100字范文 > 判据 criterion英语短句 例句大全

判据 criterion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-22 21:59:28


判据 criterion英语短句 例句大全



1.Acriterion for the relative acidic strength of inorganic oxyacid and its application;无机含氧酸的相对酸强度判据及其应用

2.Criterion for Quantities of Surfactants Used in the Emulsifications;分散体系形成中表面活性剂使用量的判据

3.Applicabilitycriterion of adsorption-distillation method for the system with approximate boiling points;沸点相近体系中吸附蒸馏分离方法可适用性判据


1.Mikhailov stability criterion米哈伊洛夫稳定判据

2.Routh-Hurwitz criterion劳斯-赫尔维茨判据

3.Liapunov"s stability criterion李雅普诺夫稳定性判据

4.hurwitz"s criterion赫尔维兹稳定性判据

5.Criterion of Chaos-Study of Melnikov Algorithm;混沌判据—Melnikov算法的研究

6.The Criterion of Way and Direction in Process of Chami-cal Reaction化学反应过程方式的判据及反应方向的判据

7.Equivalence Demonstration of Routh Criterion and Hurwitz Criterion for System Stability系统稳定性的劳斯判据与赫尔维茨判据的等价性论证

8.HAGC System Fault Multi Criteria Diagnosis Research Based on Data Fusion;基于数据融合的HAGC系统故障多判据诊断研究

9.The discussion about the equilibrium stability condition by internal energy criterion;根据内能判据对平衡稳定性条件的讨论

10.Achievement Of Dimensionality Reduction In Data Mining Of ICA Based On Negentropy基于负熵判据的ICA对数据挖掘降维的实现

11.A Comparison between Administration and the Basis of Adjuded Force of Civil Decision;行政判决与民事判决既判力根据之比较

12.size or measure according to a scale.根据刻度测量或判断。

13.As far as I can judge, they is all toblame.据我判断, 他们都有责任。

14.I go by what I hear.我依据听到的作判断。

15.As far as I can judge, they are all toblame.据我判断, 他们都有责任.

16.Foreign Tribunals Evidence Act外地裁判庭证据法例

17.You should form a judgement upon facts.你应根据事实作出判断。

18.condemned on the slimmest of evidence根据微不足道的证据被判罪.



1.Analyses on Shock-Wave IgnitionCriteria of Energetic Materials;含能材料冲击波引发判据的分析

2.Influence of Choosing DifferentCriteria to the Accuracy of Multi-angle Least Squares Image Matching;不同判据的选择对多角度最小二乘匹配精度的影响

3.Study on theCriteria for the Rheological Fracture and Spontaneous Caving of Jointed Rock Mass under Inducement Conditions诱导条件下节理岩体流变断裂自然崩落判据研究

3)data criterion数据判据

4)energy criterion能量判据

1.The state equation andenergy criterion of roadway bump wer.基于弹性理论,分析了均匀围压下圆形巷道松动区、弹性区及原岩应力区的能量积聚、释放及转移情况,探讨了巷道冲击的内在机制和远场震源的扰动影响,提出了巷道冲击的状态方程和能量判据。

2.Based on the limitations of the present criterions for activity of flotation reagents, a new one calledenergy criterion (Δ E ) is put forward, and the relationships ofenergy criterion to electronegativity of group, to constant of solubility product, to critical pH value of ore floation, and to contact angle are also investigated.提出了浮选药剂性能计算的新方法———能量判据计算,得出能量判据ΔE 是药剂及矿物的前线电子密度、前线轨道能量、净电荷等量化参量的函数,由静电作用项ΔE1、正配键共价作用项ΔE2 和反馈键共价作用项ΔE3 构成。

3.Based on the one-dimensionalenergy criterion of explosives shock initiation,considering the shock propagation of projectile impacting covered explosives,the relation formula of threshold velocity is obtained as Vw≈0.根据裸炸药的一维短脉冲冲击起爆能量判据,结合射弹撞击带盖板炸药的冲击波传播规律,获得了同尺寸钨射弹与钢射弹引爆带等厚度盖板装药的阈值速度关系式为Vw≈0。

5)collapse criterion塌陷判据

6)failure criterion破坏判据

1.Research on entropy catastrophic regularity andfailure criterion in the deformation and failure process of rocks;岩石变形破坏的熵突变过程与破坏判据

2.Study on slopefailure criterion based on strength reduction and gravity increase method;基于强度折减和重度增加的边坡破坏判据研究

3.Study on plane instability model andfailure criterion of horizontal-strata landslide近水平地层滑坡平面失稳模型与破坏判据研究


