100字范文 > 船舶航行安全 navigation safety英语短句 例句大全

船舶航行安全 navigation safety英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-24 02:09:12


船舶航行安全 navigation safety英语短句 例句大全

船舶航行安全,navigation safety

1)navigation safety船舶航行安全


1.The Study and Exploitation on a Ship Sailing Safety Supporting System;船舶航行安全保障系统的研究与开发

2.Interim Rules for Safe Navigation of Nonpower-Driven Vessel at Sea非机动船舶海上航行安全暂行规则

3.Study on the safe probability of ship navigation in random beam wave随机横浪中船舶航行的安全概率研究

4.The Importance of Crew s Relationship on Marine Operation Safety;浅谈船员人际关系对船舶安全航行的重要性

5.The targeting system for safety inspection of Chinese ships not engaged in international trade中国籍非国际航行船舶安全检查选船机制

6.AtoN is the basic establishment of the sea-route for assisting navigation straightly effecting on the safety of shipping.航标是航道的基础助航设施,直接影响船舶的航行安全。

7.REGULATIONS ON AVOIDING COLLISION AND SAFE NAVIGATION OF SHIPS--Analysis of Several Collision Accidents of Ships Sailing on Jiangsu Section in Yangtse River避让规则与船舶安全航行——对长江江苏段多起船舶碰撞事故的分析

8.Where a vessel, in violation of Article 5 of the Maritime Traffic Safety Law, sails without the certificate of vessel nationality or with a falsified certificate of vessel nationality,违反《海上交通安全法》第五条的规定,船舶无船舶国籍证书或使用虚假的船舶国籍证书航行的,

9.The Study of Assessment of Shipping Safety from Seafarers Training;船员培训对船舶航运的安全评价研究

10.Restrict ions of speed should be imposed in river courses where navigation of ships may endanger the safety of embankments.在船舶航行可能危及堤岸安全的河段,应当限定航速。

11.Vessels and their major equipment relating to navigation safety must have valid technical certificates issued by vessel inspection departments.船舶和船上有关航行安全的重要设备必须具有船舶检验部门签发的有效技术证书。

12.Ship Safety Assessment at Thilawa Port Approach Channel;THILAWA港航道船舶安全评估研究

13.and affects the safety of other vessels and installations in navigation, berthing, and operation" as mentioned in the preceding paragraph of this Article includes the following situations:影响其他船舶、设施航行、停泊和作业的安全,包括下列情形:

14.Using forged or altered certificate of safety administration of vessels to engage in navigation or other relevant activities.使用伪造、变造的船舶安全管理证书从事航行或其他有关活动。

15.Engaging in navigation or other relevant activities without obtaining the certificate of safety administration of vessels;未取得船舶安全管理证书从事航行或其他有关活动;

16.Application of FSA to Ship Pilotage Safety Assessment;综合安全评估在船舶引航安全评估中的应用

17.Technical requirement for the safety sailing of vessels--Communication and navigationGB/T6551-1993船舶安全开航技术要求通信与导航

18.Working Group on Ship"s Routeing船舶航路安排工作组


navigating safely船舶安全航行

1.Summarizing study onnavigating safely for a ship in the heavy storm waves;大风浪船舶安全航行的研究综述

3)Ship Safety Navigation Certificate船舶安全航行证书

4)Navigation safety in fog船舶雾航安全

5)Interim Rules for Safe Navigation of Nonpower-Driven Vessel at Sea非机动船舶海上航行安全暂行规则

6)Temporary Provisions on Inspection for the Safety of Ships Sailing in Changjiang River"s Main Line长江干线在航船舶安全检查暂行规定


