100字范文 > 环境意识设计 Environmentally Conscious Design英语短句 例句大全

环境意识设计 Environmentally Conscious Design英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-09 12:35:39


环境意识设计 Environmentally Conscious Design英语短句 例句大全

环境意识设计,Environmentally Conscious Design

1)Environmentally Conscious Design环境意识设计

1.Concurrent Design,Environmentally Conscious Design and Human-Machine Ergonomics meet the requirement of synthesis design of refrigerator well.采用并行设计、环境意识设计和人机工效设计将很好的满足冰箱的综合设计要求。

2.The requirements includes interior and exterior factors, such as :material, manufacture technology, performance, humanities and environment factors, It is indicated that the future trend of refrigerator design are Concurrent design ,Environmentally Conscious Design and Ergonomics in this paper.并行设计、环境意识设计和人机工效设计代表了冰箱设计的发展趋势。

3.The series standards of environmentally conscious design guide for low-voltage apparatus,including general rule,knife disconnector,circuit-breaker,contactor,fuse,button lamp and terminal were presented.介绍了低压电器环境意识设计导则系列标准,包括总则、刀形隔离器、断路器、接触器、熔断器、按钮信号灯、接线端子;给出了将环境因素引入低压电器产品设计和开发的总体考虑,并规定了上述产品的特定要求。


1.Series Standards of Environmentally Conscious Design Guide for Low Voltage Apparatus低压电器环境意识设计导则系列标准

2.On the Senses of Ecology and Environment in Industrial Design;论工业设计中的生态意识与环境意识

3.Cultivation of Modern Design Awareness in Environmental Art Design Education;环境艺术设计教育中现代设计意识的培养

4.Scientific Design of Medical Applied Chemisitry Experiment,Train the Enviroment Protecting Consciousness of Student"s科学设计医学化学实验 培养学生环境保护意识

5.The Sense of Dimension and the Training of the Scene Recurrence of the Specialty of the Environment Art Designing;环境艺术设计专业中的空间意识与情境再现训练

6.Frequently Maintenance after Choosing a Good Place to Live--General discussion on environmental protection of geomantic omen and environmental art design;居之吉 乃常养——漫谈风水与环境艺术设计的环保意识

7.A design mode of local environment renewal based on the analysis of urban formation and citizen s recognition;基于城市形态与市民意识解析的地域环境更新设计模式

8.Building Green Campus to Promote the Environment Consciousness Education;建设绿色校园 推进环境意识教育

9.Discussion of Harmonious Design Between the Environment Recognition System and the Environment in Japan以日本为例谈环境识别系统与环境的和谐设计

10.Study of Identification System Design in Metro Public Transport Environment;地铁公共环境交通识别系统设计研究

11.The Knowledge System Structure of the Environmental Art Design Speciality;环境艺术设计专业知识体系架构研究

12.Design on Knowledge-Based Generator Development Environment;面向知识的汽轮发电机设计开发环境的设计

13.In today"s business environment, the research and development of design ideas has become an essential part of the manufacturing and selling processes.在当今的商业环境中,设计意识的研究与发展在生产和销售过程中已成为非常重要的环节了。

14.The Significance of the Localization in Environment Art Design;“本土化”在环境艺术设计领域中的意义

15.Humanity flavors in the human-oriented decorative arts design;环境艺术设计“人本位”的人文意趣

16.Analysis of the Environmental Factors Affecting the Building of Chinas Ideology;影响我国意识形态建设的环境因素分析

17.Teachers Environmental Awareness Status and its Enhancement Strategy during the Construction of Two-oriented Society“两型”社会建设中教师环境意识状况及提升策略

18.The Artistic Conception Construction and the Porch Design in Primary School Campus;中小学校园环境中廊空间的设计和意境营造


materials desig nenvironment protection材料设计-环境意识

3)AGER Landscape Design意格环境设计

4)Environmentally Conscious Design and Manufacturing(ECD&M)环境意识设计与制造(ECD&M)

5)environment logo design环境标识设计

1.The integration method and attitude of traditional culture and modern Western concepts in Japaneseenvironment logo design was explored.着力审视了日本环境标识设计中,对于民族传统文化和西方现代理念的融合态度及融合手法,分析和论证了设计中的文化传承,应同时包含着对于本民族的文脉继承及对于相同或相似内质世界文化的有机汲取,从而提炼出顺应时代发展的动态文化体系,并以此为本国设计中的文化思考引出借鉴的价值。

6)environmental awareness环境意识

1.Investigation and assessment of publicenvironmental awareness in heavy chemo-industrial areas of Liaoning Province.;辽宁省重化工业地区公众的环境意识调查与评价

2.A review on the track of Environmental Awareness;现代环境意识的回归之路

3.A survey ofenvironmental awareness of students in Chuxiong Normal University;我院部分大学生环境意识的调查


