100字范文 > 超细鳞片石墨 Ultrafine expanded graphite英语短句 例句大全

超细鳞片石墨 Ultrafine expanded graphite英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-13 03:15:48


超细鳞片石墨 Ultrafine expanded graphite英语短句 例句大全

超细鳞片石墨,Ultrafine expanded graphite

1)Ultrafine expanded graphite超细鳞片石墨

2)fine flake graphite细鳞片石墨

1.The process conditions and mechanism of preparing expand graphite by using cheapfine flake graphite as raw material was primarily studied in this paper.本文主要研究了利用成本低廉的细鳞片石墨制备膨胀石墨的工艺条件及机理。


parison of Approaches in Producing Highly Purified Graphite from Fine-Flake Graphite in Panzhihua;攀枝花细鳞片石墨制备高纯石墨的几种方法比较

2.Application Analysis of Fine Flake Expanded Graphite in Fuel Cells;细鳞片膨胀石墨在燃料电池中的应用分析

3.Flaky graphite is one of the best mineral in the nature.鳞片石墨矿是自然界可浮性最好的矿物之一。

4.Study on Electroless Copper-Plating of Natural Flake Graphite Powders天然鳞片石墨表面化学镀铜工艺的研究

5.Method for evaluating dispersion effect of flake graphite in water slurry水系浆料中鳞片石墨分散效果的评价方法

6.Application of Scale Graphite Mineral Powder to the Bearing of Firing Truck矿鳞片石墨粉剂在烧成车轴承上的应用

7.Graphite for making synthetic diamondGB/T14898-1994人造金刚石用石墨片

8.a butterfly"s wing, with its myriad tiny scales带有无数细小鳞片的蝴蝶翅膀.

9.Application of Single Chip Computer for Test of Graphite Electrode Specific Resistance石墨化电极比电阻测试的单片机应用

10.The Performance and Application Analysis of the Composite Gaskets by Corrugated Metal Sheet;石墨波齿复合垫片的性能和应用分析

11.lizard with black and yellowish beadlike scales; of western Mexico.长有珠子状的黑色和微黄色鳞片的蜥蜴;产于墨西哥西部。

12.with long pointed scales around toes; of deserts of United States and Mexico.脚趾周围长有长而尖的鳞片;产于美国和墨西哥的沙漠地区。

13.Determination method for fineness of graphiteGB/T3520-1995石墨细度检验方法

14.Human Papillomavirus Genotyping by HPV DNA Chip in Cervical Squamous Cell Carcinoma;基因芯片检测宫颈鳞状细胞癌HPV DNA基因类型

15.Studies on Cell Differentiation and Physiologic Mechanism of Scale Culture Cardiocrinum Giganteum;大百合鳞片组织培养细胞分化及生理机制研究

16.Establishment of Highly Efficient Regeneration System with Thin Cell Layer of Lily Scale百合鳞片薄层细胞培养高效再生体系的建立

17.The natural form of carbon in cast iron is the free graphite flake form.铸铁内的碳天然形式是游离石墨薄片形式。

18.The Microstructures of Nano-carbon Particles Graphite Fragments and Electrochemical Reaction Behaviors;纳米碳粒的石墨碎片微结构及电化学性质


fine flake graphite细鳞片石墨

1.The process conditions and mechanism of preparing expand graphite by using cheapfine flake graphite as raw material was primarily studied in this paper.本文主要研究了利用成本低廉的细鳞片石墨制备膨胀石墨的工艺条件及机理。

3)ultrafine graphite微细鳞片石墨

1.The dispersion behavior ofultrafine graphite in aqueous system was investigated by the sedimentation test.采用沉降法研究了微细鳞片石墨在水介质中的分散行为,考察了12种药剂对微细鳞片石墨的分散效果,通过测试加入分散剂前、后颗粒表面Zeta电位、悬浮液粘度的变化及颗粒间相互作用能的计算,研究了分散剂的作用机理。

4)flake graphite鳞片石墨

1.Study on the dispersion offlake graphite improved by Surfactant;表面活性剂改善鳞片石墨分散性的研究

2.Study of lithium intercalation into coatedflake graphite;包覆鳞片石墨嵌锂行为的研究

3.C-SiC-B_4C composites were prepared withflake graphite C_(fg),SiC,B_4C and TiO_2 and the effects of sintering temperature on the microstructures and properties of C-SiC-B_4C composites were investigated.利用鳞片石墨C_(fg)易在压力下滑动在陶瓷基体上形成C_(fg)条状组织的特性,实现了材料的显微组织设计。

5)scale graphite鳞片石墨

1.Research on the loss of big scales and a new flotation technology forscale graphite;鳞片石墨大片损失规律及磨浮新工艺研究

2.Research on the flotation technology ofscale graphite;小规模鳞片石墨矿浮选工艺研究

3.Research on the improvementof regrinding technologyofscale graphite;鳞片石墨再磨工艺改进研究

6)squama graphite鳞片石墨

1.Influence of ash ofsquama graphite on synthesizing diamond by powder catalyst technology;天然鳞片石墨灰分对粉末技术合成金刚石的影响

2.The graphite conductive adhesives were respectively prepared withsquama graphite, reductive graphite,squama graphite/aluminium powder as conductive medium.分别以鳞片石墨、还原石墨、鳞片石墨/铝粉作导电介质制备石墨导电胶。


