100字范文 > 责任感教育 the high school in the mountain area英语短句 例句大全

责任感教育 the high school in the mountain area英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-21 18:50:13


责任感教育 the high school in the mountain area英语短句 例句大全

责任感教育,the high school in the mountain area

1)the high school in the mountain area责任感教育


1.On Education of Contemporary College Students Social Responsibility;论当代大学生社会责任感教育的价值

2.Analysis on the Sense of Responsibility Education Lacking of College Students and Countermeasures浅析大学生责任感教育的缺失及对策

3.Analysis on Young People s Lack of the Sense of Responsibility At a Cognitive Dimension--Pursuing rationality of School education of responsibility;青少年责任感缺失的认知维度分析——学校责任感教育合理性追问

4.Research on Long-run Educational Machenism Construction of Social Responsibility Sense among College Students;大学生社会责任感教育长效机制建设的研究和探索

5.To Strengthen Education of College Students" Social Responsible Sense in Line With Harmonious Society加强与和谐社会相适应的大学生社会责任感教育

6.On the Cultivation of College Students Responsibility by Awakening their Feeling of Gratitude;大学生的“感恩”教育与责任感的培养

7.His further education intensified his sense of responsibility.他进一步受的教育加强了他的责任感。

8.Sense of Social Responsibility of Students Major in Pre-school Education;学前教育专业学生社会责任感的培养

9.Education in the Sense of Shame:Basis for Building Up College Students Sense of Moral Responsibility;论大学生道德责任感确立的基础:耻感教育

10.Discussions on how to improve the sense of responsibity and moral of the PE teachers in colleges;新时期高校体育教师如何提高育人的责任感

11.Developing College Students" Social Responsibility Based on Thanksgiving Education以感恩教育为核心内容培养大学生的社会责任感

12.education for responsible parenthood有关父母责任的教育

13.Educational construction of social responsibility--A Multiple Explanations of Religion、School and Politic;社会责任感的教育建构——一个宗教、学校和政治的多元解释

14.Just because of his strictness of education, I became a very patient and responsible person.正是他严格的教育,使我现在变得有毅力以及充满责任感。

paion Education Applies in the Responsibility;同伴教育在高中生责任教育中的应用

16.On the Duty Education in the Moral Education Teaching of Vocational Colleges and Universities;刍议职业院校德育教学中的责任教育

17.Entrepreneur Education: New Responsibility and Mission of Higher Education;创业教育:大学教育新的责任与使命

18.Educational Accountability System and Strengthening of Educational Responsibility of American Government;教育考责制与美国政府教育责任的强化


the sense of the educational responsibility教育责任感

3)education on social responsibility社会责任感教育

4)responsibility education责任教育

1.In the sight of reality of public activities,this paper discusses the significance of developingresponsibility education,and put forwards the idea of systematic responsibility on the basis of system theory.从社会生活的现实出发,论述了开展责任教育的社会意义,并从系统学说的理念提出系统责任教育的思想。

2.Theresponsibility education is one of the core contents of the university students moral education.责任教育是大学生德育的核心内容之一。

5)education responsibility教育责任

1.This paper discusses the dilemma which teachers face while undertaking theeducation responsibility.从教育诉讼增多现象开始分析,以责任和教育责任为逻辑起点,探讨了教师承担教育责任的两难困境,分析了教育责任中的伦理问题,提出使教师承担教育责任的三点建议。

2.American educational accountability system is one kind of management mode, which begins from 1960s with the promotion of the Civil Rights Movement and Education Equality Movement, this policy system focus on the identify and examine ofeducation responsibility.美国教育考责制是在20世纪60年代教育机会均等和民权运动的推动下产生的管理模式,它是一种对教育责任进行认定和考查的法律制度。

6)sense of educational responsibility教育责任心


