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小儿 Children英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-28 06:32:03


小儿 Children英语短句 例句大全



1.Neuroelectrophysiologic Analysis of Guillian-Barre Syndrome inChildren;小儿吉兰-巴雷综合征神经电生理分析

2.Zhisou Powder for children cough:an observation of 40 cases;止嗽散加减治疗小儿外感咳嗽40例

3.Medial leg flap containing posterior tibial vessels for reconstructio n in children"s limb injuries by high-energy;游离小腿内侧皮瓣修复小儿肢体高能量损伤的特殊意义及相关问题探讨


1.The youngest is a born rider of the rails.小儿子是天生的流浪儿。

2.Yes, a pediatrician.是的,小儿科医师。

3.Temperature taking is intrusive and will upset the child.测量体温是对小儿烦扰,会使小儿不安。

4.sleep lightly or for a short period of time.闲散地睡一小会儿觉,打一小会儿盹儿。

5.If the "crime" were considered serious, he hit us heavily, but if it were a trivial mistake, he would hit lightly.错儿大重打,错儿小轻打。

6.Cathy, the younger daughter, is 5 years old.凯茜:小女儿,5岁

7.feed(a baby,etc)with a spoo用杓喂(小孩儿等).

8."No, my little Pearl!"“不行,我的小珠儿

9.What do you say, little Home?"对不对,小马儿?”

10.a small preschool for small children.小的孩子的小幼儿园。

11.I"m as full of notes as a bird now!俺这阵儿和鸟儿一样,满肚子的小曲儿。

12."Do not speak so loud, young man--don"t speak so loud.“小声点儿,小伙子,说话轻点儿!

13."Hush, dear! Pray, pray, be cautious!"“小声点儿,亲爱的,求你,求你,小心点儿

14.He"s rather timid, Tu Chu-chai is rather timid," said Wang Ho-fu.杜竹翁是胆小了一点儿,胆小了一点儿。

15.A very small piece or part;a tiny portion or speck.微粒非常小的块或部分;一小份儿或一小点儿

16.A small pot for use as a toilet by an infant or young child.幼儿用便盆供婴儿或小孩大小便用的小便盆

17.He was a very nice little fellow, wearing a little shirt, bare-legged, stamping his feet and crying like anything.他穿着小短褂儿,光着两条小腿儿,小腿儿乱蹬着,哇哇地哭。

18.A child who is not old enough to attend kindergarten.学龄前儿童因年龄小而未能上幼儿园的儿童



1.Observation of the Therapeutic Effect of 34Children with Repeated Respiratory Tract Infection treated;微卡治疗小儿反复呼吸道感染34例疗效观察

2.Nursing Experience of Applying 10% Chloral Hydrate inChildren MR Scanning;10%水合氯醛在小儿MR扫描应用中的护理体会

3.The report of 65 examples about using alleviates fever dispels for the spleen to treat the young child autumn diarrhoea;清热祛湿健脾法治疗小儿秋季腹泻65例


1.Infant Tuberous Sclerosis 13 Cases Clinical Analysis;小儿结节性硬化症13例临床观察

2.Progress on diagnosis and treatment and nursing care of infants with gastroesophageal reflux;小儿胃食管反流诊治及护理进展

3.A study on status quo of health education for acute upper respiratory infection infants and its strategies;小儿急性上呼吸道感染健康教育现状及对策研究


1.Cardiovascular response in pediatric patients during tracheal intubation with different rates of remifentanil infusion;小儿不同速率输注瑞芬太尼气管插管反应

parision of remifentanil or fentanil in pediatric patients undergoing palatorrhaphy;比较瑞芬太尼和芬太尼在小儿腭裂修复术麻醉中的应用

3.Anesthetic management for totally thoracoscopic surgery in pediatric congenital heart diseases treatment;小儿胸腔镜下心脏手术的麻醉管理


1.The Chinical Observation of Chiropractic Therapy on Exogenous Fever ofPediatrics;捏脊疗法治疗小儿外感发热临床观察

2.Objective To investigate the effect of Golden Bifidobacterium combined Smectite powder on recurrent abdominal pain (RAP) in pediatrics.目的探讨微生态调节剂双歧三联活菌片与双八面体蒙脱石散在治疗小儿再发性腹痛(RAP)中的疗效与作用。

3.Methods 126 pediatrics were randomly divided into two groups,with 0.75%罗哌卡因与2%利多卡因用于小儿手术麻醉中的麻醉效果。


1.Application of Modified Ultrafiltration Plus Suction Drainage in Infants with Extracorporeal Circulation改良超滤连负压吸引在小儿体外循环中的应用

2.Relativity studies on anorexia and sleep disorder ininfants小儿厌食和睡眠障碍相互影响的调查分析

3.Objective To evaluate the protective efect of liposomal prostaglandin E_1 on myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury ininfants undergoing CPB.目的:探讨前列地尔脂肪乳剂(Lipo prostaglandin E_1,Lipo-PGE,)在体外循环(CPB)中对小儿心肌缺血再灌注损伤的保护作用。


小儿【诗文】:小儿不识愁,起坐牵我衣。我欲嗔小儿,老妻劝儿痴。儿痴君更甚,不乐愁何为。还坐愧此言,洗盏当我前。大胜刘伶妇,区区为酒钱。【注释】:【出处】:苏轼诗集 卷七
