100字范文 > 现代转生 modernization alive英语短句 例句大全

现代转生 modernization alive英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-11 17:54:46


现代转生 modernization alive英语短句 例句大全

现代转生,modernization alive

1)modernization alive现代转生

2)Modern transformation现代转换

1.The historical annotation and modern transformation of value system of Daxue;《大学》价值体系的历史诠释及其现代转换

2.On the modern transformation of the traditional moral education论传统德性人格教育思想的现代转换

3.Modern transformation of ancient China perspective should be established on the basis of the acceptance and the filter.中国古代文论现代转换的视角应该建立在接受与过滤的基础上。


1.Modern Advertisement Promotes the Transfer of Traditional Ideal Personality to Modern One;现代广告推动传统理想人格的现代转换

2.On the Morden Transformation of the Traditional Filial Piety and the Construction of Harmonious Family;传统孝道的现代转换与构建和谐家庭

3.From Aesthetic to Productive: the Post-modernist Transfer of Aesthetic Paradigm;由Aesthetic到Productive:美学范式的后现代转换

4.Talk about the modem transition for moral representation manner;道德对话:道德话语范式的现代转换

5.Applied Ethics: the Modern Conversation of the Research Mode in Ethics;应用伦理学:伦理致思范式的现代转换

6.The Modern Transition of Critical Terms in Renjian Cihua;谈《人间词话》中批评术语的现代转换

7.Four Great Tendencies and Their Adaptationof the Theories on Literary Tradition;文学传统论的四大倾向及其现代转换

8.On the Modern Transformation of Chinese Traditional “Spirit of Scholar”;论中国传统“士人精神”的现代转换

9.About Modern Transformation of Literary Concept in China;从“文”到“文学”:中国文学观念的现代转换

10.Further Education Changes Teachers Quality;试论继续教育对教师素质的现代转换

11."Wild Grass":a Modern Transformation of Chinese Traditional Hermit"s Culture《野草》:中国传统隐逸文化的现代转换

12.On the modern transformation of the traditional moral education论传统德性人格教育思想的现代转换

13.Analyze Modern Transformation problem of Ancient Chinese Perspective;浅析中国古代文论现代转换的视角问题

14.Meditation on the Modern Transformation of Ancient Literature and the Language Loss Syndrome;对“古代文论的现代转换”和“失语症”的再思考

15.Variable Substitution-an Important Way to Realize Proposition Transformation;变量代换是实现命题转换的一种重要途径

16.Research and Implementation of Proxy Agent Based on DMI/SNMP;DMI/SNMP转换代理的研究与实现

17.Impact of Sino-Anglo Code-switching upon the Syntax of Modern Chinese;英汉语码转换对现代汉语句法的影响

18.The Policy Ideas of Agriculture Modernization Based on Structural Transformation;基于结构转换的农业现代化政策思路


Modern transformation现代转换

1.The historical annotation and modern transformation of value system of Daxue;《大学》价值体系的历史诠释及其现代转换

2.On the modern transformation of the traditional moral education论传统德性人格教育思想的现代转换

3.Modern transformation of ancient China perspective should be established on the basis of the acceptance and the filter.中国古代文论现代转换的视角应该建立在接受与过滤的基础上。

3)modern change现代转换

1.themodern change of Chinese traditional documents and means of research; 3.从中国传统文献与研究的现状、传统文献与研究手段的现代转换及其应注意的问题等几个方面 ,就中国传统文化研究阐述了看法。

2.Meaning case,as an important category of China poetry must have amodern change so as to be understood by modern literature theory researchers.意格是中国诗学中的一个重要范畴,必须实现现代转换为当代文学理论所接受吸纳。


1.TheModernization of Chinese Novels Narrative symbol Layer and Christian Culture;中国小说叙事符号层的现代转型与基督教文化

2.This paper analyzes the modernization of traditional martial arts after reviewing the values of martial arts.在重新审读中国武术传统的内在价值体系的基础上,对传统武术的现代转型问题进行了理论探讨,认为传统武术内在价值的多元化特性孕育了中国武术独特的项群魅力,传统武术丰富的表现形式与功能使之具备向现代运动项群发展的有利条件。

5)modern transformation现代转型

1.Chen Yingning and the Modern Transformation of Daoism Culture;陈撄宁与道教文化的现代转型

2.Facing the Loss of Civilization: On the Humanistic Tendency of Modern Transformation of Chinese Literature面对失落的文明——论中国文学现代转型中的人文主义倾向

3.Wang Guowei is the first person to achievemodern transformation of academic research in China.王国维是中国学术研究实现现代转型的第一人。

6)modern transition现代转换


