100字范文 > 城门 city gate英语短句 例句大全

城门 city gate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-14 07:30:06


城门 city gate英语短句 例句大全

城门,city gate

1)city gate城门


1."Where the roads go into the town her cry goes out, at the doorways her voice is loud:"在城门旁,在城门口,在城门洞,大声说,

2.Study on the Figuration and Development of Ming Dynasty s City Wall and Gates (Wall Path) of Xi an;西安明代城墙与城门(城门洞)的形态及其演变

3.He stationed soldiers at the city gates.他派兵把守各个城门。

4.The crowd jumbled through the city gate人群乱纷纷地穿过城门。

5.Carrying a pole through a city gate/in and out in a straight line城门里扛竹竿,直来直去

6.the gates of D---- were closed.迪涅的城门都已关上了。

7.Lower Shing Mun No. 2 Raw Water Pumping Station下城门二号原水抽水站

8.Shing Mun Fung Shui Woodland Special Area [within the Shing Mun Country Park]城门风水树林特别地区〔位于城门郊野公园内〕

9.The central Tartar city gate(the Chienmen), was still in its original form.内城中央的城门(前门)仍旧保持着原来的样子。

10.Writing them on the pillars of your houses and over the doors of your towns:又要写在房屋的门框上,并城门上,

11.The door yielded to repeated blows with a battering ram..在破城槌不停的攻击下城门被打开了。

12."In the town all is waste, and in the public place is destruction."城中只有荒凉,城门拆毁净

13.The city is left in ruins, its gate is battered to pieces.城中只有荒凉,城门拆毁净尽。

14.In the city is left desolation, and the gate is smitten with destruction.赛24:12城中只有荒凉、城门拆毁净尽。

15.The culminating point of the Town wall (that of Charles V.)was at the gates of Saint-Denis and Saint-Martin, whose situation has not been changed.新城城廓(即查理五世城廓)的顶点在圣德尼门和圣马丁门,这两座城门的地点至今没有变动过。

16.A small rear gate, especially one in a fort or castle.后门,边门尤指要塞或城堡中的小后门

17.The castle gate was shut, the bridge was drawn up.城堡大门已闭,桥已吊起。

18.We slip out of the postern door of the castle.我们从城堡的後门溜出。



3)the gates of the city城门.

4)the gate of ancient city古城城门


1.Geological characteristics ofChengmenshan copper deposit,Jiangxi and its ore genesis;江西城门山铜矿地质特征及矿床成因

2.Research on Characteristics and Genesis ofChengmenshan Copper-molybdenum Deposit in Jiangxi;江西城门山铜钼矿床特征与成因研究

3.Based on the method and principle of the tracing in the source of mineralization material from the stable isotope, we use the sulfur isotopic indexes from Wunugetushan, Kenshan, Bainaimiao,Inner Mongolia, andChengmenshan area in Jiangxi, and try to use the characteristics of sulfur isotopic composition (δ~(34)S) to determine the causes of geochemical anomalies.本文借鉴稳定同位素示踪成矿物质来源的方法和原理,利用内蒙古自治区乌奴格吐山、星山、白乃庙试验区、江西城门山试验区硫同位素组成资料,尝试利用硫同位素组成特征来判断地球化学异常成因,取得了预期成果。

6)City gate城市门户


