100字范文 > 风道 Air duct英语短句 例句大全

风道 Air duct英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-18 06:32:36


风道 Air duct英语短句 例句大全

风道,Air duct

1)Air duct风道

1.In this paper effect of air temperature, air flow rate, air duct size and distance between air ducts on the performance of mixed flow grain dryer were analyzed And discussed.分析和讨论了空气温度、流速、风道中的风道尺寸对混流谷物干燥机的影响。

2.Taking a certain engineering as the example, this paper introduces the construction method of air shaft and air duct, probes into the excavation method for the main body of subway station, expounds the concrete construction procedures by using the strengthening-ring holing method.以某工程为例,介绍了风井和风道的施工方法,探讨了车站主体开挖方法,阐述了加强环进洞施工方案的具体施工方法。

3.The straight section of secondary air duct for boiler of 600 MW supercritical unit manufactured by Dongfang Boiler Factory is shorter, at the time the measurement of air flow is being carried out by adopting velocityequalizing tube flowmeter, the required precision can’t be reached.东方锅炉厂制造的600MW超临界机组锅炉二次风道的直管段较短,采用均速管流量计进行风量测量时,达不道精度要求。


1.A passageway or shaft in which air circulates, as in ventilating a mine.通风道,换气坑空气流通的通道,如使矿井通风的风道

2.A passage for drawing up smoke or air.上风井,上风烟道发散烟或空气的通道

3.The weather conditions characteristic of these regions of the ocean.无风天气赤道无风带的无风天气

4.A region of the ocean near the equator, characterized by calms, light winds, or squalls.赤道无风带靠近赤道的海域,特征是或风平浪静,或起微风或起飓风

5."That was a dreadfully long story,"said the Wind.“这个故事真长!”风说道。

6.The road dissolved in a heavy storm.暴风雨中,道路看不清了。

7.ventilation and drainage of exploratory tunnel坑探勘探坑道通风排水

8.I knew I should create a great sensation.我知道我要大出风头的。

9.as the saying goes, there is no smoke without fire.常言道,无风不起浪。

10.Typical Chinese local dishes taste wonderful.中国风味莱,味道好极了。

11.The cold wind searched the street.风吹遍了各个街道。

12."And I will come and meet you and will never mind the distance, All the way to Chang-feng Sha. "相迎不道远, 直至长风沙。

13.The high wind has made the schooner break sheer.强风将大帆船吹离航道。

14.The gale drove the freighter out of its course.大风把货船吹出了航道。

15.During the storm the ship wandered from its course.船在风暴中偏离了航道。

16.balanced flue heater平衡烟道热风供热设备

17.I"m well aware of the risks.我清楚知道其中的风险.

18.Control of Air Flow Passing Through Cross Tunnels in Tunnel Construction Jet Ventilation隧道施工射流通风中横通道的风流控制



1.The design of suppressied noiseduct for air-cooled low noise electrical power plant;低噪声风冷小功率电站风道设计

2.Application of CFD to the optimal design of the car air-conditioningduct;CFD在轿车空调风道优化设计中的应用

3.CFD Analysis and Optimization of Automotive Air-conditioning Duct System;汽车空调风道系统CFD研究与优化

3)air channel风道

4)wind duct风道

1.Then,fan andwind duct are designed.而后,对风机和风道进行设计,并通过气体体积流量数据证明散热系统能够满足高压变频器运行的需要。

5)wind tunnel风道

1.Thewind tunnel structure plays an important role in gas flow and workpiece cooling uniformity in vacuum high-pressure gas quenching furnace.真空高压气淬设备中风道的结构型式对气体流动和工件冷却均匀性有很大影响,本文采用理论分析与数值模拟相结合的方法,对真空高压气淬设备风道结构进行了分析与讨论。

6)air passage风道

1.The air flow and heat dissipation behaviors in a singleair passage of rotor disc in an eddy current retarder with original structure and attached inline and staggered pin fins structures for forced heat dissipation are comparatively analyzed using standard k-ε double equations and energy equation.应用标准k-ε双方程和能量方程,对比分析了原结构和加装顺排与叉排销式强制散热结构时缓速器转子盘单个风道的空气流动和散热状况。


风道1.风往来的通道。 2.犹言风范道德。 3.谓行事的方式。
