100字范文 > 氡 radon英语短句 例句大全

氡 radon英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-22 06:30:31


氡 radon英语短句 例句大全



1.Some Problems in the Action Level and Dose Assesment of Radon;氡防护标准和剂量评价中值得注意的几个问题

2.Research on Radon Concentration and Radioactivity Level of Part Coal Mine in Guizhou Province;贵州省部分煤矿氡浓度及放射性水平的研究

3.Study onradon concentration measurement in soil;土壤氡浓度的测量方法现状


1.The Research of the Radon Measurement and the Instrument of Calibration Technology;氡气测量和测氡仪器的标定技术研究

2.Studies of Radon Radiation Field in Soil and Development of Radon Measure Instruments;壤氡辐射场理论研究与测氡仪器研制

3.Harm of Radon and Radon Progeny,the Preventative Measures and Countermeasures氡及氡子体的危害与防治措施、对策

4.Study on the radon hazard and radon preventing measures in underground building地下建筑中氡的危害及防氡措施研究

5.radon effect seismic predictor氡效应地震预报装置

6.the radon level in the basement was impermissibly high.地下室的氡含量超标。

7.The radon exhalation rate is used as the basic factor of radon geological potential.氡析出率是反映氡地质潜势的最好参数。

8.Radon and radondaughter meters and monitors-General requirementsGB/T13163-1991氡及氡子体测量仪与监测仪一般要求

9.The Investigation of Indoor Radon Levels and Evaluationof the Environmental Radon Quality in Foshan City;佛山楼房室内氡水平调查及氡环境质量评价

10.Indoor Radon Concentrations and Radon Exhalation Rates of Building Materials in Shanghai上海市室内氡浓度水平与建材氡析出率的研究

11.Uncertainties of radon concentration in a standard radon chamber标准氡室氡浓度不确定度评定方法探讨

12.Initiation of a Countrywide Project on Relationship between Indoor Radon and Soil Radon全国室内氡-土壤氡关联性研究课题启动

13.Study of Active Carbon Measuring Method for Indoor Radon and Radon Daughters活性炭盒法测量室内空气中氡及其氡子体的研究

14.Standard methods for radon measurement in environmental airGB/T14582-1993环境空气中氡的标准测量方法

15.The daughter nuclides of radon and thoron tend to become attached.氡和钍射气的子体易被气溶胶吸附。

16.Please fill out the“ Tax Certificate Form for Sale and Payment of Foreign Exchange”.⑶胩钚础妒鄹痘憧?咚拔衿局ど昵氡怼贰

17.Be concerned with Making up and presenting annual, monthly sales forecasts and reports.斡胫贫┠甓龋?露认?墼げ庥氡ǜ

18.The radioactive dust will contribute to higher levels of uranium and radon.放射性尘埃会形成铀和氡的高值。


Rn[英][,ɑ:r "en][美]["ɑr "?n]氡

1.To DetectRn in Underground Building with Active Carbon Method;活性炭法测定地下建筑中的氡


3)prevention from radon hazards and reduction of radon concentration防氡降氡

4)Decreasing and discharging radon降氡排氡

5)radon gas氡气

1.Indoor air pollutions caused by house decoration mainly include formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia andradon gas.因装修引起的住宅室内空气污染主要包括甲醛污染、苯类污染、氨气污染和氡气污染。

6)radon method氡法

1.Application ofradon method to probe fire resource area in shallow depth seam;测氡法在探测浅埋煤层火源范围中的应用


