化的革队))(B“11‘l‘才p‘,、,,。,介,IM‘,‘le‘:,i:‘ReguI’Iri:ed Re、1‘,11才rior了u尽A月7了介)关J:新时期‘引从建设日标和任务问是事著作。是邓小平J几1981年gJ」191北某地检阅军事演习部队时的讲话,约800字,收人1994年川J」{I}版的、卜文选》第2卷。讲话称赞演习检验厂部队现代化、化建设的成果,较好地体现】’现代战’点,摸索J‘现代条件卜诸军兵种协},叮经验,提高厂部队的军政素质和实,l戊对全军的建设、战备和训练是个有力讲话指出,霸权}:义严币地威胁若世占平和:1,l司的安个,必须保于,’f高度的警才囚人民解放军是人民民i二专政的‘}剐虽启负肴保IJ.社会1己义子11}xJ,保I之“【,LI了设的光荣使命,必须建没成为一支强、响月~‘‘~代化、正规化的革命军队。全定要坚持四项基本原则,加治思想建设;改善武器装备,国防现代化;继承和发扬人队的光荣传统,加强军政训练一步增强部队的军政素质,现代条件下诸军兵种协同作.力;加强作风培养,严格组律,扎扎实实地做好反侵略.的准备。《建设强大的现代化正规革命军队》为新时期军队建明了方向和目标。(王长多 一一咋跳J与击勺︻L儿fr盯山日目吞杏尹Z﹂﹂J口仁七托︶旧J写盈匕卜廿凡口汽卜芯的指卜﹄飞兄)
