100字范文 > 多糖提取 polysaccharide extraction英语短句 例句大全

多糖提取 polysaccharide extraction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-29 02:15:53


多糖提取 polysaccharide extraction英语短句 例句大全

多糖提取,polysaccharide extraction

1)polysaccharide extraction多糖提取


1.Studies on the Extraction of Exopolysaccharides and High Exopolysaccharides-producing Culture of Yoghurt;酸乳胞外多糖提取及高产胞外多糖发酵剂研究

2.Study on Extraction Conditions of Tremella Fuciformis Polysaccharide and Viscosity Characteristics of Its Extract;银耳多糖提取条件及提取液黏度特性的研究

3.Study on the Extraction Isolation and Determination of Bamboo-leaves Polysaccharide;竹叶多糖提取、分离及检测技术研究

4.Studies on Extraction Technology and Functional Effect of Polysaccharide from Phyllanthus Emblica L.;余甘多糖提取工艺及其功能学的研究

5.The Studies on the Extraction and Separation of Alliin and Polysaccharides in Garlic;蒜氨酸和大蒜多糖提取分离实验研究

6.Extraction Process of Polysaccharides from Angelica Sinensis and Astragalus;当归多糖和黄芪多糖的提取工艺研究

7.Study on the soxhlet extraction process of polysaccharides in polyporus umbellatus索式提取法提取猪苓总多糖工艺研究

8.RNA Extraction of Plant Materials Rich in Polysaccharide and Polyphenol富含多糖·多酚植物组织RNA的提取

9.Resule: The content of the polysaccharide from Ligustrum henryi Hemslwere was 5.5% by the method of refluxing, while that was 1.4% by soaking.结果回流提取苦丁茶中多糖含量为5.7%,浸泡提取多糖含量为1.4%。

parison of Different Technology for Polysaccharides Extraction from Onion洋葱多糖不同提取工艺的提取效果研究

11.Method: The polysaccharide was extracted by phenol-sulphoacid method.方法采用苯酚-浓硫酸法提取多糖。

12.Studies on the Extraction and Physicochemical Characters of Hericium Erinaceus Polysaccharides;猴头菌多糖的提取及理化性质的研究

13.The Extracting Process, Purification, Isolation of Polygonatum Sibiricum Red Polysaccharides;黄精多糖的提取工艺及其纯化、分离

14.Study on the Extraction, Isolation, Purification and Structure Research of Hawthorn Fruit Polysaccharide;山楂多糖的提取、分离纯化及结构研究

15.Study on Extraction, Separation of Polysaccharides from Taxus Mairei and Its Properties;红豆杉多糖的提取、纯化及性质研究

16.Extraction, Purification and Structure Analysis of Polysaccharides from Agaricus Blazei Murill;姬松茸多糖的提取、纯化和结构分析

17.Study on the Extraction, Structure and Biological Activity of Polysaccharides(SWP) from Sarcopyramis Nepalensis Wall;楮头红多糖的提取、结构及其活性研究

18.The Extration Method for Phycocyanin and Crude Polysaccharides from Spirulina;螺旋藻藻蓝蛋白与多糖的一步法提取


extraction of polysaccharides多糖提取


1.Extraction ofpolysaccharide from pleurotus ferulae lenzi by low energy ions implantation;离子束诱变阿魏菇胞内多糖提取工艺研究

4)crude polysaccharides extract多糖提取物

1.The hypoglycemic effects ofcrude polysaccharides extract from Momordica charantia in mice;苦瓜粗多糖提取物降血糖作用的实验研究

5)rate of polysaccharide extraction多糖提取率

6)extraction of proteoglycan粗多糖提取


