100字范文 > 北方中小学 high and elementary school in the north area英语短句 例句大全

北方中小学 high and elementary school in the north area英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-30 19:28:27


北方中小学 high and elementary school in the north area英语短句 例句大全

北方中小学,high and elementary school in the north area

1)high and elementary school in the north area北方中小学

1.This paper introduce common design method of ventilation of public toilet in the teaching building ofhigh and elementary school in the north area.通过对北方中小学校教学楼中的公用卫生间排风的常用设计方法介绍,并根据实际设计成果的使用情况,深入比较了几种排风方法的优缺点,提出了切实可行的设计方案。


1.Discussion About Ventilation Of Public Toilet In The Teaching Building Of High And Elementary School In The North Area北方中小学校教学楼中公用卫生间排风问题的探讨

2.Northland Code in Jack London s Alaska Stories;杰克·伦敦北方小说中的“北方准则”

3.He singing, exposure and others of literature--taking Fangfang s nouvelle "there is no people in Middle-North Road" for instance;文学的歌颂与暴露及其它——评方方中篇小说《中北路空无一人》

4.New Teaching Methods in Elementary and Middle Schools in Northwest Rural Areas新型教学方法在西北地区农村中小学的使用状况

5.A Research of Strategy and Possibility of Starting Swimming Courses in Part of Elementary Schools and Middle Schools in Beijing City北京市区部分中小学开设游泳课的可行性及实施方法的研究

6.Analysis of the Tourism Development Factors of Northern Small Coastal Cities;北方中小滨海城市旅游发展条件分析

7.In order to study Chinese, Xiaoding and Xueyou came to Beijing University to study.) 为了学习中文,小丁和学友来北京大学学习。

8.The Specific Investigation into the Current Teaching Method in the Rural Primary Schools in Northwestern China;西北地区农村小学教学方法现状个案调查

9.The Survey and Analysis on the Current Situation of Applying CAI of the Primary and Secondary Schools in Hubei Province;湖北省中小学CAI运用的调查与分析

10.Study on passive smoking among primary school,high school and college students in Hebei province;河北省大中小学生被动吸烟状况调查

11.The Present Situation of Education Modernization of Primary and Middle Schools of Hebei Province and Its Countermeasures;河北省中小学教育现代化现状及对策

12.Present situation of primary and middle school sports in rural areas in Hubei province;湖北省农村乡镇中小学体育现状调查

13.Investigation of physical education condition in rural areas in the northwest part of Shandong province;鲁西北农村中小学体育现状调查研究

14.An Investigation on the Occupational Stress Among 536 Elementary and Middle School Teachers in Hubei;湖北省536名中小学教师职业压力调查

15.Analysis on Physique Condition of Primary and Middle School Students in Beijing in 2000;2000年北京市中、小学生体质状况分析

16.An investigation on the current scientific research ofeducation in the primary and middle schools in Hebei Province;河北省中小学教育科研现状调查报告

17.Investigation of Tobacco Control in Primary and secondary schools in Huairou District of Beijing City北京市怀柔区中小学校控烟现况调查

18.There is a boy at Zhougguancun No. 1 Primary School in Beijing.在北京有一个小男孩在中关村的一个小学校里。


medium-sized and small cities in North China北方中小城市

1.Manymedium-sized and small cities in North China ignore the attribute of regional character during the process of landscape design,and simply copy the outstanding landscape works and style of developed countries and cities.然而,在全球化时代的背景下,景观设计逐渐出现“趋同化”的现象,很多北方中小城市在景观设计过程中忽略了地域性这个属性,简单地照搬先进国家和城市的优秀景观作品和风格,导致景观设计正在失去地域性特色,失去灵魂。

3)the educational activities of Olympic volunteer spirits北京市中小学生

1.This paper is mainly on the study ofthe educational activities of Olympic volunteer spirits in Beijing\" s primary and middle schools.本论文是国家社科基金课题《国际奥林匹克教育中的“北京模式”研究》中的一个子课题,主要研究北京市中小学生奥运志愿教育活动的开展情况及其出现的问题。

4)northern wheat北方小麦

1.Effects of simulated acid rain on the growing rules ofnorthern wheat;模拟酸雨对北方小麦生长规律影响的研究

5)Short Stories Based on the Far North北方小说

1.Jack London-the Motives Behind Creation in hisShort Stories Based on the Far North;谈杰克·伦敦北方小说创作动因

6)school teachers in Northern Jiangsu苏北地区中小学教师

1."Project-oriented" approach has been a hot topic in vocational education in recent years,The author migrate it into the teaching practice of The Educational Technology Training forschool teachers in Northern Jiangsu,and have got some progress,and accumulat valuable experience for its\" forther use in The Educational Technology Training."项目导向"教学法是近年来职业教育领域广泛探讨的一种教学方法,笔者将这种教学模式迁移并运用于苏北地区中小学教师教育技术培训的教学实践,取得了一定的效果,为这种教学方法在教育技术培训中的进一步推广使用积累了宝贵的经验。


