100字范文 > 教改 teaching reform英语短句 例句大全

教改 teaching reform英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-13 23:17:27


教改 teaching reform英语短句 例句大全

教改,teaching reform

1)teaching reform教改

1.Research onteaching reform and practice in the course of electronic technology;电子技术课程教改和实践探索

2.Reconization and practice onteaching reform of engineering chemistry course for civil engineering speciality;土木工程专业工程化学课程教改的认识和实践

3.This article first summarizes existing problems in teaching ward-round at clinical teaching stage,then introduces ateaching reform and practice,i.概述了临床教学中教学查房存在的问题,介绍了以肿瘤外科为特点的分级引导式教学查房的改革与实践,试图通过这项教改,使教学查房真正发挥在临床教学中的作用。


1.education in stage of Protestant Reformation宗教改革时期的教育

2.his conversion from Hinduism to Buddhism他由印度教改信佛教

3.Caribbean Network of Educational Innovation for Development加勒比教育改革促进发展网(教改网)

4.Exploring Ways of Education Reforms;Deepening Higher Vocational Education Reforms;探索教改途径 深化高职教育改革

5.The teaching reform of teacher s colleges in perspective of elementary-education curriculum;基础教育课改视野中的师范院校教改

6.New Reform,New Mode--Exploring the reform of college English teaching and learning;新教改 新模式——大学英语教学改革初探

7.Follow the Teaching Reform SituationImprove College English Teaching;适应新的教改形势 改进师专英语教学

8.Enhancing the Research of Teaching and Teaching Reforms to Improve the Teaching Quality of Institute;加强教学教改研究 提升高校教学质量

9.Holding the Barycenter of Education Reform to Put Forward the Education for All-round Development with the New Textbooks;把握教改重心 以新教材推进素质教育

10.the conversion of pagans to Christianity异教徒的改信基督教

11.Probe into Theaching Reform of Pedagogic Specialty in Teacher-Education Reform教师教育改革中教育学专业教学改革探索

12.To form and refine, as by education.改善,教养使…养成和改善,如通过教育

13.The Illumination that Indian Educational Reform for China;印度教育改革对我国教育改革的启示

14.The New Course Books and College English Teaching Reforms;教材改革与我校的大学英语教学改革

15.A new convert to a doctrine or religion.新改变宗教信仰的人新改变教义或宗教者

16.On Teacher Education Curriculum Reform for Promoting Basic Education Curriculum Reform;促进基础教育课程改革的教师教育课程改革

17.Establishing the Network of Teachers Education and Reforming the Teaching of Teachers Education in Colleges;建立教师教育网站 改革高师教师教育教学

18.On Reform of Teacher Education Under the Vision of Transformation of Higher Education;高等教育转型视野下的教师教育改革


education reform教改

1.Research on Mental Health during the Prophase of Education Reform;初探教改初期公安院校教师的心理健康问题

3)Educational Reform教改

1.By Means of Reform to Develop and Found the First-class College──the road of educational reform of Chongqing Police College;以改革求发展 在发展中争创一流——重庆警官职业学院教改之路

2.This article makes meaningful studies in Middle-school Biology Teaching Methodology with the help of the educational reform of Careful preparation of theory,strict pass of practice .通过“理论过筛,实践过关”的教改对《中学生物学教学法》课程教学作了有益的探索。

3.This introduction to university ancient literature teaching classroom,both can change the traditional teaching which only emphasizes text,the sole phenomenon,then achieved the text and singing both compatible educational reform effect,and can cultivate solid young audiences for the inheritance of drama culture.地方戏曲资源历来是高校教学就地取材的源泉,将此引入大学古代文学教学课堂,既能改变传统教学只重文本的单一现象,进而达到文本与演唱两者兼容的教改效果,又能为传承戏曲文化培植坚实的青年受众。

4)teaching innovation教改

1.After analyzing the characteristics of logistical specialty settings and considering the case university’s teaching practices, the paper presents someteaching innovation thoughts in teaching system, content and method about logistical management education as a use of reference.物流管理人才的紧缺为高校物流专业教育提供了机遇和挑战,本文在分析物流专业设置特点的基础上,结合本单位教学实践,提出了物流管理专业教学体系、内容、方法等方面的一些教改思路,以资借鉴。

2.By analyzing the trend of modern cartography and the necessity of practiceteaching innovation,a modern cartography practiceteaching innovation project is put forward based on the software of MapInfo Professional 7.0软件平台的现代地图学实习教改方案。

5)reform in Education教改

6)educational reforms教改


