100字范文 > 化学预氧化 chemical preoxidation英语短句 例句大全

化学预氧化 chemical preoxidation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-15 05:14:11


化学预氧化 chemical preoxidation英语短句 例句大全

化学预氧化,chemical preoxidation

1)chemical preoxidation化学预氧化

1.Research on pollutants removal with combinedchemical preoxidation and Fe-Mn bimetal oxide by coagulation化学预氧化强化铁锰复合氧化物混凝除污染效能


1.Research on pollutants removal with combined chemical preoxidation and Fe-Mn bimetal oxide by coagulation化学预氧化强化铁锰复合氧化物混凝除污染效能

2.The Research on Impact of Pre-oxidation on Coagulation;化学预氧化对混凝效果影响的试验研究

3.Study of pre-oxidation to remove organics in Yellow River water化学预氧化对黄河水中有机物的去除试验研究

4.Experimental Research and Comparison of Chemical Pre-Oxidation Processes for Micropolluted Water Treatment;微污染原水化学预氧化处理技术试验研究与分析比较

5.The Effect of Chemical Oxidation Pretreatment on the Preparation of Microfibrillated Cellulose(MFC)化学氧化预处理对MFC性能的影响

6.The Kinetics Study of PAN in Pre-Oxidation Process Under Air Atmosphere via XRD;用XRD对聚丙烯腈预氧化环化反应动力学的研究

7.Magnesium-based alkalis for hydrogen peroxide bleaching of masson pine CTMP马尾松化学预热机械浆镁碱过氧化氢漂白

8.Study on pretreatment of landfill leachate by electrochemical oxidation process电化学氧化法预处理垃圾渗滤液的研究

9.Effects of Antioxidant Nutrients Supplementation on Enhancing Antioxidative Activity and Reducing DNA Damage in Young People;抗氧化营养素干预对大学生抗氧化系统及DNA损伤的影响

10.Study on the Roles of HIFs and Their Target Genes in Chemical Hypoxia Preconditioning Protection;缺氧诱导因子及其调节基因在化学缺氧预处理保护中的作用研究

11.Chemical Oxygen Demand--Total [CODt]化学需氧量(总数)

12.Chemical Oxygen Demand--Settled [CODs]化学需氧量(沉淀)

13.Experimental study on strengthening of chlorine dioxide preoxidation for conventional water purification process二氧化氯预氧化对净水工艺的强化试验研究

14.Study on Streatment of Azithromycin Wastewater by the Catalyzed Oxidation of Chlorine Dioxide二氧化氯催化氧化预处理阿奇霉素废水的研究

15.The Study on Bacterial Pre-oxidation of Refractory Gold Ores in a Bio-chemical Reactor生物—化学两级循环反应器中难浸金矿的细菌氧化预处理研究

16.Characterization of cyclization degree and mechanical properties of polyacrylonitrile-based preoxidized fiber聚丙烯腈基预氧化纤维环化程度及力学性能的表征

17.Advanced Treatment of Paper Mill Wastewater by Ozone Pre-oxidation and Biological Aerated Filter Processes臭氧预氧化-BAF深度处理造纸废水

18.metal-oxide physicochemistry金属氧化物物理化学


electrochemical preoxidation电化学预氧化

3)chemical oxidation pre-treatment化学氧化预处理

4)chemical hypoxia preconditioning化学缺氧预处理

1.Objective To investigate the roles of hypoxia regulated genes/protein inchemical hypoxia preconditioning in differentiated SH-SY5Y cells.目的探讨缺氧调节基因/产物在CoCl2化学缺氧预处理抵抗神经型细胞缺氧损伤中的作用。

2.Objective To investigate the effects ofchemical hypoxia preconditioning on hypoxia-induced cell injury,and the roles of HIF-1α,HIF-2α and their target gene product VEGF inchemical hypoxia preconditioning in differentiated SH-SY5Y cells.方法分化的SH-SY5Y细胞分为对照组、化学缺氧预处理组(细胞用50μmol/LCoCl2预处理3h,换液后常氧培养1h,然后在2%的低氧孵箱内缺氧28h)、缺氧组(无CoCl2预处理过程,其余同化学缺氧预处理组)。

5)alkaline aqueous chemical pre-oxidation碱性水化学预氧化

1.Mineral components and technological mineralogy characteristics of refractory gold ore (containing) arsentic and stibium, process ofalkaline aqueous chemical pre-oxidation-cyanide leaching gold are introduced.介绍了高砷、高锑难浸金矿石的成分、工艺矿物学特征,碱性(NaOH)水化学预氧化 氰化浸金工艺,考察了碱性水化学预氧化 氰化浸金工艺对影响金浸出的褚因素,探讨了矿石成分的改变及金难浸的原因。

6)electrochemical oxidation pretreatment电化学氧化预处理


