100字范文 > 服务性 service英语短句 例句大全

服务性 service英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-08 03:17:30


服务性 service英语短句 例句大全



1.A deep explaination of "humanism" in the course of constructingservice-typed government;服务性政府构建中“以人为本”理念的深度解析

2.This paper tries to analyze the audience s humanistic awareness and discuss humanistic characters in Chinese TV programs and their future trends,such as closing,service,and interaction.从受众的人文化意识需求出发,分别从电视节目的贴近性、服务性和互动性三方面去分析研究近几年我国电视节目的人文化特点,并预测其未来的发展趋势。


1.Analysis on the Public Service in Education--In the Perspective of Service-oriented Government服务型政府背景下的教育公共服务性

2.distributive and service trades分配性和服务性行业

3.number of service expenditure服务性支出价格指数

4.ancillary service辅助性服务〔行业〕

5.continuation service长期服务,连续性出版物供应服务

6.Integrated Child Development Services儿童发展综合性服务(儿童发展服务)

7.Humanism service calls for consummating nursing services culture倡导人性化服务 完善护理服务文化

8.Dynamic Web Service Composition Based on Service Feature;基于服务特性的动态Web服务组合研究

9.Customerized Service: A New Mode of Information Service in University Library;图书馆信息服务新模式——个性化服务

10.Theoritical Analysis of Service and Service Transacting Model;服务与服务交易模式特性的理论分析

11.Full Access server security全存取服务器安全性

12.technical secretariat input技术性的秘书处服务

13.accounts for goods and material services货物和物质性服务帐户

14.exports of goods and material services货物和物质性服务出口

15.(c) the availability of services technology.(c)服务技术的可获性

16.system of indicators of non-material services非物质性服务指标制度

mercial security services商业性保安服务机构

18.experimental packet-switched service, EPSS实验性分组交换服务网


serving task服务性任务

1.However, there exists a kind ofserving tasks that are passive and are used as servers.但也存在一类被动的、专为其他任务服务的服务性任务 。

3)Service characteristics服务特性

4)Service attribute服务属性

1.Research on trust model in grid based on the service attributes of node网格环境下基于服务属性的信任模型研究

2.Aim To find out the influence of service attributes on the satisfaction of inpatients.目的了解服务属性对住院病人满意感的影响。

3.Based on inproving the GAP model,this paper brings forward that difference of absolute value and relativism value should be combined for analysis;suitably add and reduce the content and amount of the SERVQUAL questionnaire;and the service attributes of the customer satisfaction are explained by the factorial analysis.对传统GAP模型进行了改进,提出了把"差异分数"和"差异除数"结合起来分析;适当地增减SERVQUAL量表的问题内容和数量;利用因子分析来解释顾客满意度的服务属性而不是采取事先定义等改进措施。

5)commercial sex worker性服务者

1.Investigation on HIV/AIDS-related knowledge and behaviors ofcommercial sex workers in county entertainment establishments;县级娱乐场所性服务者艾滋病知识与行为调查

6)service performance服务性能

1.Modeling and Analysis on Service Performance of Logistics Network System in Free-trade Port Areas保税港区物流网络系统的建模及服务性能

2.This integrated services network is built by using many kinds ofservice performance assurance mechanisms upon a general packet switched network.这种网络是通过在统一的分组交换网络上实现各种不同的服务性能保证机制来构造的 。

3.In this paper, the author established the comprehensive evaluation model onservice performance of existing pedestrian facility according to the pedestrian facilities on urban roads of xi an, and established the expensive estimation method on the cross-street pedestrian satisfaction degree.在本文中,作者在调查的基础上,分析了影响城市道路行人过街立交设施服务性能的因素,建立了城市道路行人过街立交设施服务性能综合评价体系并运用层次分析法建立了行人过街立交设施服务性能的综合评价模型。


公共服务性广告公共服务性广告public service advertising公共服务性广告(publie serviee adver-tising)亦称“公益广告”。各种商业性和非商业性组织为维护公共利益和推广公共福利而设计的一种广告。比如,劝说或说服消费者戒烟的广告就属此类。商业组织做这种广告的目的是以这种间接途径取得消费者的信任和好感,在消费者心目中树立良好的形象,以利于本组织其他商品的销售。非商业组织的目的是通过这种广告提高自己的知名度。(张玉峰撰马谋超审)
