100字范文 > 天然鳞片石墨 Natural Flake Graphite英语短句 例句大全

天然鳞片石墨 Natural Flake Graphite英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-15 08:28:13


天然鳞片石墨 Natural Flake Graphite英语短句 例句大全

天然鳞片石墨,Natural Flake Graphite

1)Natural Flake Graphite天然鳞片石墨

1.Study on the coated natural flake graphite modified by the GICs technology;GICs技术改性包覆天然鳞片石墨的研究

2.To improve charging discharging property of graphite and its compatibility with electrolyte solutions, the natural flake graphite(NFG) is coated with phenol resin first, and then carbonized under different carbonization conditions in inert gas.为改善石墨的充放电特性及与电解质相容性 ,以酚醛树脂包覆天然鳞片石墨 ,在惰性气氛下以不同的炭化条件对包覆材料进行炭化处理 ,将所制备的复合材料作为锂离子二次电池的负极 ,以金属锂片作为对电极 ,在 1mol/LLiPF6/ (EC +DEC) (1∶1)电解液中考察了其恒电流充放电特性。

3.The natural flake graphite(NFG)was coated with coal pitch and then carbonized according to different conditions of carbonization in inert gas.以煤沥青包覆天然鳞片石墨 ,在惰性气氛下以不同的炭化条件对包覆材料进行炭化处理 ,将所制备的复合材料作为锂离子二次电池的负极 ,以金属锂片作为对电极 ,在 1mol/LLiPF6/(EC +DEC) ( 1∶1 )电解液中考察了其恒电流充放电特性。


1.Study on Electroless Copper-Plating of Natural Flake Graphite Powders天然鳞片石墨表面化学镀铜工艺的研究

2.Flaky graphite is one of the best mineral in the nature.鳞片石墨矿是自然界可浮性最好的矿物之一。

3.The natural form of carbon in cast iron is the free graphite flake form.铸铁内的碳天然形式是游离石墨薄片形式。

4.natural uranium graphite reactor天然铀石墨慢化反应堆

parison of Approaches in Producing Highly Purified Graphite from Fine-Flake Graphite in Panzhihua;攀枝花细鳞片石墨制备高纯石墨的几种方法比较

6.Application Analysis of Fine Flake Expanded Graphite in Fuel Cells;细鳞片膨胀石墨在燃料电池中的应用分析

7.Method for evaluating dispersion effect of flake graphite in water slurry水系浆料中鳞片石墨分散效果的评价方法

8.Application of Scale Graphite Mineral Powder to the Bearing of Firing Truck矿鳞片石墨粉剂在烧成车轴承上的应用

9.Natural flake graphite powder used in nonferrous,metal molten furnace for oxygen-proof material.天然磷片石墨粉,用于有色金属熔炉液体表面防氧化覆盖粉。

10.Two kinds of carbon materials, i. e. amorphous carbon and natural graphite, were included.炭材料包括无定形炭和改性天然石墨两种.

11.A Study on the Improvment of Natural Graphite as the Lithium-Ion Battery Anode Materials;锂离子电池负极材料-天然石墨改性研究

12.The Research on Processability and Anti-oxidation of Natural Graphite Electrode;天然石墨电极的成型性能与抗氧化研究

13.Study on Modification and Electrochemical Corrosion of Natural Graphite天然石墨改性及其电化学腐蚀性能研究

14.Asphalt-coating natural graphite as an anode material for Li-ion batteries包覆天然石墨作锂离子电池负极材料的研究

15.Studies on the Properties of Natural Rubbers Modified with Acetylene Carbon Black and Graphite乙炔黑与石墨填充天然橡胶的性能研究

16.Enriched natural moisture genes go deep into hair,nourish andrepair the damage hair.丰富的天然保湿因子,深入滋养发芯,修护头发毛鳞片。

17.Development of polycrystalline diamond composite and its drilling bit for oil and gas金刚石复合片及其石油、天然气钻头发展概况

18.Study on Performances of Intercalation/Deintercalation of Lithium Ions and Kinetics of Intercalation Process of Lithium Ions in Modified Natural Graphite;改性天然石墨的嵌/脱锂性能及嵌锂过程动力学的研究


natural flakes graphite天然鳞片石墨

1.The samples were prepared usingnatural flakes graphite powder without binding by cold pressing.采用天然鳞片石墨粉无粘结剂冷压成型为天然鳞片石墨样品,分别研究了成型压力、保压时间的变化对样品密度、孔隙度和抗折强度的影响,用三点弯曲法测试了样品的室温弯曲力学性能,并利用扫描电镜分析了样品的表面形貌以及断面形貌。

3)natural graphite flake天然石墨鳞片

1.Study on the film ofnatural graphite flake coated by silicon dioxide;天然石墨鳞片表面包覆二氧化硅薄膜的研究

4)natural flake graphite(NFG)天然鳞片石墨(NFG)

5)flake graphite鳞片石墨

1.Study on the dispersion offlake graphite improved by Surfactant;表面活性剂改善鳞片石墨分散性的研究

2.Study of lithium intercalation into coatedflake graphite;包覆鳞片石墨嵌锂行为的研究

3.C-SiC-B_4C composites were prepared withflake graphite C_(fg),SiC,B_4C and TiO_2 and the effects of sintering temperature on the microstructures and properties of C-SiC-B_4C composites were investigated.利用鳞片石墨C_(fg)易在压力下滑动在陶瓷基体上形成C_(fg)条状组织的特性,实现了材料的显微组织设计。

6)scale graphite鳞片石墨

1.Research on the loss of big scales and a new flotation technology forscale graphite;鳞片石墨大片损失规律及磨浮新工艺研究

2.Research on the flotation technology ofscale graphite;小规模鳞片石墨矿浮选工艺研究

3.Research on the improvementof regrinding technologyofscale graphite;鳞片石墨再磨工艺改进研究


