100字范文 > 药物筛选试验 drug screening assays英语短句 例句大全

药物筛选试验 drug screening assays英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-16 01:03:02


药物筛选试验 drug screening assays英语短句 例句大全

药物筛选试验,drug screening assays

1)drug screening assays药物筛选试验


1.Study of Epidemic Regularity and Medicines Filtration of Eperythrozoonosis;附红细胞体病流行规律及治疗药物筛选试验的研究

2.Isolation,Identification and Selective Test for the Best Curative Medicine on Fourteen Strains of Aeromonas.sp from Infected Aquatic Animals14株患病水生动物气单胞菌属细菌的分离鉴定与最佳治疗药物筛选试验

3.Rapid Detection for Mycoplasmal Pnaumonia of Goats and Sheep by Using Multi-PCR and Its Medicine Sensitivity Test;羊支原体性肺炎多重PCR病原快速诊断技术与敏感性药物筛选试验研究

4.The Screening Experiment on Different Pesticides to Control Tobacco Aphids for Pharmaceutical Efficacy;不同农药防治烟草蚜虫药效筛选试验

5.Screen and Formulae Test of Traditional Chinese Herbs Promoting Uterine Contraction;促进子宫收缩中药的筛选与组方试验

6.Research on the Nitrate and Nitrite Contents in Vegetables and Using Bio-pesticides to Control Pests and Diseases;生物农药筛选试验及蔬菜硝酸盐亚硝酸盐含量积累研究

7.Cultivation, Drug Screening of E.wenyoni in Vitro and Therapeutic Test of Sick Cows;温氏附红细胞体体外培养、药物筛选及疾病治疗的试验研究

8.Screening experiment of biosensor sensitivity in rapid detection of organophosphorous pesticide residues用于农药残留快速检测的生物传感器灵敏度筛选试验

9.Screening and Field Trial of Pesticides for Flower Thrips (Frankliniella intonsa) in Peanut花生花蓟马室内药剂筛选及田间药效试验

10.Screening Test and Experimental Study of the Killing Effect of Traditional Chinese Herbs on Ocular Demodex;中草药体外抑杀眼部蠕形螨的筛选与试验研究

11.Screening Test Study of Chemical Control Effect on Eupatorium adenophorum紫茎泽兰化学防除效果的药剂筛选试验

12.The Selection of Medication with Chemical Control on Cabbage Clubroot Disease in Yanji延吉市白菜根肿病化学防治药剂筛选试验

13.Screening Experiment for Pesticides to Control Main Borer Worms in Eastern Hebei Rice Planting Area冀东稻区防治主要螟虫的药剂筛选试验

14.Screening of Some Special Pharmaceutical Prescriptions for Control of Prodenia litura on Cotton防治棉田斜纹夜蛾专用药剂配方筛选试验

15.Selection of Non Social Effects of Pullution Insecticide against Spodoptera litura (Fabricius)防治斜纹夜蛾高效无公害药剂筛选试验

16.Identification and Verification of Cellular Targets for Anti-HBV Drugs;抗乙型肝炎病毒药物靶标的筛选和验证

17.A modified drug screening method for evaluating in vitro anti-mite activity一种改进的抗人体蠕形螨药物筛选的实验方法

18.Establishment of a Model for Screening ARIs and Drugs ScreeningARIs筛选模型的建立及相关药物的筛选


drug screening assay药物筛选试验

3)antitumor drug screening assay抗肿瘤药物筛选试验

4)Screening test of insecticides药剂筛选试验

5)drug screening assays药物筛选实验


1.Screening of Disinfectants by Test to Kill the Main Pathogenic E.Coil in Poultry;山西省鸡致病性大肠杆菌优势血清型消毒液的筛选试验

2.Screening of Compound Fungicide to Macrophoma Kawatsukaii in Apple;苹果轮纹病菌复配药剂室内筛选试验

3.Screening of Different Media for Mycelium of Cordyceps hawkesii;亚香棒虫草菌丝体不同培养基筛选试验


