100字范文 > 师范学院 teachers college英语短句 例句大全

师范学院 teachers college英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-12-21 20:47:33


师范学院 teachers college英语短句 例句大全

师范学院,teachers college

1)teachers college师范学院

1.With the shift of teachers education to the four-year universities,the localteachers colleges should seize this strategic opportunity,focus on the four-year teachers training,set up certain majors connected with teaching,expand some new fields and develop the majors at different levels.地方师范学院应紧紧抓住教师教育向大学层次转移的战略机遇,继续高扬教师教育旗帜,坚持师范性,以本科为主体,创新教师专业和相关专业,开拓新领域,谋求多层次发展,并不失时机地逐步向综合化迈进,才能和谐持续发展。

2.specialty inteachers colleges and the tendency in the demand for talented personnel of the P.采用文献资料、专家访谈等方法,对普通师范学院体育教育专业办学现状和我国体育专业人才需求趋向进行分析,认为提高体育师资培养质量与层次,加强与中小学体育课程的联系;拓展新专业,实现培养目标多样化;稳定与改善现有师资队伍,完善各种教学设施等措施是提高其竞争力,实现自身发展的有效途径。


1.The Foundation of East Sichuan Normal School and Southwest China Teachers College;川东师范学堂与西南师范学院的组建

2.The Earliest Higher Teachers Training College in China;中国最早的高等师范学院──京师优级师范学堂

3.Study on Development of Staff of Wenzhou Normal College;温州师范学院教师队伍近期发展预测

4.An investigation of students moral behaviour in Guangzhou Normal University;广州师范学院师范生道德行为观的调查报告

5.Research on Special Features of Point Courses andCompare Advantages of Advanced Normal University--Taking Anyang Teachers College as an Example;高等师范学院重点学科特色和比较优势研究——以安阳师范学院为例

6.Discussing the Teaching of College English Reading in Our College;伊犁师范学院大学英语阅读教学浅谈

7.On the prospect of newly build teachers college--Take Zhoukou Teachers College;谈新建师范学院的发展定位——以周口师范学院为例

8.The Case Study of the Changing Model of the Develpoment of Teachers" Colleges--Taking Huanggang Normal College as an Example师范性学院转型发展之个案研究——以黄冈师范学院为例

9.Research on the School-Founding Mode of Vocation and Technology School of YiLi Normal University;伊犁师范学院职业技术学院办学模式探讨

10.Investigation of Conditions about College Students Learning in Biology;杭州师范学院生科院学生专业学习状况调查

11.They"ve passed the entrance examination for Nanjing Teachers" College.他们通过了南京师范学院的入学考试。

12.The school is attached to the Normal College.这所学校附属于师范学院。

13.An Analysis of Quotations in Articles of The Academic Journal of Xianyang Normal University(1998-);《咸阳师范学院学报》1998-引文分析

14.About the Teaching Reform of Public Physical Education in Mianyang Normal University;绵阳师范学院公共体育教学改革构想

15.Development Course of the CPC Construction in Xinmin Normal College of Shenyang University;沈阳大学新民师范学院党建发展历程

16.A Statistical Analysis of the Authors of Xianyang Normal University Journal;《咸阳师范学院学报》作者统计分析

17.Student teachers study at a training college.师范生在师范院校学习。

18.Infinitely Learning Teacher--A Goal to Train Students in Teachers College;学习型教师——师范院校学生培养的目标


normal university师范学院

1.To satisfy the needs of the development of advanced productive potentialities and the education of coastal area,normal university must be built.创建广西沿海师范学院是顺应先进生产力发展要求和沿海地区教育事业发展需要的。

3)normal college师范学院

1.This paper introduces the connotations of the reference service,analyzes the problems existing in the reference work innormal college library,and advances some suggestions on strengthening the reference work innormal college library.介绍了参考咨询的内涵和方法,分析了师范学院图书馆参考咨询工作存在的问题,提出了加强师范学院图书馆参考咨询工作的建议和措施。

2.This article gave an analysis of the real backgrounds of orienting localnormal colleges in the western parts of China.本文分析了西部地方性师范学院定位的现实背景,对这些学校定位时应注意的原则,以及办学层次、发展目标、教研科研方向等问题进行探讨,提出自己的看法。

3.Based on the required high quality by new century and the goal of running thenormal college,the reform of physical teaching put the "health is the first"and lifelong physical education as instructive thinking,the curriculums and teaching content as focal points.根据新世纪对高素质人才的要求和师范学院办学目标 ,体育教学改革把“健康第一”和“终身体育”作为指导思想 ,把课程设置和教学内容改革作为的重点 ,通过加强体育理论教学 ,注重体育能力的培养和改进评价方法 ,强化教学管理等途径 ,增强学生体育意识 ,提高体育能力 ,参加体育锻炼的人数增多 ,身体素质有明显提高 ,体育教学改革取得一定的成效 。

4)teachers college师范学院{美}

5)normal teachers college普通师范学院

6)Tianshui Normal University天水师范学院

1.Analysis of Curriculum Arrangements for the Major of Social Physical Education inTianshui Normal University;天水师范学院社会体育专业课程设置分析

2.A Survey of the Teacher s Health Conditions and Their Participation in Physical Exercises inTianshui Normal University;天水师范学院教师身体健康状况与参加体育活动的调查研究

3.An Analysis and Study of the Reform in Credit System inTianshui Normal University;天水师范学院学分制改革的思路探析与研究


安庆师范学院数学与计算科学学院数学与计算科学学院,其前身数学系,是安庆师范学院最早成立的系科之一,建立于1977年冬。1996年5月在数学系基础上新建了计算机系,随之成立了数学计算机系。10月,院机构调整,数学系与计算机系分开,依托数学系成立了数学与计算科学学院。目前,数学与计算科学学院设有 数学与应用数学系、信息与计算科学系。目前,数学与计算科学学院已培养了24届本科毕业生,共1700余人。数学与计算科学学院还培养了多届专科毕业生,共1100余人。近年来考研比例超过10%,毕业生中有多人已赴美国、加拿大、英国攻读硕士、博士学位。多人进博士后工作岗位并能为母校服务。数学与计算科学学院现有全日制本科班17个,学生 近千人;函授学员共计300余人,其中专升本200余人。近三年,本院教师在国内外刊物上发表学术论文百余篇,其中被sci收录5篇。
