100字范文 > 规范化 standardization英语短句 例句大全

规范化 standardization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-26 13:35:44


规范化 standardization英语短句 例句大全



1.Standardization Technology Evaluation to Fuyi CAB and ET-CAD System;对富怡CAD和ET-CAD系统的规范化技术评估

2.Onstandardization for experimental training of chemical education in teachers colleges;《师专化学教育专业实验教学规范化研究》课题小议

3.Standardization of the Medical Equipment Public Bidding;医疗设备招标的规范化进程


1.Some More Discussions about the Standardization of the Chinese Language--Reading On the Standardization of the Chinese language;也谈语文规范——读《语文规范化简论》

2.To Establish Rules for Standardizing So-called "Other Specified Documents";“其他规范性文件”的规范化问题及其规制

3.scaling (for analogue-to-digital converter)(数/模转换的)规范化

4.postcontrol information searching language后规范化情报检索语言

5.On Regularization in the Making and Actualization of Military Regular Documents论军事规范性文件制定与实施的规范化

6.The Pragmatic Principles in Contemporary Chinese Normalization: A Study on Color Lexeme Normalization;从色彩词的规范谈规范化工作中的语用原则

7.Result The standardized cultivation of Desmodium styracifolium (Osb.) Merr. was setup.结果确定广金钱草的规范化种植规程。

8.The Standardization Research for Inviting a Tender and Submitting a Tender of the Planning and Designing in Architecture and Engineering;建筑工程规划设计招投标规范化研究

9.The Reform and Investigation of Teaching Management of the Normalization and Standardization of Chinese Character in Teachers College;师范院校汉字规范化标准化教学管理改革探索

10.Cochlea implantation require standardization and regularization人工耳蜗工作需要标准化和规范化

11.II) Systematization and standardization for the whole course of service.第二:服务全过程的制度化、规范化。

12.Optimizement Planting Research of Polygonatum Sibiricum Red. in Field;黄精的田间规范化栽培技术优化研究

13.A research on the standardized management of the Contracts for the military socialized support;军队社会化保障合同规范化管理探析

14.Analysis of normalization and scientification of teaching management at colleges and universities;高等学校教学管理规范化、科学化探析

15.On the Standardization and Humanization of University Administration;关于高校管理规范化与艺术化的思考

16.Establishment Management System of Modern Universities and Administration by Law;试论高等学校管理的法制化及规范化

17.International Bulk Chemical Code国际散装化学品规范

18.Code for design of tray for petrochemical industry石油化工塔盘设计规范



1.On Scientific Terminology Normalization as Viewed form Quality Management in Regional Geochemical Analysis;从区域化探样品分析质量管理谈科技术语规范化

2.Exploration on thinking approach and methodology of syndromenormalization of TCM on epilepsy;癫痫中医证候规范化研究的思路和方法探析

3.Surgical Normalization for Hypertension Thalamic Hemorrhage;高血压丘脑出血的规范化外科治疗研究


1.Standardized Reform for Management Structure of Companies in China;论我国公司治理结构的规范化改革

2.Some naming methods of wines were introduced in order tostandardize and statutize the naming of wine and make the wines industry further development.通过介绍葡萄酒的几种命名方法,以求达到使葡萄酒的命名能够规范化、法律化,使葡萄酒业进一步快速健康地发

3.Objective The paper discussed the extant problems and future study thinking on the analysis basis of content and present situation of symptomstandardized research in Chinese medicine.在系统分析中医症状规范化研究内容与现状的基础上,提出了存在的问题及今后的研究思路。


1.Analysis ofStandardized Database Model;数据库关系模式规范化分析

2.On Police Station sStandardized Construction;关于派出所规范化建设的思考

3.Study on establishment of standardized measuring method for blood lead;血铅检测实验条件规范化的探索


1.The Standardization of the Management of EMR in our Hospital;医院如何做好电子病案的规范化管理

2.Discussion on the Regular Standard and Modernize Construction in Flood Control Work;浅议防汛工作的正规化规范化现代化建设

3.Establishement of Standard Inpatient Medication History in Our Hospital;我院住院患者规范化药历的建立

6)standardization and non-standardization规范化与反规范

1.Basde on the system structure, the article propses several aspects of function adjustment of optimal strategy for database optimal flexible Architecture, database system global area,standardization and non-standardization, database fragment, rollback segment, index and SQL statement.文章从ORACLE的系统结构着手,对数据库优化自由结构OFA、数据库系统全局区SGA、规范化与反规范、数据库碎片、回滚段、索引、SQL语句等几方面性能需求给出了优化策略。


