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传者 transmitter英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-28 22:27:28


传者 transmitter英语短句 例句大全



1.Lack of communication betweentransmitter and audience, monotonous repletion of the content, ignorance in the literature criticism field, sluggish market and grim environment for the industry survival, all contribute to the severe restrictions on the Chinese SF literature development.本文以我国科幻文艺传播系统状况为研究对象,将科幻文艺置入一个动态的大环境里,结合传者、受众、传播内容、传播环境等相关因素进行考量。

2.Research on the Transmitter and Accepter of Distance Educational Communication;本文试图借鉴传播学研究的基本范式及其主要理论,在比较研究的基础上初步展开远程教育传播传受关系的基础性研究,并在分析远程教育传播传受关系研究的目的与意义基础上,从传者和受者两个方面对研究对象进行基本分析。


1.He is an apostle of temperance.他是一个禁烟的宣传者。

2.The Subjects Variation between the Disseminator and Acceptor in West Modern News Communication;西方现代新闻传播中传者与受者的主体变奏

3.Returning to and Surpassing the Pou Sto of the Diffuser of Confucian Diffisionist Ideology;儒家传播思想的传者本位回归与超越

4.Philip THE EVANGELIST, SAINT圣腓力(传福音者)

5.A person who writes memoirs.传记作者,回忆录作者

6.An account of the life and manner of death of a martyr.殉教者列传殉教者传记及死亡记录

7.The defender centered the ball.守卫者将球传至中央。

8.not able to conduct heat or electricity or sound.不能传导热、电或者声音。

9.Ben is rumored to belong to the third sex.谣传本恩是同性恋者。

10.The preacher exhorted the audience to good deeds.传道者力劝听众行善。

11.A Life Story: Ernest Hemingway迷惘者的一生:海明威传

12.The demonstrators distributed leaflets to passers-by.示威者向行人分发传单.

13.The lips of the wise disperse knowledge.智者之口传播知识。

14.The purported author of the story.这个故事传说中的作者

15.Person who may be infectious because he has recently been near to sb who has a contagious disease(因接触传染病人)可能受到传染者

16.not conforming to or in accord with tradition.不符合传统或者与传统不一致。

17.or she faxes me on my fax machine.或者她把传真发到我的传真机上。

18.Tradition is pass on by the elders of the tribe.部族的传统由长者承袭相传。



1.With the development of theory of communications,the relationship between thedeliverers,the recipients and the media has become the core in effective communi.随着传播学的不断发展,传者、受众和媒介三者的互动关系已成为传播效果问题的核心,要实现校报有效传播的内涵,校报编辑与读者都必须发挥主观能动性,报纸作为纽带和桥梁,要促进双方的互动交流,不断研究告知技巧,开拓告知渠道,改进告知效果。

2.With the development of communication theory,the relationship between thedeliverer,the recipient and the media has become the core i.随着传播学的发展,传者、受众和媒介三者的互动关系已成为传播效果问题的核心,要实现校报有效传播的内涵,校报编辑与读者都必须发挥主观能动性,报纸作为纽带和桥梁,也要促进双方的互动交流。



1.In order to use the theory and method of communication into the field of architecture and view the architecture as a completed process of communicating information,we can develop a way for the development of architectural design through the analysis of communicating factors of architectural communicating activity such asdisseminator、 communicating contents、 communicating media and receivor.把传播学的理论和方法运用到建筑学的领域中,把建筑设计看成是一个完整的传播过程,可以通过对建筑传播活动的传播要素——传播者、传播内容、传播媒介和受传者的分析为建筑设计的发展拓展一条思路,从而打破以往仅着眼于传统建筑学上的建筑功能或者形式上的好坏的传统。

2.The media literacy has become the essential software during the new countryside reconstruction,so we need urgently to enhance thedisseminator and the farmer audiences media literacy.媒介素养已成为新农村建设不可缺少的软件,因此急需提高传播者和农村受众的媒介素养。

3.This paper advances must be thedisseminator of advanced ideological morals and the practitioner of the science and education rejuvenation China, and the impeller of Chinese feature socialist advanced culture in new times.因此,文章提出新时期共产党员要身体力行做先进思想道德的传播者、科教兴国战略的实践者和有中国特色社会主义先进文化的推动者,充分发挥其表率的先锋作用。


1.In order to use the theory and method of communication into the field of architecture and view the architecture as a completed process of communicating information,we can develop a way for the development of architectural design through the analysis of communicating factors of architectural communicating activity such as disseminator、 communicating contents、 communicating media andreceivor.把传播学的理论和方法运用到建筑学的领域中,把建筑设计看成是一个完整的传播过程,可以通过对建筑传播活动的传播要素——传播者、传播内容、传播媒介和受传者的分析为建筑设计的发展拓展一条思路,从而打破以往仅着眼于传统建筑学上的建筑功能或者形式上的好坏的传统。


1.Morphological comparison of floral nectaries in Musaceae, with reference to itspollinators;芭蕉科花蜜腺形态比较:兼论其与传粉者的关系(英文)

2.Pollen viability,stigma receptivity andpollinators of Weigela florida;锦带花的花粉活力、柱头可授性及传粉者的观察

3.was evaluated by TTC (2,3,5-triphenyl tetrazolium chloride), the stigma receptivity was estimated by benzidine-H_2O_2, the flowering dynamics, pollenovule ratio, morphology of stigma and pollen, and thepollinators were investigated on the field in situ.在锦带花上记录到的访花者隶属于膜翅目、鳞翅目和双翅目,其中,熊蜂和蜜蜂是主要传粉者。


