100字范文 > 集中式饮用水源地 central drinking-water source area英语短句 例句大全

集中式饮用水源地 central drinking-water source area英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-03 22:38:06


集中式饮用水源地 central drinking-water source area英语短句 例句大全

集中式饮用水源地,central drinking-water source area

1)central drinking-water source area集中式饮用水源地

1.A fuzzy comprehensive evaluation mathematical model has been established to make a water pollution risk evaluation for the water quality of the Nao Dehaicentral drinking-water source area of Fuxin,which is the Upper Liu River area,one of the Liao River branches,from 2001 to .建立了模糊综合评价数学模型,针对阜新市闹德海集中式饮用水源地辽河支流柳河段上游2001年~水质状况进行水污染风险评价。


1.Investigation of Water Quality in Xuzhou Centralized Drinking Water Source徐州市集中式饮用水源地水质监测调查分析

2.A Method for Security Assessment of Centralized Surface Source Water Area;集中式地表饮用水水源地安全评价方法研究

3.Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Source for Drinking Water of Centralized Living集中式生活饮用水源地中挥发性有机物测定

4.The Status and Protection Countermeasure of Township Centralized Drinking Water Quality in Qianjiang District黔江区乡镇集中式饮用水源水质现状及保护对策

5.Evaluation system of water quality for source rainwater in villeages and towns of Northwestern China西北村镇集雨饮用水源地水质评价体系研究

6.Groundwater quality assessment of urban drinking water sources in China中国城市地下水饮用水源地水质状况评价

7.Analysis on the pollution sources of drinking water source of medium and small towns in China我国中小城镇饮用水水源地污染源探析

8.Determination of BTEX in drinking water and water source by purge and trap with gas chromatography吹脱捕集-毛细管气相色谱法测定饮用水及水源水中苯系物

9.Biological Resources in the Fountainhead of Drinking Water and Their Effect on the Protection of Water Quality;饮用水水源地生物资源及其在水质保护中的作用

10.Planning for the Protection of Reservior Drinking Water Sources水库饮用水水源地保护规划编制探讨

11.The protection of ground sources for domestic and drinking water shall be strengthened.对生活饮用水地下水源应当加强保护。


13.Introduction and Investigation on Drinking Water Source in Yangling杨凌示范区饮用水水源地调查和介绍

14.Water quality assessment of surface drinking water sources in cities and towns of China全国城镇地表水饮用水水源地水质评价

15.Research on Evaluation Indices System of Ground Drinking Water Source Security for Cities;城市饮用水地下水水源地安全评价体系研究

16.Relationship between Land Use Pattern and Water Security of Drinking Water Conservation Areas in Guangzhou广州市饮用水源保护地土地利用格局与水安全

17.Also, management of ground water sources in the rural area will be tightened.加强郊区城镇地下饮用水源的管理。

18.The Ecological Restoration Experiment of the Watercourse of Shenzhen City s Drinking Water Sources;深圳市饮用水源地河道生态修复实验


water source area of centralized drinking water集中式饮用水水源地

1.This paper makes clear the connotation of source area of drinking water by risk analysis ofwater source area of centralized drinking water.通过集中式饮用水水源地安全风险分析,明确饮用水水源地内涵,从一般的安全预警体系出发建立了饮用水水源地安全预警逻辑体系;构建了基于DPSR概念模型的水源地预警指标体系框架,建立了BP安全预警模型;最终形成了完整的集中式饮用水水源地安全预警管理框架体系。

3)concentrated drinking water water sources land集中饮用水源地

4)centralized source of drinking water集中式饮用水源

1.Through analyzing the status quo of water environment in rural areas,this article explores the situation of thecentralized source of drinking water in Wanzhou rural areas and the existing problems,and puts forward measures of protecting and improving environment of centralized drinking water sources.本文通过剖析农村地区水环境现状,分析了我区农村集中式饮用水源状况及存在问题,提出了保护集中式饮用水源地环境、改善集中式饮用水源地环境的主要措施。

5)source rainwater集雨饮用水源地

1.Evaluation system of water quality forsource rainwater in villeages and towns of Northwestern China西北村镇集雨饮用水源地水质评价体系研究

6)drinking water source area饮用水源地

1.Ecological security evolvement trend ofdrinking water source areas along Liaohe River;基于GIS的辽河干流饮用水源地生态安全演变趋势

2.The distribution of Hg and As in water and sediment of thedrinking water source area of the Huangpu River;黄浦江上游饮用水源地水及沉积物中汞、砷的分布特征

3.With the socio-economic development, the abrupt water quality pollution accidents have broken out frequently in thedrinking water source areas,the accidents have caused serious damage of people\"s health and property.针对城市饮用水源地的突发性污染事故的研究已成为我国水环境保护领域内研究的一个热点。


水源地水源地water source locations加{y口and{水源地(water souree loeation)指矿山生产用水的取水地点。地表水源有江、河‘湖、海和水库等,地下水源有潜流水、承压水、泉水、岩溶水等。矿山矿坑水、生产废水、生活污水、冷却排水等也可以利用,但需经过处理或冷却后用于矿山生产;这是水源的重复循环利用,节约用水,缓解水资源短缺矛盾,减少排水对环境污染的重要途径。一般地下水取水,工程费用少,水质好,净化设施简单,便于分期建设,水质不易受外部污染,应优先选用。但当地下水源不足.含矿物质很高,影响生产使用时,就要利用地表水。矿山水源地应选在地形、地质、环境卫生和取水等条件均好·工程费用少,施工生产管理方便的地点。并要注意统筹解决工农业用水矛盾,确保矿山用水。(陈洪业)
