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思维 Thinking英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-11 15:18:00


思维 Thinking英语短句 例句大全



1.Clinical thinking defect in the diagnosis of medical acute abdomen;内科急症腹痛诊断的临床思维误区

2.Medical Students Self-education of DivergentThinking;医学生发散性思维的自我培养

3.Thinking activities in the process of the design of styloidectome;设计茎突截除器的思维活动


1.Thought is the thought of thought.思维乃是有关思维的思维[23]。

2.thinking is also reflection and contemplation.思维也是思考和沉思。

3.From “What Is Thinking” to “How to Think”--A Reflection on the Classification and Definition of Thinking;从“思维是什么”到“如何思维”——关于思维分类和思维定义的再思考

4.Creative thinking-dialectual unification of both logical and illogical thinking创新思维是逻辑思维与非逻辑思维的辩证统一

5.Study of Dialectical Unity between Logical Thinking and Non-logical Thinking;创新思维中非逻辑思维和逻辑思维的辩证统一

6.On Systematic Thoughts(3):Combining Whole Thinking withAnalysis Thinking;论系统思维(三):整体思维与分析思维相结合

7.Converse Thinking and Intuitive Thinking -- On the Thinking of Tao Te Ching;逆反思维与直觉思维——《道德经》思维方式探微

8.Thinking and Translation--From the Viewpoint of Conceptual Thinking and Figurative Thinking思维认知与翻译——以概念思维与形象思维为视角

9.peripheral theory of thinking边缘思维论 边缘思考论

10.thinking type of personality思维型人格 思考型人格

11.Thought and Reflective Thought;思维与反思性思维——杜威反思性教学理论浅析

12.Material Thinking,Information Thinking and the Critical Thought of Marx物质思维、信息思维与马克思的社会批判思想

13.basic cells of thinking思维的基本单位思维的基本单位

14.Imaginary Thinking and Logical Thinking in Art Design艺术设计中的形象思维与逻辑思维

15.Legal Thinking: A self-criticism of thinking mode法律思维:一种思维方式上的检讨

16.From Thinking Mode of View Thing to Thinking Mode of View Human;从“观物的思维方式”到“观人的思维方式”

17.Attraction of Scientific Thought--Reading The General Knowledge of Scientific Thought;科学思维的魅力——读《科学思维常识》

18.Influence of China s Traditional Thinking upon Creative Thinking;中国传统思维方式对创新思维的影响



1.Chinese Teaching Should Pay Great Attention to The Thought Innovation Raise;语文教学要注重创新思维的培养


1.This paper deals with the new features in complex science and its effect on the basic theories andthoughts of traditional Chinese medicine.从复杂科学视角分析了中医理论、中医思维方法 ,研究了复杂科学呈现出的新特征对中医基础理论及思维方法的一些启示 ,揭示了中医学的整体性、系统性和思维的动态性在宏观上是符合复杂系统科学研究要求的 ,探讨了中医理论研究的一些新途

2.The essence of design is the creativethoughts and activities,and the innovational design is more important for the design of modem mechanism.设计的本质就是创造性的思维与活动,创新设计对现代机构设计尤为重要。

3.This Essay discusses the developing, deepening and opening ofthoughts from middle school maths teaching to university maths teaching,making a suggestion that a transition maths teaching approach should be adopted in universities.本文讨论了从中学数学到大学数学的思维的发展、深化和开拓,提出了在大学数学教学中应采取适当的过渡教学方法,加强数学概念的学习,注重问题的分析过程,采用恰当的多媒体教学,辅助一定的数学软件教学,弱化具体计算步骤,从而提高学生的学习数学的兴趣和提高教学质量。


1.The Choice of Life-style ——Method of Thinking and Practising in the Course of Real Activitives of People;生存方式的选择——人在实际社会活动过程中的思维方法与实践方法

2.Creativethinking as a certain kind ofthinking activity blazing new trails,has a lot of inducement factors and is very complicated.创造性思维作为一种具有创新意义的思维活动 ,其诱发因素是众多而又复杂的。

3.By giving practical examples, this paper explores -the students ability tothink in mathematics teaching from the aspects of the use of combination between numerical measure and figure and replacement method.结合实例,从数形结合、换元法的利用、一题多解等方面探讨对学生思维能力的培


1.The simple analysis on the function and cultivation ofideation in the process of talent growth;浅谈思维力在成才中的作用与培养

2.It becomes a necessary step to study the abstract expression of materials when materials act as carriers to express designideas.设计者对材料属性的正确把握和深入理解、以及设计者具备的抽象思维才能,是材料抽象表达设计获取成功的基础和前提。


1.One method is to changeWits files to PDF files by PDF switch of the FIT software; the other is to switch Fit files to PDF files by pdfFactory.发展了2种将方正小样文件转换成PDF格式文件的技术:一种方法是用飞腾软件中的PDF输出软插件将方正维思小样文件转换成PDF文件;另一种方法是用pdfFactory虚拟打印机将方正飞腾小样文件转换成PDF文件。


