100字范文 > 回收处理 recycling英语短句 例句大全

回收处理 recycling英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-04-01 19:39:53


回收处理 recycling英语短句 例句大全



1.A Economical Analysis of Recycling Process of Discarded Products Based on System Dynamics;基于系统动力学仿真的废旧产品回收处理效益分析

2.Therecycling situation and countermeasures of waste electrical and electronic equipment in China我国电子废弃物的回收处理现状和管理对策

3.This paper introduced the methods of the modularrecycling of waste miner′s lamps of lead-acid battery,and offered some proposals of resourcerecycling process from the angle of economic significance and environmental protection awareness.介绍了废旧铅酸蓄电池矿灯的模块化回收处理的方法,并从经济意义和环保意识上,提出了资源化回收处理工艺过程的建议。


1.recovery processing回收处理,重新处理,恢复处理,回收加工,恢复加工

2.Research on the System of Recovery and Disposal and Economy of Recovery about Refrigeratory;废旧冰箱回收处理系统及回收经济性研究

3.Study on the Recycling Regenerated Technology for Spent Electroless Nickel Plating Baths;化学镀镍废液回收处理、再生技术研究

4.Research on the Model for Recycling and Disposal of Waste Household Appliances Based on "7R";基于“7R”的废旧家电回收处理模式研究

5.Study on WEEE Reclaim and Disposal System;废旧电子电器产品回收处理体系研究

6.Distress and the outlet for our country to collecting and processing of electronics garbage;我国电子垃圾回收处理的困境及出路

7.Treatment of TNT Wastewater with Nanometer Photocatalysts Recycle-free纳米光催化材料免回收处理TNT废水

8.National Plan for Recycling and Disposal of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment全国废旧电子电器回收处理对策研究

9.Design of control system of oil and gas recycle and treatment equipment by membrane method膜法油气回收处理装置控制系统设计

10.Decision-Making of Recycling Mode and Collection Channel for Waste and Used Household Appliances under EPR;EPR制度下废旧家电回收处理模式及回收渠道决策研究

11.The recycling situation and countermeasures of waste electrical and electronic equipment in China我国电子废弃物的回收处理现状和管理对策

12.Discuss the management policy of waste electrical and electronic products recycling industry废弃电器电子产品回收处理行业管理政策探讨

13.medium curing cut back (asphalt)(沥青)中级处理回收段

14.Dealing with Uncollectible Accounts Receivable处理无法收回的应收账款

15.Technologies: Zinc process, electrolysis process, mechanical process and metallurgy process.生产工艺:湿法、火法冶炼回收、机械处理回收。

16.recycle newspaper,ie by de-inking and pulping it回收旧报纸(以脱墨和制浆方式处理).

17.New Development of SDP Sulfur Recovery and Tail Gas Treatment亚露点硫磺回收及尾气处理新进展

18.Research on the Management of Shanghai Electronic Waste Recovery and Treatment;上海市电子废弃物回收处置管理研究


recycle treatment回收处理

3)recovery and treatment回收处理

1.The article analyses three reasons which have caused these problems and puts forward some directing countermeasures,such as, Increasing the degree of publicity to raise the recovery consciousnesss of the public;Setting up a perfec t recovery network systerm;Promoting therecovery and treatment to form industri al manage; Adapting the ripe and reliabl.目前我国废旧电池回收处理中存在回收率低和处理难度大两个突出问题。

4)recovery processing回收处理

1.The paper has analyzed the status quo of therecovery processing of electronic junk in our country,and put forward the reasonable and high effective method of recovery,including standardizing the recovery market and dismantling market,encouraging and supporting the recovery enterprise of waste appliances,perfecting the system of pollution prevention and cure and so on.分析了我国电子垃圾回收处理的现状,提出了规范回收市场和拆解市场、鼓励和扶持废旧家电回收企业、完善污染防治责任等合理、高效的回收办法。


1.Countermeasures for Waste Battery Recycling andDisposal;废电池回收处理现状及管理对策

2.The paper introduces the current situation of recycling and disposal for the case-away home appliances.阐述了废旧家电的回收处理现状,以及目前在环境管理中存在的问题,并针对这些问题提出了对策。

6)recycling treatment处理回收


包装废弃物回收处理包装废弃物回收处理reclaim for waste package materials饮扣Zhua叩feiqiwlJ huishou eh以i包装废弃物回收处理(I’eclaim for waste Packa-罗materials)包装物用后处里或再生利用的活动。它是解决世界性环境污染的重要课题。按包装材料的材质分类,包装废弃物一般可分为纸质、塑料、玻璃、金属4大类。包装废弃物回收处理的分类如下:①纸包装废弃物回收处理。将废纸或纸板用于再造纸,将废纸或纸板通过制浆、除杂、模塑成型、干燥等工艺制成各种形状、尺寸的纸浆模塑包装制品。②塑料包装废弃物回收处理。卫生城埋—由于此法没有从根本上减少环境污染,相反给子孙后代留下污染源,因此不可取。焚烧—此法可使废弃物体积、重量大为减少,且可回收热能,但焚烧过程造成的重金属、多核芳烃、二氧化碳等物质会对空气、土壤产生二次污染。热解—塑料包装废弃物经热解处理可得到化工原料、燃料油和可嫩性气体,如中国科研人员发明用废塑料回收生产ABS树脂及废聚苯乙烯裂解还原为苯乙烯单体的技术。再生利用—如软质聚抓乙烯经过挑选、清洗、晾干后粉碎,再加人适量助剂重新塑化造粒成型,加人新料中使用。以废治废—如废聚氨醋泡沫塑料经简单机械处理后在一定条件下可有效吸附废水中的苯胺、苯酸及乳化油。③玻璃包装废弃物回收处理。包括旧玻璃瓶罐回收复用;碎下脚料重熔再制瓶罐。采用玻璃上色新技术,使玻璃表面的有色涂料遇热后消失变成原有无色透明玻璃,省却有色玻璃分拣工作。采用薄壁轻瓶技术使玻璃瓶雄轻量化,从减少废弃玻璃数量角度处理玻璃包装废弃物。④金属包装废弃物回收处理。金属包装废弃物的主要代表是铝质易拉雄(俗称二片罐),主要回收方法为铝罐重熔。与从铝钒土冶炼铝材相比,该法可节约大量能源和冶炼用配料并减少排放氟化铝造成的大气污染。(陆关新)
