100字范文 > 预氧化炉 preoxidation furnace英语短句 例句大全

预氧化炉 preoxidation furnace英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-25 05:31:07


预氧化炉 preoxidation furnace英语短句 例句大全

预氧化炉,preoxidation furnace

1)preoxidation furnace预氧化炉

1.A new type offluidizedpreoxidation furnace was designed in this paper based on characteristics of PAN base carbon fiber production process.根据PAN基碳纤维生产的特点,设计了一种新型流态化预氧化炉,并对其关键部件的特点与作用以及流态化粒子的选择作了系统描述。

2.In order to resolve the present shortcomings of preoxidation during carbon fiber production process such as preoxidation technology taking too much time, lower production volume and higher energy consumption etc, we designed a new type of fluidizedpreoxidation furnace by adopting fluidization technology and studied the fluidized preoxidation feasibility of PAN based carbon fiber.本文首先分析了国内外PAN基碳纤维预氧化现状,针对预氧化工艺在碳纤维生产过程所占时间长,影响碳纤维的产量和成本等问题,本文采用流态化技术,设计了一种新型PAN基碳纤维用流态化预氧化炉,研究了PAN基碳纤维流态化预氧化可行性。


1.Feasibility Analysis About Optimize and Design of the Carbon Fiber Pre-oxidation Furnace by FluentFluent对碳纤维预氧化炉优化设计的可行性分析

2.Precaution and Analysis on the Oxide-scale Issue of 1000MW Unit Boiler1000MW机组锅炉氧化皮问题分析与预防

3.Sulfur Dioxide Pollution Prediction of Multi-Point Emission for CFB BoilerCFB锅炉多点排放二氧化硫污染预测

4.The phosphur content of steel at blowing end can reach predetermined level by proper control on the FeO content and basicity of slag.适当控制炉渣的氧化铁和碱度可使吹炼终点磷含量达到预定值。

5.Mathematical Model of LPG Flux About Rotary Anode Furnace in Copper Refining Based on Preheated Oxygen-rich Air富氧空气预热下铜精炼阳极炉液化气流量数学模型

6.Cause Analysis to Pipe Plug Owing to Pipe Inner Wall Oxide Skin Peeling of Supercritical Boiler Heating Surface And its Preventive Action超临界锅炉受热面管内壁氧化皮剥落堵管的原因分析及预防措施

7.Analysis and Countermeasures on Steam-side Oxide Form of Ultra-supercritical Power Unit超超临界机组锅炉蒸汽侧氧化层形成机理分析及预防措施

8.This gas should be effectively utilized as preheated oxidant to steam methane reforming furnaces or to other large radiant-type process furnaces.这种烟道气应有效地用作预热氧化剂,用于蒸汽甲烷重整锅炉或其他大型辐射型工艺锅炉。

9.CO firing waste heat boiler一氧化碳燃烧废热锅炉

10.direct-fired scale-less of free heating furnace敞焰少无氧化加热炉

11.The reducing annealing furnace is adopted.采用无氧化还原退火炉。

12.Reason and Countermeasure for the Burned Red on Ammonia Oxidation Stove氨氧化炉炉头烧红的原因分析及对策

13.Prediction and Optimization of Furnace Combustion for 300MW Unit Boiler300MW机组锅炉炉内燃烧过程预报及优化

14.A preconcentration on TOPO chemically modified electrode-graphite furnace AAS method has been developed for the determination of trace antimony in water samples.本文研究了三辛基氧化膦(TOPO)学修饰电极预富集石墨炉原子吸收法测定水样中痕量锑。

15."The non-oxidizing zone is consisted of entry sealed room, waste gas preheating zone, direct heating zone, and furnace nozzle and flue gas exhausting system. "无氧化段由入口密封室,废气预热区,直接加热区,炉喉,废气排放系统组成

16.Dynamic Model of Temperature in Oxidation Process of Waste Mixed Copper in Reverberatory Furnace废杂铜反射炉氧化过程炉膛温度动态模型

17.Analysis on the Over-level of SiO_2 in the Water of High Pressure Waste-heat Boiler高压锅炉炉水中二氧化硅含量超标的分析

18.EAF Steelmaking Process of Direct Reducing and Alloying of Molybdenum Oxide钼氧化物直接合金化电弧炉炼钢工艺


pre oxidization furnace预氧炉

1.A new typepre oxidization furnace used for producing carbon fiber has been developed with its temperature controlling property being systemically tested.研制了一种新型碳纤维生产预氧炉并对其温度控制特性进行了系统测试 ,实际运行表明 ,该类型预氧炉设计合理 ,性能稳定 ,工作可靠 ,完全能满足碳纤维生产的需求。

3)pre reformer预转化炉

1.The structure,material,strength calculation and welding seam structure ofpre reformer are introduced.介绍了预转化炉的结构、选材、强度计算及焊缝结构。

4)oxidation furnace氧化炉

1.Structure Retrofit of the Oxidation Furnace in a Concentrated Nitric Acid Plant;浓硝装置氧化炉的结构改造

2.Interlock protection of relay foroxidation furnace safe operation;氧化炉安全运行的继电器联锁保护

5)burner for ammonia oxidation氨氧化炉



