100字范文 > 航行风险 Navigational risks英语短句 例句大全

航行风险 Navigational risks英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-05-26 15:59:44


航行风险 Navigational risks英语短句 例句大全

航行风险,Navigational risks

1)Navigational risks航行风险

2)Aviation risk航空风险

3)Aids to navigation risk航标风险

4)shipping risk航运风险

5)dangers of navigation航行危险


1.Study on the Forecast Technology of Vessel Sailing Risk in VTS;VTS中船舶航行危险预测技术的研究

2.Research on Evaluation of Ship s Real-time Voyaging Risk in Ship Handling Simulator;大型船舶操纵模拟器船舶航行危险性实时评价的研究

3.Evaluation on Danger Degree of Ship-operating Environment in Navigable Waters;航道水域船舶航行环境危险度的评价

4.Navigation in the Bermuda Triangle is very dangerous.在百慕大三角航行很危险。

5.and the hazards of navigation presented by the irregularities in depth,深浅不一能给航行带来危险,

6.Our insurance company is not held responsible for any dangers of navigation.我们保险公司不保航行中任何无法预防的危险。

7.It was a dangerous ocean crossing in wartime,but captain and crew braved it out.这是战时一次危险的跨洋航行,但是全船上下勇敢地面对这一危险。

8.Many difficulties and dangers attended upon his single-handed voyage round the world.他独自一人作环球航行,遇到了很多困难和危险。

9.The irregularities in depth of the shallow water close to the land bring danger to trip.靠近陆地的浅水区深浅不一给航行带来了危险。

10.Their ship was sailing dangerously in the tempestuous sea.他们的船在浪急风高的海上危险地航行着。

11.With respect to the sunk or drifting objects that may affect the safety of navigation and the management of navigation lanes, and that constitute a threat of explosion,对影响安全航行、航道整治以及有潜在爆炸危险的沉没物、漂浮物,

12.The voyage was beset with dangers.这次航程充满了危险.

13.Dangerous rocks shut up the passage.危险的礁石堵住了航道。

14.The astronauts faced risks on the moon never before met by man.宇宙航行员在月球上所冒的危险,是人类以前从来没有遇见的。

15.The consigning of dangerous articles as baggage for shipment against the provisions stipulated by the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council is prohibited.禁止违反国务院民用航空主管部门的规定将危险品作为行李托运。

16.Rudolph was sailing near a dangerous, roky place and the closed port was four hours away.鲁道夫正航行于接近一个危险多岩的地方,而距离最近的港口,还有四个小时的航程。

17.Perilously or criminally foolish action.危险的蠢行危险或犯法的愚蠢行为

18.SIGMET [warnings of hazardous weather to aircraft]向航机发出的危险天气警告


Aviation risk航空风险

3)Aids to navigation risk航标风险

4)shipping risk航运风险

5)dangers of navigation航行危险

6)navigation risk航行险


