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物理思维 physical thinking英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-08-20 13:25:34


物理思维 physical thinking英语短句 例句大全

物理思维,physical thinking

1)physical thinking物理思维

1.The role of IYPT(International Young Physicists" Tournament) for improving thephysical thinking of young students国际青年物理学家锦标赛对提升学生物理思维的重要作用

2.This practical study, aiming at cultivating high school studentsphysical thinking ability, may provide operable teaching model to cultivate students and improve the.对高中学生进行物理思维能力培养的实践研究,可以为物理教学实践提供可操作的模式,达到培养学生思维能力的目的,并且可以提高教学效率。

bining characteristics and classification ofphysical thinking with content of classroom teaching students,we have designed teaching plan of partial chapters and lessons of the second and third grades of Junior High School,We c结合物理思维的特征、分类和学生课堂教学的内容,设计了初二、初三部分章节的教案。


1.Fostering Students Physical Thinking and Improving Their Quality in Study;培养开拓物理思维 提高学生学习素质

2.The thinking methods of linear and non-linear in physics;物理学中的线性思维和非线性思维方法

3.On Training Ability of Thinking in Teaching of Atomic Physics谈谈原子物理教学中思维能力的培养

4.On Training of Creative Thought in College Physics Education;大学物理教学中培养创造性思维研究

5.In the Physics Exercises Teaching of the Senior High School the Development of the Thinking Ability;高中物理习题教学中思维能力的培养

6.Cultivation of Intuition Thinking in Physics Education in Middle School;中学物理教育中直觉思维能力的培养

7.The Students Thinking Capability Fostering in Senior Middle School Physics Teaching;高中物理教学中学生思维能力的培养

8.Focus on Developing the Physics-model Thinking Ability For Middle School Students;重视培养中学生的物理模型思维能力

9.Experimental Physics Teaching and Creative Thinking Ability;物理实验教学与创造思维能力的培养

10.Strengthening the Cultivation of Image Thinking to Enhance the Efficiency of Physics Teaching;加强形象思维培育 提高物理教学效率

11.Natural Thinking and Poetic Illusion in Zhuangzi s Idealizing Ontology of Being;自然思维与庄子物性理想的诗性镜像

12.Developing students creative thinking in physical teaching;在物理教学中开发学生的创造性思维

13.The Development of Convergence and Divergence Thinking Mode in Physics Teaching;物理教学中会聚—发散思维模式的培养

14.Cultivation of Thinking vividly in Physics Teaching;略论物理教学中形象思维能力的培养

15.The Features and Manifestations of the Creative Thought in Physics Learning;物理学习中创新思维的特点及其表现

16.The Function of College Physics Exercises to Foster Thinking Quality;大学物理习题对思维品质的培养功能

17.More attention to the analysis of physical process improving the ability to think ways of solving problems;重视物理过程的分析 提高思维能力

18.The Cultivation of Innovative Thought to Students in the Physics Teaching of High Schools;中学物理教学中学生创新思维的培养


physical thought物理思维

1.It talks generally about process ofphysical thought from Young experiments.从 Young 广义双缝实验可看到物理思维的经典到量子的飞跃,对物理思维的演变建立了图象,能够更好地运用物理思维,完善物理思维。

3)physics thinking物理思维

1.By examining students elements of thinking N knowledge, individual difference, skills and ability, this article analyses the cause of students thinking barriers in their learning process of physics, and expounds the importance of arranging their thinking barriers and training their healthyphysics thinking.从学生思维因素、学生个人因素、学生知识因素,以及学生技能和能力因素对初中学生物理过程中产生思维障碍的原因进行了分析,阐明了排除学生思维障碍,培养健康的物理思维的重要性。

2.Physics thinking belongs to the general thinking, so we should study the general thinking before we study thephysics thinking.思维是人脑对客观事物间接的、概括的和能动的反映,物理思维是从属于一般思维的一种特殊思维,是物理智力活动的核心,必须结合一般思维与物理学的特点,才能发现物理思维的本质和规律,进而揭示出在建构主义理论指导下的物理思维培养策略。

4)capability of physics thinking物理思维能力

5)thinking methods of physics物理学思维方法

6)physical thinking disorder物理思维障碍

1.Plentiful fruit in theory has been seen in many different republications, and some researchers published works in this field, explaining thephysical thinking disorder thoroughly in every aspect.尤其是对思维障碍,相关研究在心理学领域和教育领域都有开展,且理论成果丰硕,不断见诸于各级各类的期刊、杂志,也有的出版了个人专著,从方方面面具体阐述了物理思维障碍。


物理学危机(见物理学革命)物理学危机(见物理学革命)crisis in physics谜幂咪革命奋一(c ris始inphysics)见漪理学
