100字范文 > 风管机 ducted type air conditioner英语短句 例句大全

风管机 ducted type air conditioner英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-14 08:53:00


风管机 ducted type air conditioner英语短句 例句大全

风管机,ducted type air conditioner

1)ducted type air conditioner风管机

2)fan-coil unit风机盘管

1.Analysis on typical problems in air-waterfan-coil unit system;空气-水风机盘管系统关键问题分析

parison of the methods for type selection offan-coil unit;风机盘管选型方法的比较

3.Determination of inlet water temperature in dry cooling condition forfan-coil unit;风机盘管干工况时进水温度的确定


1.Study on Air-Conditioning System Which Fan-Coil Unit Running in Dry Condition风机盘管干工况运行的空调系统研究


3.Software Upgrad on Hydraulic Optimization of Fan Coil Networks;风机盘管水系统管网水力优化软件升级

4.The Comparasion between VAV Air Conditioning System and 4-tube FCU SystemVAV空调系统与四管制风机盘管系统的比较

putational Simulation of Fan Coil Units and Study of Uniformization of the Head-on Flow Field of the Coil;风机盘管空调器模拟计算及其盘管来流均匀化实验研究

6.The Research on Enegy Saving Control of Water System and Fan Coil Units in Central Air-conditioning System;中央空调水系统及风机盘管的节能控制研究

7.The Operation Energy-saving Technology Research of Fan-coil Air-conditioning System;风机盘管空调系统运行节能技术的研究

8.The Research of the Terminal Controller of the Fan Coil Center Air-conditioner.;风机盘管中央空调末端智能控制器研究

9.Research on Application of Fan Coil Air Conditioning System Based on Fuzzy Control;基于模糊控制的风机盘管空调系统应用研究

10.A Study of Energy Saving Simultion and Control of Fan Coil System in Summer;风机盘管空调系统夏季节能模拟与控制研究

11.Influence of Chilled-water with Large Temperature Difference on Performance of Fan-coil Unit;空调冷水大温差对风机盘管性能的影响

12.Development of the domestic fan coil units after the implement of GB/T 19232-;执行国标GB/T19232-后国产风机盘管的发展

13.Analysis of Regular Problems Appearing During the Service of Fan Coil System and Corresponding Strategies风机盘管系统运行中常见问题分析及对策

14.Analysis of influencing factors on heat transfer performance of fan-coil unit heat exchanger影响风机盘管换热器传热性能的因素分析

15.Design and simulation software development of fan coil and experimental verification风机盘管设计与仿真软件开发及实验验证

16.Experimental Investigation on Noise Level in Terminal Air Conditioning Unit对风机盘管噪声测试与控制方法的讨论

17.DIDO fuzzy controller using three baddish of fan coil;利用风机盘管三档风速功能的双输入双输出模糊控制系统;

18.The Study on the Fan-coil Unit with Fresh Air System on Dry Condition;风机盘管(干工况)加新风空调方式的若干问题研究


fan-coil unit风机盘管

1.Analysis on typical problems in air-waterfan-coil unit system;空气-水风机盘管系统关键问题分析

parison of the methods for type selection offan-coil unit;风机盘管选型方法的比较

3.Determination of inlet water temperature in dry cooling condition forfan-coil unit;风机盘管干工况时进水温度的确定

3)fan-coil units风机盘管

1.Disassembly and cleaning forfan-coil units of centrol air-conditioner;中央空调风机盘管的拆卸清洗

2.Based on the analysis of the shortcomings of unitary air-conditioners andfan-coil units used in residential buildings,the design principles of a new type of residentialfan-coil units are discussed,then the detailed design methods are proposed.在分析家用空调和现有的风机盘管末端装置的弊端的基础上 ,提出了新型风机盘管的设计构思 ,然后进一步阐述了具体的设计技术手段。

3.According to the statement of the type selection and arrangement offan-coil units combined air condition engineering with construction,this paper points out that type selection should consider the architecture pattern,determine load,air delivery and air distribution.通过阐述空调工程设计与施工相结合中的风机盘管选型、布局,着重指出选型应充分考虑业主的建筑格局,合理地确定负荷、风量和气流组织,才能真正体现设计与施工的统一。


1.Discussion on applicability of dry conditionfan-coil unit systems;干工况风机盘管系统适用性探讨

2.Application performances of ordinaryfan-coil unit to water systems with large temperature difference;常水温差风机盘管机组应用于大水温差工况下的性能研究

3.Design and software development of evaporative cooling fresh air handling unit plus dry cooling conditionfan-coil unit system;蒸发冷却新风机组加干工况风机盘管系统设计方法及软件开发

5)fan coil风机盘管

1.Design of electricity conservation offan coils in hotel guest rooms;酒店客房风机盘管的节电设计

2.Research on the cooling capacity correction method offan coil for dry coil system;干盘管系统设计中风机盘管冷量修正法的研究

3.Influence of chilled water with large temperature difference on performance of air coolers andfan coils;冷水大温差对表冷器及风机盘管性能的影响

6)fan coil unit风机盘管

1.Dynamic response offan coil unit performance caused by exterior disturbance;外界扰动下的风机盘管动态响应

2.Development of the domesticfan coil units after the implement of GB/T 19232-;执行国标GB/T19232-后国产风机盘管的发展

3.Angle scale comparison method forfan coil unit plus fresh air system design;风机盘管加新风空调系统ε值比较设计方法


