100字范文 > 城市水源地 Citys Source Water Area英语短句 例句大全

城市水源地 Citys Source Water Area英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-31 09:04:10


城市水源地 Citys Source Water Area英语短句 例句大全

城市水源地,City"s Source Water Area

1)City"s Source Water Area城市水源地

1.Empirical Studies on Risk Assessment System of Accidental Water Pollution Events inCity"s Source Water Area;城市水源地突发性水污染事件风险评价体系及方法的实证研究


1.Economic Subsidiary Mechanism for the Urban Water Resources城市水源地水资源保护的经济补偿机制

2.Study on Soil Structure and Water Conservation Characteristics of Typical Forest Vegetations in Water Boundaries of Municipal Water Source;城市水源地典型森林植被土壤结构与贮水特征

3.Study of Biological Monitoring and Early Warning for Typical Pollutants in Urban Water Source城市水源地典型污染物的生物监测与预警研究

4.Analysis on Safety of Drinking Water Source in Xi"an City西安市城市饮用水源地安全状况浅析

5.A Study on the Coordinated Development of the Protection of Water Head Site and Its Village and Town;合肥市水源地保护与水源地城镇协调发展研究

6.Many of our largest cities obtain their water supplies from surface water.我们许多大城市从地表水获得水源。

7.Research on Evaluation Indices System of Ground Drinking Water Source Security for Cities;城市饮用水地下水水源地安全评价体系研究

8.Analysis on the Water Supply Prospect of the Emergency Water Source in the Major Cities of North China华北主要城市地下水应急水源地供水前景分析

9.Groundwater quality assessment of urban drinking water sources in China中国城市地下水饮用水源地水质状况评价

10.The Principal of Groundwater Wellhead Protection Zones Delineation and Its Application in Urban Water Supply Field in Longkou City地下水源保护区划分原理及其在龙口市城市供水水源地中的应用

11.The safety of urban water and the construction of emergency water source:taking kunming for example;城市水安全与应急水源地建设——以昆明市为例

12.Optimal Allocation Model and Its Application on Water Resources in Urban Zone;城市地区水资源优化调配模型及应用

13.Countermeasure of Urbanization in Northwest China under Scarce Water Resource;水资源约束下的西北地区城市化对策

14.Assessment and Investigation of Water Security on Centralized Drinking Water Sources in Towns of Chongqing重庆市城镇饮用水水源地水安全调查与评价

15.A Tentative Discussion on Headwaters for Emergency Water Supply in the Major Cities of the Bohai Sea Rim;环渤海地区主要城市应急供水水源地初步研究

16.Application of GMS to groundwater resources evaluation in the urban area of ShuangchengGMS在双城市城区地下水资源评价中的应用

17.Analysis and Actually Appraising on Drinking Water Quality of City;城市饮用水源地水质分析与现状评价研究

18.Probe into Developing Second Phase Water Supply Project of Guobi Water Source Field in Jincheng晋城市郭壁水源地二期供水工程开发利用探讨


urban water-supplying area城市取水源地

3)groundwater resources in city城市地下水资源

4)urban drinking water source area城市饮用水源地

1.Factors of ecological compensation forurban drinking water source areas城市饮用水源地生态补偿要素分析

5)urban water sources area肥城市城区水源地

6)city water resources城市水资源

1.Multi-objective analysis ofcity water resources" carrying capacity;城市水资源承载能力多目标分析

2.Continual utilization ofcity water resources in Suihua;绥化市城市水资源的可持续利用

3.By the use of an improved fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model,thecity water resources sustainable development level in Zhengzhou city was evaluated based on 16 indicators from 3 rule levels of water resources system,social economy system and eco-environmental system.水资源系统是影响郑州市水资源可持续利用的限制性要素,其中,提高污水排放达标率、污水回用比率、水资源利用系数(如单方水工业产值、万元GDP取水量、平均灌溉水利用系数)是改善郑州市城市水资源可持续利用状况的重要举措。


水源地水源地water source locations加{y口and{水源地(water souree loeation)指矿山生产用水的取水地点。地表水源有江、河‘湖、海和水库等,地下水源有潜流水、承压水、泉水、岩溶水等。矿山矿坑水、生产废水、生活污水、冷却排水等也可以利用,但需经过处理或冷却后用于矿山生产;这是水源的重复循环利用,节约用水,缓解水资源短缺矛盾,减少排水对环境污染的重要途径。一般地下水取水,工程费用少,水质好,净化设施简单,便于分期建设,水质不易受外部污染,应优先选用。但当地下水源不足.含矿物质很高,影响生产使用时,就要利用地表水。矿山水源地应选在地形、地质、环境卫生和取水等条件均好·工程费用少,施工生产管理方便的地点。并要注意统筹解决工农业用水矛盾,确保矿山用水。(陈洪业)
