100字范文 > 城门形隧洞 city-gate shaped tunnel英语短句 例句大全

城门形隧洞 city-gate shaped tunnel英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-12 17:32:49


城门形隧洞 city-gate shaped tunnel英语短句 例句大全

城门形隧洞,city-gate shaped tunnel

1)city-gate shaped tunnel城门形隧洞

1.Analysis of longitudinal deformation profile incity-gate shaped tunnel using top heading and bench excavation method上下台阶开挖下城门形隧洞纵向变形规律分析


1.Analysis of longitudinal deformation profile in city-gate shaped tunnel using top heading and bench excavation method上下台阶开挖下城门形隧洞纵向变形规律分析

2.Direct calculation method for normal depth of arched section tunnel普通城门洞形隧洞正常水深的直接计算方法

3.Study on the Figuration and Development of Ming Dynasty s City Wall and Gates (Wall Path) of Xi an;西安明代城墙与城门(城门洞)的形态及其演变

4.Approximate method for calculating normal water depth in common city-opening shaped cross-section普通城门洞形断面正常水深的近似计算方法

5.Approximate method of calculating critical water depth to arched section tunnel普通城门洞形断面临界水深的近似计算法

6."Where the roads go into the town her cry goes out, at the doorways her voice is loud:"在城门旁,在城门口,在城门洞,大声说,

7.Construction method of the circle-shear type portal of the Senkeng second tunnel森坑二号隧道圆切式洞门的施工方法

8.Study of Land Subsidence Induced by Construction of Urban Metro Tunnels for Mutil-Tunnel System;城市地铁群洞隧道施工地表沉降研究

9.The Center Coordinate Survey of Portal Hole in Shanghai Yangtze River Tunnel上海市长江隧道工程洞门中心坐标精确测定

10.Numerical Simulation Study of Contaimination Diffusion from a Road Tunnel Portal;城市公路隧道洞口污染物扩散数值模拟

11.The Study of Stability Evaluation of Surrounding Rock Mass of the Dongchuan River s Tunnel in Jinduicheng;金堆城东川河引水隧洞围岩稳定性研究

12.Prediction And Countermeasure Study On Rock Burst In Water Supply Engineering Tunnel For Middle Part Cities Of JILIN Province中部城市引松供水工程引水隧洞岩爆问题预测

13.The Construction Techniques for the Side-slope/Heading-slope Bracing Engineering of the Open-cut Highway Tunnel in a Certain City某城市公路隧道明洞边/仰坡支护工程施工技术

14.The towers were built on top of the vaulted gateways which gave access through the city walls.城楼建于与城墙相联的洞券门之上,其台基为长方形,样式为重檐歇山式箭楼。

15.Studies on Deformation Measurement for Surrounding Rock of Headrace Tunnels in a Certain Hydropower Project某水电站引水隧洞群的围岩变形量测研究

16.On Scattering & Diffraction of Underground, Circular, Lined Tunnels Subjected to Incident Cylindrical SH Waves;地下圆形衬砌隧洞对柱面SH波的散射解析解

17.Scattering of Cylindrical SH Waves by Underground Circular Inclusion and Lined Tunnels;地下圆形夹塞区及衬砌隧洞对柱面SH波的散射

18.Study on Grey Forecasting of Slope Deformation with Mutation Data in Extra-large Cross-section and Cow Flat-ratio Tunnel数据突变下隧道洞口边坡变形灰色预测研究


city-gate section channel城门洞形

1.By using angular deformation principle to deal with the problem of internal force calculation ofcity-gate section channel in soft soil foundation,a new brief and exact method is presented,it will be useful in engineering practice.应用角变位移原理,针对软土地基中城门洞形洞室的内力计算问题进行了探讨,提出一种新的计算方法。

3)U-type tunnel chamber城门洞形洞室

4)arched turnel城门洞形断面

1.Approximate solution for the critical depth of aarched turnel;城门洞形断面隧洞临界水深度的近似算法

5)arch with vertical wall lining城门洞形衬砌

1.Study on critical failure vibration velocity ofarch with vertical wall lining subjected to blasting vibration;爆破振动作用下城门洞形衬砌的临界振速研究

6)tunnel portal隧道洞门

1.Research on simplified structural calculation method for up bamboo-truncatedtunnel portal;正削式隧道洞门结构简化计算方法的研究

2.Structural reliability analysis oftunnel portal;隧道洞门结构可靠度分析

3.The design oftunnel portal is not only structure design ,but multiple design with portal green and landscape.在基础设施建设和环境保护协调发展的今天,隧道洞门的设计已经不再是单纯的结构设计了,而是要考虑绿化和人文景观效果进行综合设计。




在张家界天门山国家森林公园的天门山主峰,有一个巨大的山洞,这就是举世闻名的天门洞,1999年,俄国、美国、匈牙利、哈萨克斯坦、捷克、立陶宛六国飞行员架机穿越的山洞,创造世界吉尼斯纪录的,就是在此洞。天门洞渊源玄奥,来路坎坷。传说,在很久很久以前,天上一声爆炸,五彩祥云缤纷,山突然洞开,传出玉帝洪钟般的问话:“你要什么?”见者都可以跪在地上索要获得所需要的一切。当地有这样的民谣:“千把钥匙万把锁,开天门,结百果”。天门究竟什么时候洞开,历史记载很多,说法不一。张家界有一位对当地文史研究成就很高的学者陈自文先生,认为是公元48年,天门就已经形成。经过近2000年的变化,形成现在雄伟壮观的景象。天门洞有以下五奇:一奇,雄伟高大。清人王子睿诗曰:“推得石门开,去天才五尺”。天门洞高131.1米,宽30米,深37米,可容纳300人,可修建一董16层高的楼房。清代一 知县李瑾站在永定卫城的上观望,只见“岩窦半吞清夜月,山阿常宿隔霄云”。此时的天门洞,把月亮吞去了一半。二奇,空旷而明朗,洞门前后的山峰,都很低,惟有此山独尊。一洞空明,除悠悠白云,就是融融蓝天,一尘不染。所以给1999年的飞机穿越此洞提供了绝好的条件。三奇,梅花雨天天下。未到过天门洞的人,谁会相信洞顶石壁上,一天到晚,一年到头,滴滴嗒嗒,降落“梅花雨”,据说,只要张口接得四十八滴,就可以成仙。这里的梅花雨是哪里来的?这是个谜。引来了不少文人和科学家去探究。四奇,洞顶苍竹倒挂。洞顶南檐,长满了苍翠而不高大的绿竹,根如虬龙,叶似柳簇,一排排下垂如帘,随风而啸,俗称龙竹。明代诗人张养浩有诗赞之:“山展野屏垂地远,风挥天帚扫云空”。五奇,风云变幻。天门洞口,晴天微云淡抹,薄雾闲绕,倒也无事,若逢阴雨天气,云狂雾怒,翻江倒海,拍击石壁,悉悉有声,冷风朝天吹,呜呜怪叫,似有龙腾蛟舞,令人毛发倒竖。若逢初霁,云雾密封,天门藏身隐行,连方位都无法测定。清代当地奇才覃金瓯将它与潭口红日的壮观并列而题联曰:“潭口有缺红日补,天门无锁白云封”。具有五奇的天门洞,给予天门山赋予蓬勃的生气。如果说天门山是武陵之魂,那么,天门洞便是天门山之魂。
