100字范文 > 寺平古村 Siping Ancient Village英语短句 例句大全

寺平古村 Siping Ancient Village英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-20 11:14:30


寺平古村 Siping Ancient Village英语短句 例句大全

寺平古村,Siping Ancient Village

1)Siping Ancient Village寺平古村

1.Through performing investigation onSiping Ancient Village, this paper probes into the mode of transformation from traditional cultural landscape to modern landscape culture after coordinating cultural resources, refining cultural theme, designing environment-identifying code for color and configuration according to cultural theme, and creating the overall landscape culture and environment.通过对寺平古村的考察,本文从整理文化资源到文化主题的提炼,根据文化主题在色彩和形态上设计出环境识别码,再展开设计整体景观文化的营造,探索从传统文化景观走向现代景观文化的转换方式。


1.Research on Landscape Culture Design for Siping Ancient Village under the Background of Cultural Construction in New Countryside新农村文化建设背景下的寺平古村景观文化设计研究

2.During the Cultural Revolution, the rampaging Red Guards came to our village and destroyed all the ancient temples.在文革期间,红卫兵来到我们村庄并破坏了所有的古寺。

3.The Longshan Buddhist Temple is one of the oldest temples in Taipei.龙山寺是台北历史最悠久的古寺之一。

4.the venerable ruins of a temple古色苍然的寺院遗迹

5.the hoary ruins of English abbeys古老的英国寺院的遗迹

6.the remains of an abbey, of ancient Rome寺院、 古罗马的遗迹.

7.An old mosque stands in the distance.远处有一座清真古寺。

8.The sanctum in an ancient temple.内殿古代寺庙中的圣所

9.Differentiation on Huili Temple in Dai Fugu s Poem and Huili Temple in Wenling;戴复古诗中的慧力寺非指本地惠力寺辨

10.Artistic Museum of Painted Sculpture of Shuanglin Temple, Pingyao平遥双林寺彩塑艺术馆

11.Hukuru Miskiiy is the oldest mosque in Mal? famed for its intricate stone carvings.古清真寺是马累最古老的清真寺,以其精细复杂的石刻而闻名。

12.The Economy of Buddhist Temple and the Society of Monarchical Power in Middle Ancient Period中古佛教寺院经济与世俗王权社会

13.Two thousand years ago near that spot was an old Buddhist temple.两千年前,台址近旁有一座古老的佛寺。

14.Some ancient manuscripts were discovered in the temple.在寺院里发现了一些古代的手稿。

15.People have donated a large sum of money to reconstruct the old temple.人们捐助了一大笔钱重修这座古寺。

16.Huacheng Temple, looking simple and solemn, is the oldest among all temples on the mountain.历史最久的化成寺,古朴庄严。

17.Mongolian Monastic Education and Its Language Education in Qing Dynasty清代蒙古族寺院教育及其语言教育

18.Preliminary Research on the Symbolic Culture of Gude Temple Enriched with Exotic Styles in Wuhan武汉古德寺之异域风格象征文化初探



1.Teramura′s Japanese grammar has exerted an influence in Japanese language teaching and grammatical studies since the 80s.寺村语法是进入 80年代以来影响日语教学与语法研究的重要语法学说 ,它在形成中接收了传统语法和生成语法两方面的影响。

3)Sideng Village寺登村

4)country temple乡村寺庙

1.An exploration of the sacrificial tablets in 13country temples indicates that there are mainly four origins of God of Heaven and God of Earth:Buddhism system,Taoism system,local folklore,and historical figures.通过对13座乡村寺庙的灵位之考察,发现其神祇主要有四个来源,第一是佛教体系,第二是道教体系,第三是当地民间传说,第四是历史人物。

5)si-cun yuan寺村塬

1.The established ofsi-cun yuan border area government of shan-xi and gan-su province;寺村塬“陕甘边区政府”的成立

6)Fujunsi village府君寺村


