100字范文 > 自制可调节式悬吊治疗器 He adjustable type of Self-made Suspension Device英语短句 例句大全

自制可调节式悬吊治疗器 He adjustable type of Self-made Suspension Device英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-01 02:31:17


自制可调节式悬吊治疗器 He adjustable type of Self-made Suspension Device英语短句 例句大全

自制可调节式悬吊治疗器,He adjustable type of Self-made Suspension Device

1)He adjustable type of Self-made Suspension Device自制可调节式悬吊治疗器


1.Clinical Observation on Self-made Adjustable Suspended Therapeutic Machine for the Treatment of the Elderly Patients with Acute Thoracolumbar Vertebral Compression Fracture自制可调节式悬吊治疗器治疗中老年急性胸腰段椎体压缩性骨折的临床观察

2.The Application Research on the Treatment of the Vertebral Compression Fracture from Thoracolumbar Segment with the Adjustable Type of Self-made Suspension Device胸腰段椎体压缩性骨折可调式悬吊治疗器的应用研究

3.DEPENDABILITY. Self adjusting hydraulic disc brakes.可靠性:自我调节式液压盘式制动器。

4.DEPENDABILITY. Dual self-adjusting drum brakes, larger drums.可靠性:宽大的可自我调节鼓式制动器。

5.Treatment of irreducible anterior shoulder dislocation with suspension traction at prone position:a report of 47 cases俯卧位悬吊牵引治疗肩关节难复性前脱位47例

6.The Construction Control Research on Hangers Installation of Self-anchored Suspension Bridges;自锚式悬索桥吊索安装施工控制研究

7.Research on hanger installation analysis and construction management for self-anchored suspension bridge自锚式悬索桥吊索张拉施工控制分析

8.Study on the position change of hyoid bone in OSAHS patients cured by elastic dental appliances自行调节式口腔矫治器治疗OSAHS患者舌骨位置变化的研究

9.Clinical Study of Using Prolift~(TM) to Treat Pelvic Organ ProlapseProlift全盆悬吊术治疗盆腔脏器脱垂的临床研究

10.Nursing care of patients with prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc underwent suspension therapy自然悬吊法治疗腰椎间盘突出症病人的护理

11.The application of abdominal wall lifting laparoscopy in rectal neoplasm therapy悬吊式腹腔镜辅助手术在直肠癌治疗中的应用

12.Clinical Observations of the Treatment of Cervical Vertebrae Zygaphyseal Jiont Disfunction with the Self-Made Regulator;自制颈椎调整器治疗颈椎小关节紊乱征的临床观察

13.Calculation of Hanger Tension and Analysis of Construction Management in Self-anchored Suspension Bridge自锚式悬索桥吊索张拉计算及施工控制分析

14.Self-designed adjustable titanium screw in treatment of unilateral vocal cord paralysis:an observation of curative effects自制可调式钛钉支架植入治疗犬单侧声带麻痹的疗效观察

15.Clinical Study on the Internal Rectal Rrolapse Type Constipation Treated with Microtraumatic Circumferential Resection and Suspension by Stapler Per Anum;经肛门吻合器微创环切悬吊术治疗直肠内脱垂型便秘的临床研究

16.Clinical experience of suspension of frontal aponeurosis in children with congenital ptosis改良式额肌瓣悬吊术治疗先天性上睑下垂的体会

17.A comparative study of gasless laparoscopic surgery using the abdominal wall lifting device vs.pneumoperitoneum laparoscopy in treatment of ovarian cyst悬吊式腹腔镜手术与气腹腹腔镜手术治疗卵巢囊肿的对比研究

18.Application of Suspended Gasless Laparoscopy in Colorectal Tumor Surgery无气腹悬吊式腹腔镜手术在大肠肿瘤治疗中的应用


Self-made adjustable suspended therapeutic machine可调式悬吊治疗器

3)adjustable maintenance dosing可调节剂量治疗

4)Elastic dental appliances自行调节式口腔矫治器

5)self-adjusting disc brake piston自调节盘式制动器活塞

6)Adjustable curtain wall可调节吊旋


放射治疗剂量单位放射治疗剂量单位centi Gray原单位为rad,1985年国际上统一改为cGy(centi Gray),1cGy=1rad,即1Gy=100rad。
