100字范文 > 儿童活动 Children activity英语短句 例句大全

儿童活动 Children activity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-18 23:41:24


儿童活动 Children activity英语短句 例句大全

儿童活动,Children activity

1)Children activity儿童活动


1.Study on Indoor Thermal Environment of Living Area in Nursery School;幼儿园儿童活动单元室内热环境研究

2.Research of City Children Activity Space--Taking Tianjin Children Activity Space for Example;城市儿童活动空间调查研究——以天津市儿童活动空间为例

3.Study on Children Activity Space Design in Sightseeing Agricultural Parks;观光农业园区儿童活动空间设计研究

4.instrumental use of children in criminal activities利用儿童从事犯罪活动

5.Parent Child Interaction and Children s Number Learning;父母-儿童共同活动中的互动与儿童的数学学习

6.This kind of fashionaBle toy for children is quite welcome to them Because of its activity and energy.这种新颖儿童玩具,动感好,活力强,很受儿童欢迎。

7.A Qualitative Study on Lifestyles of Unattended and Migrant Children留守儿童和流动儿童生活方式的质性研究

8.Actions about Children Sing and Melodize on Their Own Initiative;儿童自发歌唱创作活动的动因与特点

9.This activity applies to all children under 12.这项活动适用于十二岁以下的儿童。

10.Meeting on Instrumental Use of Children in Criminal Activities利用儿童从事犯罪活动问题会议

11.a vacant lot used by city boys to play games.儿童进行活动或游戏的一块空地。

12.There are also games and projects for children.这里还有为儿童准备的游戏和活动。

13.Children·Activities·Values--Analysis of John Dewey s Theories of Curricula;儿童·活动·价值——杜威课程理论解析

14.A Review of Song Qingling s Thought and Activities in Children Education;宋庆龄少年儿童教育思想与活动述论

15.Exploration of Youngster"s Organized Physical Activities组织化的青少年儿童体育活动的探析

16.Influence of Family Environment to Physical Activity of School Children家庭环境对学龄儿童身体活动的影响

17.Study on the features of behavior in preschool children with unintentional injuries意外伤害学龄前儿童的活动水平研究

18.On the Kindergarten Educational Activities Based on Philosophy for Children;基于儿童哲学的幼儿园教育活动实践探索


children"s right of activity儿童活动权

3)Children"s activity area儿童活动区

4)Children"s playground儿童活动场

5)children activity yard儿童活动场地

1.The design ofchildren activity yard of community garden;浅谈社区公园中的儿童活动场地设计

6)children"s activity centre儿童活动中心


儿童服装儿童服装〔children's wear〕简称童装,是适合儿童穿着的服装。包括婴儿服装、幼儿服装、小童服装、中童服装、大童服装等。还包括中小学的校园服装。
