100字范文 > 目标 target英语短句 例句大全

目标 target英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-31 07:37:32


目标 target英语短句 例句大全



1.The Discussion of Controlling the Shaft Constructing Engineering Target;论立井施工项目目标的控制

2.Concept,content andtarget of ore field′s sustainable development;矿区可持续发展的概念、内涵与目标

3.Set-up of Pollution Prevention Target During Enterprise Cleaner Production Audit;企业清洁生产审计中预防污染目标的设置


1.Target Point;Target Line;Target Area (circle);Target Area (rectangle)目标点;目标线;目标区(圆);目标区(矩形)

2.goal versus nongoal equilibrium目标均衡和非目标均衡

3.Immediate objective即期目标、短期目标

4.long-and short-term objectives长期目标与短期目标

5.current directory当前目标,现行目标

6.COBOL object programCOBOL目标程序

7.object configuration目标程序结构;目标程序配置;目标配置;目标组成

8.The ultimate purpose for which something is created or intended.目的,目标产生或干某事的最终目标

9.User goals are not the only type of goals that designers need to take into account. Customer goals, business goals, and technical goals are all nonuser goals.用户目标并非设计者要考虑的唯一类型的目标,顾客目标、业务目标和技术目标不是用户目标。

10.attain one"s goal, objective, ambition, etc实现目的、目标、 抱负等

11.indicating destination, aim or reason表示目的地、目标或原因

12.visual acquisition目视搜索和跟踪目标

13.carry (out) purpose实现目标,达到目的

14.To have a goal or purpose in mind."决定目的,制定目标"

15.with no specific aim没有明确目的[目标]地

16.a double meaning, purpose, aim, etc双重意义、 目的、目标等

17.my laser target designator陆军激光目标指标器

18.C. Objectives / Learning OutcomesC.目标/学习成果



1.Thegoal and measures to the sustainable development of Chinese herb-medicin industry;中草药产业持续发展的目标要求与基本对策

2.Standardizing management and rammed base to realize the overallgoal of safety production;规范管理 夯实基础 全面完成安全生产目标

3.Physical Education and health, human being s permanentgoal;促进人类健康是体育永恒的目标


1.Thoughts on the Objective of Drug Administration in China;对我国药品管理目标的思考

2.Objective and proceeding principle of the cleft lip and palate treatment at different stages;唇腭裂分阶段治疗的目标与实施原则

3.The application of motivation theory in achieving theobjectives of nursing management;合理运用激励理论 实现护理管理目标


1.Great Achievements and Aim-Review Sci-Tech Workof Shanghai Light Industry Bureau in 1994 and Look Forward to the Future;硕果与目标——1994年上海市轻工业局科技工作巡礼

2.Establish the Gymnastics Teaching Mode of "aim-main body-development";构建体操“目标—主体—发展”教学模式

3.Lofty realm of thought-theaim of education of maintaining the progressiveness of Party members;崇高的思想境界——高校共产党员先进性教育的目标


1.Control building progress to realize contractobject;抓好施工进度 实现合同目标

2.Metrological Management Object and System Realization for Institutes;对研究所计量管理目标和系统的认识

3.The developmentobject and countermeasures of modern logistics in Taian;泰安市现代物流业发展目标与对策


1.Hydraulic Fracturing Evaluation Methods and Analysis of Objectives压裂效果评价方法及目标性分析

2.On the position of sporting skills objective in physical education and wellness curriculum standards′ fiveobjectives;论运动技能目标在《体育与健康》课程标准五大目标中的地位

3.On teachingobjectives and characteristics of physical education curriculum based on talents training model in vocational-technical education;论“双师型”职教人才培养模式的体育课程教学目标与特色


