100字范文 > 多糖提取物 crude polysaccharides extract英语短句 例句大全

多糖提取物 crude polysaccharides extract英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-20 07:51:28


多糖提取物 crude polysaccharides extract英语短句 例句大全

多糖提取物,crude polysaccharides extract

1)crude polysaccharides extract多糖提取物

1.The hypoglycemic effects ofcrude polysaccharides extract from Momordica charantia in mice;苦瓜粗多糖提取物降血糖作用的实验研究


1.Effects of Chinese Magnoliavine Fruits on Experimental Hyperlipemia in Rats五味子多糖提取物的降血脂功能试验

2.Preliminary Studies on the Antimicrobial Activties of the Polysaccharide Extracts from Kalimeris indica路边菊多糖提取物抗菌活性初步研究

3.RNA Extraction of Plant Materials Rich in Polysaccharide and Polyphenol富含多糖·多酚植物组织RNA的提取

4.Extraction and Study of Vegetable Amylose in Seed of Nicandra Physaloides;假酸浆子植物多糖的提取与性质测定

5.Extraction and Biological Activities of Polysaccharides from Fermented Mycelia of Lachnum calyculiforme萼状粒毛盘菌多糖提取及其生物活性

6.Studies on Extraction Technology and Bioactivity of Soluble Polysaccharide from plantain车前草粗多糖提取及生物学活性研究

7.Study on Polysaccharides Extraction Technology, Bioactivity and High Polysaccharides Germplasm Screening of Oolong Tea;乌龙茶多糖的提取工艺、生物活性及高多糖优异种质资源的研究

8.After the extracts was precipitated by alcohol,raw polysaccharides of 77.52% 1.19% purity were obtained.提取物经乙醇沉淀后,得到纯度为77.52%±1.19%的粗多糖。

9.Advances in the Extraction and Active Research of Glycosaminoglycan from Echinodermata棘皮动物氨基多糖的提取与活性研究概况

10.Extraction, Appraisal and Immunological Activity Assay of Soluble Soybean Polysaccharides;可溶性大豆多糖的提取、鉴定及生物活性的研究

11.Research on Guyuan Polysaccharide Ginsenoside Abstraction Components and Proliposome;固元多糖苷提取物及其前体脂质体的研究

12.Studies on the Extraction, Isolation and Preliminary Analysis of Selenium Polysaccharide in Natural Selenium-rich Plants;天然富硒植物中硒多糖的提取、分离和初步分析

13.Studies on Extracting Technology and Biological Activity of Wheat Germ Polysaccharides;麦胚多糖的提取工艺及生物活性的研究

14.Studies on Extracting Technology of Polysaccharide from Jujuba Mill and Preliminary Exploration for Its Function Evaluation;红枣多糖提取工艺研究及其生物功能初探

15.Extraction and Biologic Activities Study of Potentilla Anserline Polysaccharide;委陵菜多糖的提取分离及生物学活性研究

16.Extracting Angelica Sinensis Polysaccharide by Enzymes and Biological Activity;复合酶法提取当归多糖及其生物活性研究

17.The Extraction, Isolation, Purification of Astragalus Polysacch Arides and the Research on Its Biological Activity;黄芪多糖的提取、分离、纯化及其生物学活性研究

18.Studies on Extraction, Purification, Physical Properities and Antioxidative Activity of Vitis L. Polysaccharides;葡萄多糖的提取纯化及物性、抗氧化性研究


Huangmo Polysaccharides extracts黄蘑多糖提取物

1.Anti-liver cancer effect ofHuangmo Polysaccharides extracts and its mechanism;黄蘑多糖提取物的抗肝癌作用及其机制

3)polysaccharide extract from mushrooms香菇多糖提取物

4)polysaccharide extraction多糖提取

5)extraction of polysaccharides多糖提取


1.Extraction ofpolysaccharide from pleurotus ferulae lenzi by low energy ions implantation;离子束诱变阿魏菇胞内多糖提取工艺研究


