100字范文 > 软刻蚀 Soft lithography英语短句 例句大全

软刻蚀 Soft lithography英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-11 11:52:34


软刻蚀 Soft lithography英语短句 例句大全

软刻蚀,Soft lithography

1)Soft lithography软刻蚀

1.Reverse reposition imaging technique of AFM used to compare the topography of the master,stamp and the pattern in soft lithography;用于软刻蚀复型及转印前后形貌比较的反向重定位AFM成像方法

2.Soft lithography—A new microfabrication andmicrostructure copying method;软刻蚀——图形转移和微制造新工艺

3.A series of grating microstructure surfaces with different parameters have been designed and fabricated by soft lithography.设计并利用软刻蚀技术制备了一系列不同参数的光栅微结构表面,对水滴在这些非光滑表面上的接触角进行测量,测量结果表明材料表面几何结构直接影响接触角的大小,通过设计微结构的几何参数可以获得理想的超疏水材料。


1.Fabrication of 2D Photonic Crystal Templates by Holographic Lithography and Soft Lithography;基于全息光刻及软刻蚀技术制备二维光子晶体模板

2.etchings, woodcuts, lithographs;蚀刻、木刻、平版画;

3.gas discharge etching气体放电蚀刻[法]

4.laser engraving, laser etching激光雕刻,激光蚀刻

5.a block that has been etched or engraved.一块被蚀刻或雕刻的板。

6.To cut into the surface of(glass, for example) by the action of acid.蚀刻用酸蚀刻(玻璃的)表面

7.Experimental Research on the Characteristics of the CrMo Steel by Etch Solution;蚀刻液对CrMo钢蚀刻特性的实验研究

8.The corrosive action of acid upon an etcher"s metal plate.腐蚀蚀刻器的金属盘上的酸腐蚀

9.Etch a design on glass.在玻璃上蚀刻一幅图案

10.I like these etchings, Kathy.凯西,我喜欢这些蚀刻画。

11.UV metal-like etching printing inkUV仿金属蚀刻油墨

12.automatic gravure etching machine照相凹版自动蚀刻机

13.plasma sputter combined etching等离子溅射复合刻蚀

14.I know his etchings a little.我知道一点他的蚀刻画。

15.photoresist controlled etch光刻胶掩蔽控制腐蚀

16.bichromated albumen process重铬酸盐蛋白蚀刻法

17.Mary is very keen on etching.玛丽很喜爱蚀刻艺术。

18.someone who sells etchings and engravings etc..卖蚀刻画和版画等的人。


Thin layer soft lithography薄层软刻蚀

3)soft ground etching软基底蚀刻画

4)photoetching cellulose film (PCF)光刻蚀纤维素软片(PCF)

5)photoetching cellulose film光刻蚀纤维素软片


1.The quality study on excimer laser-induced electrochemicaletching of silicon;准分子激光电化学刻蚀硅的刻蚀质量研究

2.Chemicallyetching vapor-deposited diamond films by using hydrogen plasma under graphitization effect of iron;氢等离子体在铁催石墨化作用下对CVD金刚石膜的刻蚀

3.Etching of a diamond film by oxygen plasma;氧等离子体对金刚石膜的刻蚀研究


电化学刻蚀分子式:CAS号:性质:也称电解浸蚀。在一定的电解液中,采用电化学原理选择性地除去某种金属(或半导体)的过程。可外加电压(为电刷镀的逆过程)或不外加电压(化学刻蚀)。影响电化学蚀刻的因素有电场强度和频率、探测器厚度、蚀刻液浓度和径迹倾角等。化学刻蚀法使用较多,例如在印刷电路板的制作中,通过如下反应:Cu→Cu2++2e-(阳极) ;2Fe3++2e-→2Fe2+(阴极)。按预作保护的图样除去绝缘基板上的铜覆盖层。在微电子装置的制作中,对半导体(如硅)选择性地刻蚀是关键步骤。常用的刻蚀剂有CuCl2,FeCl3,H2CrO4,NH4Cl,H2O2-H2SO4等。
