100字范文 > 设计意识 design consciousness英语短句 例句大全

设计意识 design consciousness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-29 16:01:57


设计意识 design consciousness英语短句 例句大全

设计意识,design consciousness

1)design consciousness设计意识

1.This text discusses the necessity of the industry design survey reform in education;Points out position and function of this course in industry design;Discusses the content of this course reform in education;And puts for- ward to raise the students knowledge backlog,thedesign consciousness to permeate,the method of the creative thinking ability.论述了工业设计概论教学改革的必要性;指出了本课程在工业设计课程体系中的地位和作用;讨论了本课程教学改革的内容,提出了提高学生专业知识积累、设计意识渗透、创新思维能力的方法。

2.The training ofdesign consciousness should be reflected in every aspect of design sketch and enhanced imperceptibly.设计意识在艺术设计中起着重要的作用,它往往决定着一件设计作品的成功与否。

3.Although consciousness have not yet been thoroughly studied in the academic community,and understanding of the concept often with the fuzzy, butdesign consciousness is one of the main purposes in "design·Application" areas of study in compulsory education,we need to reach some consensus,so that design teaching does not lose direction.意识虽然是一个在学术界尚未完全研究透的概念,理解起来也常存在模糊之处,但是,鉴于设计意识已成为义务教育阶段美术课程中“设计·应用”学习领域的主要目的之一,我们有必要对其达成一些共识,以便设计教学不至于失去应有的方向。


1.Cultivation of Modern Design Awareness in Environmental Art Design Education;环境艺术设计教育中现代设计意识的培养

2.Investigating the Advance of Designing Consciousness from "Visual Literacy" Teaching;从“视觉语汇”教学看设计意识的提高

3.The Design Consciousness and Modern Usage of Zhuxian Town New Year Xylograph;朱仙镇木版年画的设计意识及其现代应用

4.Chinese tradition of animated cartoon and modern design consciousness;浅谈中国传统审美文化与现代设计意识

5.by conscious design or purpose.有意识的设计或打算的。

6.On the Senses of Ecology and Environment in Industrial Design;论工业设计中的生态意识与环境意识

7.Design Consciousness and Conscious Design--A Brief Analysis of Art and Design History;设计的意识与意识的设计——对艺术设计史的一点浅析

8.Statistical Consciousness in the Instructional Design of Psychological Statistics;浅析心理统计学教学设计中的统计意识

9.Argue on the Aesthetic Consciousness of Design in Primitive Society论原始社会中艺术设计的审美意识

10.Design and Application of Evaluation Method for Basketball Center s Tactic Consciousness;中锋战术意识评定方法的设计与应用

11.Enhancing contract awareness and auditing of construction projects abided by law;增强合同意识 依法对待建设项目审计

12.Scientific design, stratification teaching and building up consciousness of self-determination thought;科学设计层次教学 增强思维自主意识

13.Series Standards of Environmentally Conscious Design Guide for Low Voltage Apparatus低压电器环境意识设计导则系列标准

14.By making and remaking, the designer discovers the hidden qualities that are important, that resonate with both the conscious and unconscious mind.透过设计和再设计,设计者会发现隐含著的重要特质,与有意识和无意识的想法产生共鸣。

15.Educating the consciousnesses and abilities of "To establish plans and to designexperiments" in middle-school students;培养学生“制定计划与设计实验”的意识与能力

16.The human form was not originally designed to manifest unconsciously.人类形态最初没有被设计来显化无意识。

17.Design and fabrication with FMEA and Safety protection.采用失效模式分析和安全意识的设计和制造。

18.Study on Western Modern Aesthetic Consciousness and Styles of Interior Design;现代西方审美意识与室内设计风格研究


Designing Consciousness设计意识

1.Investigating the Advance ofDesigning Consciousness from "Visual Literacy" Teaching;从“视觉语汇”教学看设计意识的提高

3)non-conscious design无意识设计

4)Environmentally Conscious Design环境意识设计

1.Concurrent Design,Environmentally Conscious Design and Human-Machine Ergonomics meet the requirement of synthesis design of refrigerator well.采用并行设计、环境意识设计和人机工效设计将很好的满足冰箱的综合设计要求。

2.The requirements includes interior and exterior factors, such as :material, manufacture technology, performance, humanities and environment factors, It is indicated that the future trend of refrigerator design are Concurrent design ,Environmentally Conscious Design and Ergonomics in this paper.并行设计、环境意识设计和人机工效设计代表了冰箱设计的发展趋势。

3.The series standards of environmentally conscious design guide for low-voltage apparatus,including general rule,knife disconnector,circuit-breaker,contactor,fuse,button lamp and terminal were presented.介绍了低压电器环境意识设计导则系列标准,包括总则、刀形隔离器、断路器、接触器、熔断器、按钮信号灯、接线端子;给出了将环境因素引入低压电器产品设计和开发的总体考虑,并规定了上述产品的特定要求。

5)Architectural views of consciousness建筑设计意识观

6)modern design consciousness现代设计意识

1.Chinese tradition of animated cartoon andmodern design consciousness;浅谈中国传统审美文化与现代设计意识

2.We can find more and more cultural contents in logo design from multual blend of the traditional graphic andmodern design consciousness.传统图形与现代设计意识相融合,可以使现代标志设计具有更加丰富的文化底蕴。


1350mm双流板坯连铸机(重庆钢铁设计研究院设计)1350mm双流板坯连铸机(重庆钢铁设计研究院设计)叠 135Omm双流板坯连铸机(重庆钢铁设计研究院设计)
