100字范文 > 活动 activity英语短句 例句大全

活动 activity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-19 09:39:19


活动 activity英语短句 例句大全



1.Influence of earlyactivity intervention on the postoperative rehabilitation for the patients with lumber disc herniation;早期活动干预对腰椎间盘突出症术后康复的影响

2.The relationship of electronically monitored physicalactivity to blood pressure and heart rate in hypertensive patients;高血压患者中活动与血压和心率的相关性探讨

parative Study Between Activity-based and Traditional Transportation Prediction;基于活动的交通需求预测方法与传统方法之比较研究


1.The proceedings or events of a festival.活动节日的进程或活动.

2.stretch out and wiggle around,或舒展开来活动活动,

3.You stay well, and keep busy.多保重,多活动活动。

4.travelling contact动接触,活动触点

5.To set in motion;make active or more active.使活动,使活泼使活动起来;使活跃或更活跃

6.movaBle feasts活动节日(如复活节)

7.Easter egg hunt寻找复活节彩蛋活动

8.The statement is divided into operating activities, investing activities, and financing activities.报表被分为经营活动,投资活动和筹资活动。

9.I was an active participant of academic, sports, and recreational activities.我积极参加学术活动,体育活动和文娱活动。

10.Active (selected) link活动的 (选定的) 链

11.(scope for)free and easy movement自由活动(的范围)

12.(III) Plan for Cultural Activities(三)文化活动计划

13.twilight economy非正规经济(活动)

14.during [in] the runup to an election在竞选 (活动) 期间

15.the activity of causing to have energy and be active.使人有活力和活跃的活动。

16.Sound and movement make information come alive.声音和活动画面使信息变得活灵活现。

17.Not active or tending to be active.不活动的不活跃的或倾向于不活跃的

18.escalator and moving walkway自动扶梯及活动走道



1.Summarizing international R&D researches: motive,activities and organization;国际R&D的动机、活动与组织:一个研究评述

2.A research on developing social sportsactivities in colleges;对高校开展社会体育活动的研究

3.Views on Liao Descendants Activities According to Liao Graves in Guanshan Mountain;从阜新关山辽墓看辽代后族的历史活动


1.The widely applied three layer structure (user interface, business transaction and data services) has some flexibility in software structure and implementing process in distributed computing environments.本文在中间关键层——事务应用层中采用了基于角色的活动动态分配机制 。

2.Standard metabolism , routine metabolism andaction metabolism of Micropteus salmides (body weight in 20 25 g) were measured.测定了加州鲈(体重20~25 g)在水温18 ℃和28 ℃时的基础代谢、常规代谢及活动代谢⒚18 ℃无光随意活动下测得的标准代谢率为101。

3.This is because matter,whose ultimate attribute is objective substantiality,is objective,whereas practice is human being s activeaction.物质是实物,其根本属性是客观实在性,而实践是人的能动活动。


1.Opening up a new prospect of information construction in the movement of information networks management year;“信息网管理年活动”开创信息化建设新局面

2.Objective To evaluate the effect of rehabilitation nursing with movement getting out of bed in early period after operation on the patients undergone the total hip replacement (THR).目的探讨超早期下床活动的康复护理对全髋关节置换术患者术后康复的影响。


1.The use of attemptable teaching method——The subject of studying on history mutual moving scene exercise;“尝试教学法”的应用——学习主题下历史科“互动、情景、活动”教学的尝试

2.To prevent them selves from being hurt during the exercises and matches,sportsmen must limber up their joints and muscles, which leads to a better teaching process and improves the education quality or the results of the match.为了预防运动员在练习或比赛进程中的伤害 ,运动员在运动或比赛前必须充分活动开身体各部位的关节、肌肉韧带 ,从而较好地进入教学或比赛程序 ,更好地提高教学质量或比赛成

6)Reviral activity复活活动


