100字范文 > 旧城中心区 the old central district英语短句 例句大全

旧城中心区 the old central district英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-22 08:56:33


旧城中心区 the old central district英语短句 例句大全

旧城中心区,the old central district

1)the old central district旧城中心区

1.This paper analyzes the historical and environmental traits ofthe old central district in Nanning, summarizes the experiences and lessons of conservation and renewal, raises the strategies to a series of important problems, such as government manage, investment form, buiding period, road system, historical block renovation and citizen participating in etc.本文分析了南宁市旧城中心区的历史和环境特色,总结二十世纪八十年代以来在保护与改造的理论和实践上的经验和教训,有针对性地在政府管理,投资方式,建设周期,建设规模,道路系统,历史街区整治,市民参与等一系列重要问题提出具体对策。


1.The Research on the Conservation and Revitalization for the Inner City of Ganzhou;赣州旧城中心区保护与更新方式研究

2.The Urban Design Strategy for the Regeneration of Old City Center;我国旧城中心区复兴的城市设计策略研究

3.The Study on the Conservation and Continuance of the Traditional Space for the Inner City of Ganzhou;赣州旧城中心区传统空间保护与传承研究

4.Study on the Using and Planning of Underground Space in the Center of Old City Xi"an西安旧城中心区地下空间利用规划研究

5.URBAN DECAY IN DOWNTOWN DISTRICT--A Case Study on Yanjiangxi District,Guangzhou;旧城中心区城市衰落研究——以广州沿江西区域为例

6.Approaches for Traffic Jam in Old City Center: Chaoyang District of Nanning城市旧城中心区交通拥堵治理策略研究——以南宁市朝阳地区为例

7.The Tactics of Urban Design Based on the Space Conformity--Taking Old Town of Renhuai City Centre Area as an Example基于空间整合的城市设计策略——仁怀市中枢旧城中心区城市设计为例

8.The government shall give top priority to rebuild the inner city政府应该优先重建城内旧中心区

9.The government should give top priority to rebuilding the inner cities.政府应该优先重建城内旧中心区.

10.The Research of Regulative Mechanism of Renewal of Old Settlements in the Inner City of Shanghai;论上海中心城旧住区更新的调谐机制

11.The Study on the Comparison of the Rebuilding Modes of the Old Residential Area in Shanghai Centre Area;上海市中心城旧居住区更新方式比较研究

12.Population Change with the Transformation of New and Old Housing Areas in the Center Shanghai--Based on the Case Study of Districts of Jingan and Puto;上海中心城区新旧住宅区更替中的人口变动——以静安、普陀两区为例

13.Applicationg "Social Needs--Urban Supplies" in Urban Renaissance:A Case Study of Huayang"s Nodal Region“社会需求——城市供给”分析在旧城改造中的应用——以华阳旧城核心区功能调整为例

14.Gentrification of Inner City of Metropolis in Transitional China;转型期中国大都市中心城旧区的中产阶层化研究

15.a part of the city far removed from the center.远离城市中心的城区。

16.From there, the level of the city drops down a sharp cliff to Oldtown, and then down again into Midtown.从那儿开始,如同山坡一样,城市的海拔逐级降低。靠下的是旧城区,更低的地方则为市中心。

17.The Palace Museum. formerly known as the ForBidden City, is located at the heart of Beijing.故宫旧称紫禁城,位于北京市中心。

18.Thought of Inheritance of Historic Context in Renewal of Urban Old Industrial District;城市旧工业区改造中文脉继承的思考


center of old city Xi"an西安旧城中心区

3)central urban area中心城区

1.Selection of connection mode of 10 kV distribution network incentral urban area;面向中心城区的10kV配电网接线方式选型

2.The commonly used connection modes for medium voltage distribution networks located incentral urban area are compared and analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively in reliability, economy, operation condition and voltage quality.从可靠性、经济性、运行特性和电压质量等方面对中心城区中压配电网常用的接线方式进行了定性、定量分析和比较,根据不同的用户功能特性,使用不同的负荷密度区间数表达式,基于负荷密度比较方法对中压配电网常用的7种配电网接线方式进行了可靠性和技术经济性评价,给出了负荷密度不同时选择最佳接线方式的方法。

3.This paper constructs the indicators system of revitalizing the developedcentral urban area with science and education,based on the practical situation of society and economy developing in Chinesecentral urban area,with reference to the successful experience about the boostingcentral urban area with science and education at home and abroad,and relevant research achievements.借鉴国内外发达城市中心城区科教发展的成功经验,根据中国发达城市中心城区经济社会发展的具体情况,设计了中国发达城市中心城区科教兴区指标体系,将科教兴区战略目标分解具体化、标准定量化,将战略目标与城区社会经济发展任务和规划相结合,以客观、完整地反映和促进科教兴区战略的实施。

4)central urban district中心城区

1.The basic concept and principle of the underground space resource evaluation is described,the natural elements that influence the development of underground space resource incentral urban district of Tianjin is analyzed,and the underground space resource is evaluated by adopting GIS-Fuzzy comprehensive evaluating model.阐明了地下空间资源评价的基本概念和原理,分析了影响天津市中心城区地下空间资源开发的自然因素,采用GIS-模糊综合评价模型对地下空间资源进行了评价,通过评价建立了地下空间资源数据库,完成了地下空间资源分布图,科学反映和度量了地下空间可供开发利用的资源,为天津市地下空间综合利用规划编制提供了基础数据和科学依据。

2.The paper analyses and study on one mode of the external transportation in thecentral urban district of Zhongshan City, i.本文对中山市中心城区对外交通的方式之一 ,即 :道路交通进行分析研究 ,并提出改善措施。

3.The paper illustrates the basic concept and principle of the evaluation of underground space resources, analyzes the natural factors that influence the development of underground space resources in thecentral urban district of Tianjin,and evaluates the underground space resources by using the GIS-Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model.本文阐明了地下空间资源评价的基本概念和原理,分析了影响天津市中心城区地下空间资源开发的自然因素,采用GIS心:综合评判模型对地下空间资源进行了评价。

5)central district中心城区

1.Thecentral district of large and medium sized cities is the core area of the city.分析了大中型城市中心城区的特点,指出都市型产业适应大都市可持续发展要求,并就其发展策略进行了探讨。

2.Currently, the cases of juvenile delinquency incentral district of large city increased end to end, displaying regularity in the type、measure and object, etc.当前,大城市中心城区的青少年犯罪案件不断增多,在犯罪类型、手段、犯罪对象等各个方面均表现出一定的规律性。

6)central city zone中心城区

1.Considerations on How to Strengthen the Fundamental Construction in Grass Roots of Public Security Organs in New Periods at the Central City Zone;对如何进一步强化新时期中心城区公安基层基础建设的思考

2.Consideration on Constructing the Fire Control Management System of Community in the Central City Zone;构建中心城区社区消防管理体系的思考


