100字范文 > 空巢古村落 uninhabited ancient village英语短句 例句大全

空巢古村落 uninhabited ancient village英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-29 20:27:30


空巢古村落 uninhabited ancient village英语短句 例句大全

"空巢"古村落,uninhabited ancient village

1)uninhabited ancient village"空巢"古村落

2)"Empty nest" villages"空巢"村

3)the Ancient Village of HongCun宏村古村落


1.Applying the Stock Cooperation System to Running the World Heritage Resources in Xidi and Hongcun Ancient Villages;西递、宏村古村落的股份合作制经营模式设计

2.The Evaluation of the Recreational Benefits and the Negative Environment Effects of HongCun s Tourism;宏村古村落游憩价值及其旅游开发的环境影响价值评估

3.Ancient Villages in Southern Anhui - Xidi and Hongcun皖南古村落——西递、宏村

4.Research on Development Models of Ancient Villages based on Community Management--A Case Study of World Cultural Heritage-Xidi Village and Hongcun Village基于社区参与的古村落型遗产地旅游开发模式研究——以皖南古村落西递、宏村为例

5.Relationship between the Place Attachment of Ancient Village Residents and Their Attitude towards Resource Protection--A Case Study of Xidi,Hongcun and Nanping Villages;古村落居民地方依恋与资源保护态度的关系——以西递、宏村、南屏为例

6.Level of Tourism Participation of Community and Influencing Factors in Ancient Villages:A Comparative Research on Xidi,Hongcun and Nanping;古村落社区旅游参与度及影响因素——西递、宏村、南屏比较研究

7.Study on Social Cultural Impacts of Tourism Development in Ancient Villages──A Case Study Of Xidi & Hongcun Villages;试论古村落旅游地开发的社会文化影响——以西递、宏村为例

8.Research on Tourism Market of Ancient Village Tourism Spots--Taking Xidi and Hongcun as an Example;古村落旅游地游客市场发展动力学研究——以西递、宏村为例

9.Study on Management System in Ancient Village Resorts--Case Studies of Xidi and Hongcun,Yixian County;古村落型旅游地管理体制研究——以黟县西递、宏村为例

10.On the Developing Harmonious Tourism in Ancient Villages in Southern Anhui Province;皖南古村落发展和谐旅游的思考——以世界文化遗产地宏村为例


12.THE COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE TOURIST IMPACT ON ANCIENT VILLAGES IN SOUTHERN ANHUI --A Case Study of Xidi?Hongcun and Nanping;旅游对皖南古村落影响的比较研究——以西递、宏村和南屏为例

13.Revelation of Architectural Decoration Art of the Ancient Villages in the South of Anhui Province in China to the Modern Art Design:Taking Xidi and Hongcun as the Example皖南古村落建筑装饰艺术对现代设计的启示——以西递、宏村为例

14.A Study on Rural Residents Perception of Tourism Impact and Attitude towards Tourism Development;农民对农村发展旅游业的认知与态度研究——以皖南古村落西递和宏村为例

15.Study on Relationship between Tourism Stakeholders and Impacts of Tourism Development in Ancient Village Resorts--A Case Study of World Cultural Heritage Xidi and Hongcun Village;古村落旅游地利益主体关系及影响研究——世界文化遗产地西递、宏村实证分析

16.Temporal Characteristics of Tourist Flows to Ancient Villages--A Case Study of Two World Cultural Heritages, Xidi Village and Hongcun Village;古村落旅游客流时间分布特征及其影响因素研究——以世界文化遗产西递、宏村为例

17.Old Village of Holloko and its Surroundings霍洛克古村落及其周边

18.It is a quaint old hamlet.这是个古雅的村落。


"Empty nest" villages"空巢"村

3)the Ancient Village of HongCun宏村古村落

4)ancient village古村落

1.Landscape value and protection utilization ofancient village in southern Yangtze River;江南古村落的景观价值及保护利用探讨

2.Protection and utilization of Guobiancient village;郭壁古村落保护与利用刍议

3.On the influences of primary environment on form and construction of residential building inancient villages;原生环境对古村落居住建筑形态及构造的影响

5)Ancient Villages古村落

1.A research on tourism environmental carrying capacity of ancient villages: a case study of world cultural heritage-Xidi Village;古村落旅游地旅游环境容量初探——以世界文化遗产西递古村落为例

2.Discussion on Protection Strategy ofAncient Villages——Case Study on Ancient Village of Ninghua, Shanxi Province浅议古村落的保护策略——以山西宁化古城为例

3.The color of the ancient villages in the areas of Huizhou,a prefecture in the southern part of Anhui,demonstrates the specific humanitarian,historical and cultural richness of specific location.徽州古村落的色彩表现是特定地域人文历史积淀的产物,有其独特的艺术魅力。

6)the Mongolian village蒙古村落


古村落宏村宏村,古称弘村,位于黄山西南麓,距黟县县城11公里,是古黟桃花源里一座奇特的牛形古村落。整个村落占地30公顷,枕雷岗面南湖,山水明秀,享有“中国画里的乡村”之美称。山因水青,水因山活,南宋绍兴年间,古宏村人为防火灌田,独运匠心开仿生学之先河,建造出堪称“中国一绝”的人工水系,围绕牛形做活了一篇水文章。九曲十弯的水圳是“牛肠”,傍泉眼挖掘的“月沼”是“牛胃”,“南湖”是“牛肚”,“牛肠”两旁民居为“牛身”。湖光山色与层楼叠院和谐共处,自然景观与人文内涵交相辉映,是宏村区别于其他民居建筑布局的特色,成为当今世界历史文化遗产一大奇迹。全村现完好保存明清民居140余幢,承志堂“三雕”精湛,富丽堂皇,被誉 为“民间故宫”。著名景点还有:南湖风光、南湖书院、月沼春晓、牛肠水圳、双溪映碧、亭前大树、雷岗夕照、树人堂、明代祠堂乐叙堂等。村周有闻名遐迩的雉山木雕楼、奇墅湖、塔川秋色、木坑竹海、万村明祠“爱敬堂”等景观。宏村,经过前代人的辛勤劳作和后代人合理保护,现已得到世人的公认。我们将继续努力保护这份珍贵的遗产,合理的开发和利用宏村的旅游资源,让更多的人了解宏村,了解古徽州文化深刻的内涵。
