100字范文 > 教改建议 teaching reform proposal英语短句 例句大全

教改建议 teaching reform proposal英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-10 09:57:39


教改建议 teaching reform proposal英语短句 例句大全

教改建议,teaching reform proposal

1)teaching reform proposal教改建议


1.Analysis of the Make-up Examination Causes of The Current Situation and Policies of Grade 2000 and Proposals for Teaching Reform;2000级学生补考原因分析及教改建议

2.Advices for Advancing the Reformation of the Integration of the Teachers Education;推进教师教育一体化改革的几点建议

3.On the Relation between the Teaching Material and Teaching Reformation;浅议高校教材建设与教学改革的关系

petence Education and Philosophy Teaching Reformation Reflecftion and Suggestion;素质教育与哲学教学改革反思与建议

5.He put forth some proposals to reform the educational system.他提出了一些改革教育制度的建议。

6.I suggest student Li Hongzhi change the tenet to" True, Beautiful" strongly!强烈建议李宏志同学把教义改成“真美”!

7.The Suggestions of Further Improving the Teaching of Accounting Practice进一步改进会计实践教学的几点建议

8.Thoughts and Suggestions on the Reform of Design Basis Teaching;关于设计基础教学改革的思考和建议

9.Proposals for Improving Psychological Health Education for College Students;改进大学生心理健康教育的几点建议

10.Analysis of the Present Situation of College English Teaching and Suggestions on the Reform;大学英语教学现状之分析及改革建议

11.Views and Suggests on the Curriculum Educational Reform of Operation Research;对运筹学课程教学改革的看法和建议

12.Current State of Legal Education in China s Universities and Suggestions for Its Reform;我国高校法制教育的现状与改革建议

13.A Probe into Two Courses Teaching Current Situation and Improving Proposal;高职“两课”教学现状调查与改进建议

14.On the Reformation of the System of the Teaching and Research Section in Colleges and Universities;对高校教研室体制改革的思考与建议

15.The Problem of Aerobics Teaching and Reformation;健美操教学中存在的问题及改革建议

16.On the Curriculum Reform of Specialized Theories about Physical Education in Teachers Colleges in China;我国高师体教专业理论课程改革建议

17.On the Patterns and Reform Strategies of Engineering Education;高等工程教育的模式特征与改革建议

18.On the Current Conditions and the Reform of Physical Education in Universities & Colleges;高校体育教学现状及改革的几点建议


improvement suggestion改进建议

1.Energy consumption analysis andimprovement suggestion for steam injection boiler system;注汽锅炉系统用能分析及改进建议

2.Fault analysis andimprovement suggestions for refrigeration compressor of Guangzhou Metro Line 1 vehicles;广州地铁一号线车辆空调压缩机故障分析及改进建议

3.Analysis and circuitimprovement suggestions of anaccidental cruise failure;一起意外走车事故分析与电路改进建议


1.Based on quality situation of 20CrMnTiH gear steel in Laiwu Steel,this article introduces the quality control of this steel grade,puts forward somesuggestions.主要从齿轮加工时必须满足的使用性要求和加工性要求两个方面着手,结合莱钢20CrMnTiH齿轮钢的质量现状,介绍了该钢种生产时的质量控制要点,并提出改进建议。

2.To counter existing problems and situation of public participation in environmental impact assessment,the paper points outsuggestions on how to improve it based on analyzing more than 30 copies of environmental impact assessment reports.通过对30多份环境影响报告书的分析,针对我国目前的公众参与现状及存在的问题,提出改进建议。

3.This paper presents the planning of Lecia DNA03 digital level data processing,introduces the main process of programming and it′s function,analyses the main excellence of this method and gives somesuggestion to sedimentation observation.提出了用于徕卡DNA03水准仪数据处理的设计方案,介绍了程序设计主要过程及其功能,分析了本方案的优点,并对沉降观测提出改进建议。


1.Problems of English Assessment Tools in Practice in Senior High School and the Suggestions for Amendment;高中英语学习评价在实际操作中存在的问题及改进建议

5)improvement proposal改进建议

1.Production status andimprovement proposal of chloroacetic acid in domestic;我国氯乙酸的生产现状及改进建议

6)improving suggestion改进建议

1.Analysis andimproving suggestion of DF_(4B) locomotive starting circuit;DF_(4B)型机车的起动电路分析及改进建议

2.Based on practice of using dry jet mixing technique,some problems in the construction process by the technique are analyzed Theimproving suggestion of the technique is propose根据粉体喷射深层搅拌法多年的施工实践,分析了我国在使用该方法施工过程中存在的问题,并提出了改进建

3.Based upon the above analyses,improving suggestions to those problems are also put forward: taking high- and steady-yield cultivars as leading cultivars, using good-quality and end-use-specific cultivars as key cultivars, choosing the cultivars by local natural conditions, and at the same time matching the elite cultivars to appropriate field management.结果表明:种植者对所推广应用的品种了解不够、对当地流行病害和常发自然灾害认识不足、过分依赖品种的抗逆性,片面追求小麦的高产和新异,随意地选用品种,粗放地进行管理,是豫东平原区当前小麦品种选用中存在的突出问题;在此基础上,提出了以高产稳产品种为主导,以优质专用品种为重点,因地制宜地选择品种,协同实施良种良法的改进建议。


