100字范文 > 规范化监管 standardized monitoring英语短句 例句大全

规范化监管 standardized monitoring英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-07 09:57:56


规范化监管 standardized monitoring英语短句 例句大全

规范化监管,standardized monitoring

1)standardized monitoring规范化监管

2)the standardization of prison management监区管理规范化

3)standardizing supervision规范监管


1.Suggestions on Policies Concerning Standardizing the Supervision of China s Non-governmental Finance Development;规范监管我国民间金融发展的政策建议

2.Suggestion on Standardizing Supervision of the Development of Nongovernmental Finance in China;规范监管我国民间金融行为的政策建议

3.Strengthen on Market Supervision Regulate Supervision Market;加大市场监管力度 规范监理市场秩序

4.At the same time, we need to strengthen regulation and oversight of intermediary agencies.同时,加强对中介机构的规范和监管。

5.for the purpose of regulating the publication distributing activities as well as the supervision and administration thereof,为规范出版物发行活动及其监督管理

6.The Standardized Worksite Management and Controlling in Construction Supervision;建设工程监理的现场规范管理与控制

7.The Research on the Supervision and Standardization of Private-Raised Fund;我国私募基金的规范与监管问题研究

8.Strengthening the Quality Supervision of the Grain and Oil Market and Regulating the Grain and Oil Market;加强粮油市场质量监管 规范粮油市场

pleting the Management and Supervision System and Normalizing the Order of the Construction Market;完善管理监督体系 规范建筑市场秩序

10.Upholding the principles of law, regulation, self-discipline and standards, the securities industry has developed through progressive standardization.坚持“法制、监管、自律、规范”的方针,证券业在逐步规范中发展。

11.Stock market developed steadily in the course of procedure standardization and enhanced supervision.证券市场在逐步规范和加强监管中稳步发展。

12.The composition is becoming small to speculate, being supervised and being strengthened regularly;投机成分正在变小,监管规范性正在加强;

13.Government Regulation and Standardized Operation of Medical E-commerce;我国医药电子商务政府监管与规范化运行

14.Study on Present Criterion and Superintendence of Private Funds in Our Country;论当前我国私募基金的规范与监管问题

15.Regulate banks behavior;ennance FX market supervision;规范银行挂牌汇价行为 提升外汇市场监管效率

16.Improvement of Supervisory Approaches in Construction Market and Standardization of Operational Conditions in Construction Industry;完善建筑市场监管手段 规范建设行业运作环境

17.Discussion on the Control over Administrative Discretion by Drug Regulatory Body;论药品监管中行政自由裁量权的规范和控制

18.Standardize Management of General Supervisor Engineer in Item s Implementatioin Phase;总监理工程师在项目实施阶段的规范化管理


the standardization of prison management监区管理规范化

3)standardizing supervision规范监管

4)Supervising Standard监管规范

5)standardization and supervision规范与监管

1.There is a higher proportion of related restructuring to the assets restructuring of listed companies in China,so thestandardization and supervision of related restructuring will directly influence the operating efficiency of capital market.我国上市公司资产重组中关联重组占相当比例,故关联重组的规范与监管将直接影响到资本市场的运作效率。

6)supervision standardization监理规范化


