100字范文 > 生产率效应 productivity effect英语短句 例句大全

生产率效应 productivity effect英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-23 16:02:34


生产率效应 productivity effect英语短句 例句大全

生产率效应,productivity effect

1)productivity effect生产率效应

1.This paper summarizes these researches from methodology,empirical evidence and the suitability ofproductivity effect of outsourcing in China,and gives some brief comments.文章从研究方法、经验证据和外包的生产率效应在中国的适应性三个方面对这一领域的实证研究文献进行了系统梳理,并做简要评论。


1.Research on Productivity Effects of Financial Development under Open Economy in China;开放经济下中国金融发展的生产率效应研究

2.But they had the effect of increasing fertility.但它们却产生了促进生育率的效应。

3.Brand,Conversion Efficiency and Effective Production Efficiency;品牌、转化效率与有效率的生产效率

4.Some measures need to be taken to cut out the dead wood and streamline production应采取措施裁汰冗员,以提高生产效率

5.Some measures need to is take to cut out the dead wood and streamline production.应采取措施裁汰冗员,以提高生产效率。

6.Applying "Industrial Engineering " to Improve Work Efficiency;应用“工业工程”提高生产线工作效率

7.With atropine, ocular effects are accompanied by tachycardia.用阿托品则产生眼效应,并伴有心率加快。

8.Research on Modeling and Simulation for the Efficiency of Short-Life-Cycle Product Supply Chain;短生命周期产品供应链运作效率建模仿真研究

9.Improvement of Assembly Lines Productivity Applying Fundamental Industrial Engineering Theories;应用基础工业工程理论提高装配线的生产效率

10.Empirical Analysis of the Structural Effect of Production Rate Gap between Different Regions in China;中国地区生产率差距结构效应的实证分析

11.Reduction-Manufacturing Efficiency Research of Green Supply Chain Based on Two Games;基于博弈论的绿色供应链减量化生产效率比较

12.Study on Productivity-losing Claim Based on Learning-forgetting Effect;基于学习—遗忘效应的生产率降低损失索赔研究

13.Using Data Envelopment Analysis Approach to Estimate the Health Production Efficiencies in China;应用DEA方法评测中国各地区健康生产效率

14.Productivity Increase by Using Techniques of Industrial Engineering: a Case Study;应用工业工程的方法提高生产效率:案例研究

15.The Effects of the Active Fiscal Policy on Total Factor Productivity Growth;积极财政政策的全要素生产率增长效应

16.Total Factor Productivity Change and the Factor Allocation Effects in China"s Industrious Sector中国工业部门生产率变化与要素配置效应

17.Research on Effect of Variable Labor Productivity on Employment in Chinese Transition Period转型期我国劳动生产率变动的就业效应研究

18.Provincial Difference and Threshold Effect of FDI Productivity Spillover in China在华FDI生产率溢出的省际差异及其门槛效应


Productivity shock effects生产率冲击效应

3)Productivity Spillover Effect生产率溢出效应

4)Pure Productivity Effect纯生产率效应

5)production efficiency生产效率

1.Theproduction efficiency of Chinese ports: An empirical investigation;中国港口生产效率研究与实证

2.Measures of Increasing Production Efficiency of LB1000;提高 LB1000 型烘干拌和机生产效率的措施

3.Dynamicproduction efficiency analysis based on the DEA method of China marine fishery;基于DEA方法的中国海洋捕捞产业动态生产效率


1.Study on the Influence of Background Music onProductivity;背景音乐对生产效率影响研究

2.Productivity in Urban Area through 1998-:an Empirical Study Based on DEA;1998-城市生产效率:基于包络技术的实证研究

3.An International Comparison on China Commercial BankProductivity Based on Purchasing Power Parity;基于购买力平价的中国商业银行生产效率的国际比较


