100字范文 > 就近服务 nearby service英语短句 例句大全

就近服务 nearby service英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-14 01:07:00


就近服务 nearby service英语短句 例句大全

就近服务,nearby service

1)nearby service就近服务


1.Founded in1991, TUV SUD Group China has grown to around500 experts throughout Hong Kong, Shanghai, Wuxi, Beijing, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen.今日近500名专家和技术人员分布在北京、海、锡、州、圳和香港,为国内企业提供就近服务。

2.An Analysis of the Financial Supports to Re-employment in Guangzhou;广州市就业服务资金近年来变动趋势之浅析

3.If a new car is having teething troubles, nine times out of ten free servicing is available locally.若新车试用期出了毛病,就近可以得到百分之九十的免费服务机会。

4.The growth of every percentage point in the service sector will bring about nearly one percentage point growth in the GDP.服务业比重每提高一个百分点,就会带来gdp近1个百分点的增长。

5.He rides in Life Guards.他在近卫骑兵队服务。

6.About to disable the service. Do you really want to disable the service?就要停用服务了。确实要停用服务吗?

7.Employment Service--New Focus of Information Service in University and College Libraries;就业服务——高校图书馆信息服务新热点

8.That"s cost centre services, right.对,就是成本中心服务。

9.Taizhou Municipal Bureau of Employment Service台州市就业管理服务局

10.We need to create more jobs in community services.扩大社区服务就业门路。

11.Developing the employment service system.发展就业服务体系。

12.Quality of service (QoS) provides the answer.服务质量(QoS)就是答案。

13." Businesses need to feel they can trust the pathway between them and the supplier," says senior analyst Blane Erwin of Forrester Research.就在最近,网络已被证实不仅仅是一种时髦事物,公司之间也开始买卖商品和互相提供服务。

14.And over the past few years it was largely the prices of housing and medical care that were going up, while other prices were either flat or falling.在美国,近年来价格上涨的主要是住房和医疗服务,而其余价格不是持平就是在下跌。

15.offshore Marine Service Co.Ltd.近海石油船舶服务有限公司

16.The Global catalog server is not in the closest site.全局编录服务器不在最近的站点。

17.Twenty-Year-Long Research into Community Sports Service System:A Summary;近社区体育服务体系研究的综述

18.The Summary of Concepts about Chinese Service- oriented Government in Recent Years近年来我国服务型政府概念研究综述


employment service就业服务

1.The author expounds how the library guides graduates in establishing a correct outlook on job hunting,helps them adjust to correct concept,gives them the methods and ways of gathering and utilizing the information on jobs and ,raises some ways and measures for improvingemployment service.高校图书馆为大学毕业生就业服务是现代化图书馆服务功能的扩展和延伸 ,文章论述了高校图书馆如何引导大学生树立正确的择业观 ,帮助他们调适择业时的不良心理 ,指导他们搜集、利用就业信息资料的方法和途径 ,提出了搞好毕业生就业服务的几点做法和措施。

2.This essay mainly analyses that in the new situation of popularity , employment of higher vocational colleges should take new method : to bring in to the theory of marketing , adjust the orientation of school running , strengthen the employment education and improve the quality ofemployment service.随着高等教育进入大众化阶段,高校毕业生就业已迈向大众化,分析了在“大众化”就业形势下,高职院校就业工作要引入市场营销理论,找准办学定位,加强就业教育,提高就业服务质量。

3.A mechanism which can more efficiently provide migrant workers withequalemployment services needs to be set up.一个更为有效地为农民工提供均等化就业服务的机制亟待建立。

3)employment serving服务就业

4)field service就地服务

5)offshore service近海服务

6)re-employment services再就业服务

1.This paper uses the Moser s gender-analysis framework to analyse there-employment services provided by the Tianjin Women s Federation to laid-off women workers.文章以天津市妇联为个案,应用摩塞框架对妇联的下岗女工再就业服务进行了社会性别分析,目的是探讨下岗女工再就业服务在推进性别平等和社会性别主流化方面的作用和影响,反思再就业政策的取向。


