100字范文 > 地铁列车车厢 carriage of subway train英语短句 例句大全

地铁列车车厢 carriage of subway train英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-13 07:38:37


地铁列车车厢 carriage of subway train英语短句 例句大全

地铁列车车厢,carriage of subway train

1)carriage of subway train地铁列车车厢


1.Study on Effectiveness of High-Pressure Water Mist Fire Protection System to Restrain Metro Carriage Fire高压细水雾灭火系统抑制地铁列车车厢火灾的有效性

2.passenger alarm plunger [Mass Transit Railway]车厢紧急按掣〔地下铁路〕

3.tube trains, tickets, etc地铁列车、 车票等.

4.a subway train, station地铁列车、 地铁站.

5.The soft berth car is in the middle of the train, car Number Six.列车员:软卧车厢在列车中部,6号车厢。

6.A railroad parlor car or sleeping car.铁路客车或卧铺车厢

7.The cars of the train are coupled together by shackles.列车的车厢被链子连着。

8.a train with nine coaches一列九节车厢的火车

9.three-car electric multiple unit三节车厢的电气化列车

10.uncouple a freight car from a train从列车上把货车厢分开

11.vestibule train连廊列车-两车厢相通的

12.effacing graffiti from subway cars;除掉地铁车厢上的乱涂污迹;

13.The people on the platform crowded into the subway car站台上的人挤进了地铁车厢。

14.A tired passenger is in one carriage of underground.地铁车厢里里,一个疲惫的乘客。

15.a railway station, carriage, engineer火车站、 火车车厢、 铁路工程师.

16.A series of connected railroad cars pulled or pushed by one or more locomotives.列车由一个或多个火车机车头牵引或推的一系列连接起来的铁路车厢

17.A passenger train is made up of a line of cars or coaches.乘客的火车整列都是坐厢或卧厢。

18.Making a study of subway carriage limit measurement with technology of digital image processing;地铁车厢限界数字图像处理检测方法的研究


subway carriage地铁车厢

3)metro train地铁列车

1.Study on simulation algorithm ofmetro train operation;地铁列车运行仿真算法研究

2.Relation between the passenger compartment side doors space ofmetro train and the station shield door;地铁列车客室侧门间距与站台屏蔽门关系的探讨

4)Subway train地铁列车

1.Application of reliability technique to subway train;可靠性技术在地铁列车中的应用

2.Event-based control technology for the optimization of subway train s running time;用基于事件的控制技术求解地铁列车运行时间优化问题

3.Simulation analysis on the running time of subway train;地铁列车运行时间仿真分析

5)metro vehicle地铁列车

1.The frequency characteristic of the motivation force acting on the subgrade induced by Metro vehicle,its relationship with the self-vibration characteristic of building structure,and the correlative damping measures are discussed.通过轮轨相互作用关系,建立由上部车辆与下部轨道两子系统组成的地车辆―轨道垂向耦合系统模型,分析了地铁列车运行引起的轨道路基激振力频率特性,讨论了其与建筑结构振动响应的关系以及相关的减振措施。

2.At present, studies about simulation ofmetro vehicle operation are mostly on the basic issues of performance calculation.目前关于地铁列车运行仿真方面的研究多限于牵引计算基本问题,对于各种限速、手柄操纵等需要大量现场的第一手资料和操纵经验等相关问题的研究少,因此能够满足运营单位需求的研究成果不多。



