100字范文 > 可调节 adjustable英语短句 例句大全

可调节 adjustable英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-25 08:07:53


可调节 adjustable英语短句 例句大全



1.Children"s desk and chair was designed applying the 32mm system,which was function and dimensionadjustable to meet the demand of children in different age and stature.应用32mm系统,实现功能与尺度可调节的,符合不同年龄及身高儿童使用的儿童学习桌椅的设计。

2.Based on the 32mm system,a children"s desk and chair design,which function and dimension isadjustable to meet the demand of children in different age and stature,was introduced in this paper.本文介绍了应用32mm系统,对功能与尺度可调节、适合不同年龄及不同身高儿童使用的学习桌椅进行的设

3.A wavelet-basedadjustable image fusion method is presented.提出了一种基于小波变换的可调节自适应遥感影像融合方法,该方法首先分别将待融合影像进行小波分解,然后,通过引入2个可调节参量,在小波域内融合,最后通过小波逆变换得到融合结果。


1.adjustable seat-belts可调节的座位安全带.

2.inadjustable hydraulic coupling不可调节液力偶合器

3.Pseudophakic accommodation after implantation of the 1CU accommodative intraocular lens可调节人工晶状体植入术后调节效果的观察

4.adjustable self-aligning bearing可调节的自动调整式轴承

5.This large fireplace can produce45,000 BTU adjustable heat.这款大型壁炉可产生45,000BTU的可调节热量。

6.Flexible hose duct tubing. Duct curvature is adjustable.可伸缩水龙带。可调节管道曲度。

7.Drag to add an adjustable dotted line.通过拖动可添加可调节的点式线。

8.Release the projectors feet to adjust display angle (1) or manually adjust feet (2)松开投影机支脚可调节投影角度(1),也可手动调节支脚(2)

9."Electric seat adjusters are used on front seats to adjust the seat height, position, and tilt (on some models)."电动座椅调节器可调节前排座椅的高度和位置。在某些高级轿车中,还可调节座位的倾斜角度。

10.Flexible, adjustable road segment. Use the right-click menu to change road thickness.可变、可调节路段。使用右击菜单可更改道路宽窄。

11.Adjustable 3-D elbow shape with upper-right corner.可调节三维肘形形状(右上角形)。

12.Adjustable 3-D elbow shape with lower-right corner.可调节三维肘形形状(右下角形)。

13.The multi-function regulator allows precise temperature adjustment.这个多功能调节器可以准确调节温度。

14.flexible die lips, push &pull adjustable活动式模唇,可推拉调节;

15.Adjustment of the field current can be made manually by an operator, or automatically by a generator voltage regulator.励磁电流可由运行人员手动调节或由发电机电压调节器自动调节。

16.This can be done through adjusting the length of the tie rod.调节前束可以通过调节横拉杆的长度来进行。

17.Heat Exchanger with Adjustable Medium Structure aAnd its Characteristics Analysis结构可调式换热器及其调节特性分析

18.DEPENDABILITY. Dual self-adjusting drum brakes, larger drums.可靠性:宽大的可自我调节鼓式制动器。



1.Pseudophakic accommodation after implantation of the 1CUaccommodative intraocular lens;可调节人工晶状体植入术后调节效果的观察

2.Calculation ofaccommodative amplitude for the pseudophakic eye implanted with anaccommodative intraocular lens;可调节型人工晶状体眼调节幅度的计算及其影响因素分析

3)tunable stub可调枝节

4)adjustable weight可调节权

5)variable sector可调节窗

6)variable pitch可调节距


