100字范文 > 劳斯判据 Routh Criterion英语短句 例句大全

劳斯判据 Routh Criterion英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-06 17:18:53


劳斯判据 Routh Criterion英语短句 例句大全

劳斯判据,Routh Criterion

1)Routh Criterion劳斯判据

1.The relation between the Routh criterion, the stability criterion in control theory, and Hurwitz polynomial is expatiated using the Positive Real Function (PRF) in network theory.分析了霍尔维茨(Hurwitz)多项式的连分式性质,应用网络理论中的正实函数PRF(Positive RealFunction)性质,对自动控制理论中的稳定性判据-劳斯判据与霍尔维茨多项式间的关系进行了阐述。

2.The stability domain of Euler operator is proved, and a kind of new Routh criterion based on Euler operator is proposed.介绍δ算子、Δ变换及复数域的欧拉算子ε,证明了欧拉算子的稳定域 ,提出了一种新的基于欧拉算子的劳斯判

3.This article has obtained the stable condition of the system according to the Routh criterion and provided a theoretical basis for the choice of CNC system and the adjustment of position gain.在对数控机床进给伺服系统进行动态分析的基础上,根据劳斯判据得出了系统稳定的条件,为数控系统的选择和位置增益的调整提供了理论基础。


1.Equivalence Demonstration of Routh Criterion and Hurwitz Criterion for System Stability系统稳定性的劳斯判据与赫尔维茨判据的等价性论证

2.Routh-Hurwitz criterion劳斯-赫尔维茨判据

3.Ideological Analysis Based on Political Philosophy:From the Perspective of Leo Strauss’s Modern Critical Theory政治哲学视域中的意识形态分析——以施特劳斯的现代性批判为理论依据

4.On Lawrence’s Criticism of the Modern British Society;论劳伦斯对现代英国社会的道德批判

5.shafranov kruskal criterion沙弗拉诺夫 克鲁斯卡尔判据

6.Pondering Over the Point of Zoology From The Novel Fragrance of Chysancemum--Criticism for The Industrialism From Lawrence;《菊香》中的生态反思——劳伦斯对工业化的批判

7.A Study of Laurence s Criticism on Authoritarian Personality from the Death of Gerald;从杰拉尔德之死看劳伦斯对权威人格的批判

8.The improvement of Lauce stability criterion in processing special cases;对劳思稳定判据的特殊情况处理的改进

9.An Improving about Loss Stability Criterion Dealing Some Special Instances;关于劳思稳定判据对特殊情况处理的改进

anic Combination of Social Criticism and Psychological Exploration--Discussion on the Writing Style of Lawrence s Novels;社会批判与心理探索的有机结合——谈劳伦斯小说中的写作特色

11.Lawrence"s Criticism and Idealism in Lady Chatterrley"s Lover-Criticism of Industrial Society & Idealism Reflected in a Harmonious Society从《查特莱夫人的情人》看劳伦斯的批判意识和理想主义

12.Leo Strauss" Critics on Weber"s Methodology on the Separate Fact and Value列奥·施特劳斯对韦伯事实与价值分野方法论的批判

13."To penal servitude?"“判了强迫劳役吗?”

14.Marx regard distribution according to work as bourgeois right.哥达纲领批判》把按劳分配规定为“资产阶级权利”,这被认为是一个“斯芬克斯之谜”。

15.The duahity of productive labor and bourgeois right《哥达纲领批判》中的“斯芬克斯之谜”——试析生产劳动二重性与“资产阶级权利”

16.Traianos Dellas has reportedly held talks and undergone a medical with Bolton Wanderers Football Club.据称德拉斯已经和博尔顿队进行了谈判,而且进行了体检.

17.Without the evidence Lonsdale and his associates could have got off either scot-free or with a minor sentence.如果没有这种证据,朗斯代尔和他的同伙就会无罪开释,或判刑极轻。

18.At any rate, Osiris, being restored to life, became the judge of the under-world.据说,奥西里斯遭谋害后,生命得以复活,成了冥世的判官。


Louts criterion劳斯判据

1.Louts criterion for Hopf bifurcation and its application to electric power systems;Hopf分岔的劳斯判据及其在电力系统中的应用

2.TheLouts criterion was used to get the scope of the control parameter in which the system can keep steady-going.利用动力学和电磁学方法建立了磁悬浮系统的模型,利用劳斯判据得到了系统稳定的控制参数的范围。

3)Routh-Hurwitz Criterion劳斯-赫尔维茨判据

1.In this paper,a new method for dealing with the motion stability of mechanical system is studied deeply based onRouth-Hurwitz Criterion,(finally),the given example shows that this method is simple and practical.本文利用劳斯-赫尔维茨判据(Routh-Hurw itz C riterion)对上述系统的运动稳定性问题进行了研究探讨。

2.In this paper,a new method used to deal with the motion ability is studied deeply based onRouth-Hurwitz Criterion.本文利用劳斯-赫尔维茨判据(Routh-Hurw itz C riterion)对机械系统中离心转速调节器的运动稳定性进行了分析,这种分析方法的优点就在于:建立系统运动微分方程的特征方程后,不必求解特征方程的根,只需知道根的符号就可判断系统的零解稳定性。

3.A new method used to deal with the motion ability is studied in depth based onRouth-Hurwitz Criterion.利用劳斯-赫尔维茨判据(Routh-HurwitzCriterion)对机械系统中离心转速调节器的运动稳定性进行了分析,这种分析方法的优点就在于:建立系统运动微分方程的特征方程后,不必求解特征方程的根,只需知道根的符号就可判断系统的零解稳定性。

4)Routh and Hurwitz"s stability criterion劳斯-胡尔维茨稳定判据

5)Routh-Hurwitz criterion劳斯–赫尔维茨判据

6)lawson criterion劳孙判据


