100字范文 > 生产率 productivity英语短句 例句大全

生产率 productivity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-04 17:05:23


生产率 productivity英语短句 例句大全



1.Design and application of model to improveproductivity based on human factors;基于人因工程的提高生产率模型的设计与应用

2.Revision of theproductivity and consuming rate of fuel of asphalt batch mixer under tableland circumstance;间歇强制式沥青砼搅拌设备高原生产率及燃油消耗率的修正

3.Research on running performance andproductivity of loading machines under tableland circumstances;高原环境下装载机运行性能及生产率的研究


1.3. Labour productivity;(三)劳动生产率;

2.The Measurement of Productivity of Labour and the Compare of these Productivity of Labour;生产率的测度以及各种生产率的比较

3.installation productivity option (IPO)计算中心生产率选件

4.sing shallow early rice productivity提高浅栽早稻生产率

5.specific transformer output变压匹位容量的生产率

6.producibility index log生产率指数测井曲线

7.labour productivity in tons per person-day工人实物劳动生产率

8.maturity of largest labour productivity劳动生产率最高成熟

9.average labour productivity in the world世界平均劳动生产率

10.marginal productivity theory of wages工资边际生产率理论

11.Bonus payment is link to productivity.奖金与生产率挂钩。

12.The productivity has been stepped up50per cent.生产率已经提高了50%。

13.Total Factor Productivity, Single Factor Productivity and Economic Growth;全要素生产率单要素生产率与经济增长

14.The new system has had a disastrous effect on productivity.新制度对生产率产生了灾难性的影响。

reproduction rate净再生产率,净(人口)繁殖率

16.They have the lowest productivity, the highest inflation and the largest public debt.生产率最低,通货膨胀率最高,公债最多。

17.Inflation is - cing production.通货膨胀率正在超过生产率。

18.The rate at which radiant energy is used by producers to form organic substances as food for consumers.生产率,生产速率生物生产者利用太阳能生产有机物质以为消费有机体提供食物的速率


Production rate生产率

1.Under the assumptions that demand rate is price-dependent,production rate is controlled by demand and order cancellation rate is constant,a production-sale model is established for deteriorating items with advance sales and spot sales over the finite planning time.在需求率与价格相关、生产率由市场实际需求调节、取消预订率为常数的条件下,建立了有限时间水平内易变质产品的预定销售和现场销售的生产-销售模型。

2.Based on Differential, the control model of production and storage was set up with the production rates of workstations as its control vectors and the overall production rate as its objective function.以此为基础 ,应用变分法建立生产与库存控制模型 ,以各工作站的生产率为控制向量 ,以整个串行生产线的生产率为目标函数 ,得出如下结论 :若使目标函数最大 ,生产线上瓶颈工作站的位置应尽量靠近生产线尾端 ;生产线上各工作站的生产率应呈依次下降的趋势 ;每个中间存储区理想的在制品库存量应尽量接近其初始库存

3.This paper deals with the new production-inventory model with the same limited time of free backorder for each clints,under the conditions of constant demand rate and finite production rate.在常数需求率以及有限生产率条件下研究了订货客户耐烦期相同的一类新的生产——库存模型 ,在每一个周期内考虑了延期交货时间超过耐烦期的短缺费用和销售机会损失等因素 ,给出了相应的最优生产时间和周期的确定方法 ,利用数学软件 Matlab及计算机为工具给出了数字例子进行说明 ,其方法和结果为库存系统的管理决策提供了理论依

3)production efficiency生产率

1.One problem of the traditional casting-rolling process is lowerproduction efficiency.常规连续铸轧工艺存在铸轧速度低、生产率不高的问题。

2.By way of testing analyse cylindrical roller bearing ring turning outside diameter allowance influence on grinding processing and product accuracy,so as to re ducing turning outside diameter allowance,good at adjusting grinding process,reducing rejection rating and raisingproduction efficiency.通过试验分析圆柱滚子轴承套圈车加工外径留量对磨加工及产品精度的影响,减少车工外径留量,有利于调整磨工工艺,降低废品率,提高生产率。

4)rate of production生产率

1.From the point of economists who analyzed the relationship between technique development and economic increase, this thesis discussed the function of technique reform performing in economic increase concretely from three aspects ,such as technique reform and product increase、rate of production and advantages of enterprises competition.本文从经济学家们分析技术进步与经济增长的关系开始,较为具体的从技术创新与产出增长、生产率、企业竞争优势三个方面论述了技术创新在经济增长中的作用。

2.In the paper,building up superior produce to plan the model,Main under the condition thatrate of production be free from limit orrate of production have an up boundary limit,build up the model respectively,carry on discussion s combine end give .主要在生产率不受限制和生产率有一个上界限制的情况下,分别建立模型,并进行讨论。

5)productivity manager生产率生产

6)output rate产量,生产率


