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外围电路 peripheral circuit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-19 10:11:03


外围电路 peripheral circuit英语短句 例句大全

外围电路,peripheral circuit

1)peripheral circuit外围电路

1.Study and Design of General Platform for Microcomputer s Peripheral Circuit Based on MSP430 Series Microcontroller;基于MSP430系列单片机的微机外围电路的通用化平台研究与设计

2.Due to the usual design method of the MCU interface has such disadvantages as too many types of chip needed,large area of printed board,complicated design,taken the advantage of the method of the complex programmable logic device CPLD,the microcontroller unit(MCU speripheral circuit of the intelligent instrumentation) is designed.针对通常微控制器(Multi Control Unit,MCU)接口设计方法所需芯片种类多、印刷线路板面积大及设计复杂等缺点,采用复杂可编程逻辑器件(Complex Programmable Logic Device,CPLD)设计方法,合理设计智能仪器仪表的微控制器外围电路。

3.Theperipheral circuit design of TC35I module is also included in the paper.详细介绍了Siemens新一代短消息收发模块TC35I的主要特性、SMS AT指令集和PDU短信息数据格式,并对TC35I模块进行了外围电路设计。


1.The Research on Design Pattern of Peripheral Circuit with Low Coupling to CPU;与CPU松耦合的外围电路设计模式研究

2.8 Bits OTP MCU Peripheral Circuit Study Based on the Combination of Software and Hardware;软硬件结合8位OTP MCU的外围电路研究

3.The Research of Peripheral Circuits Design and Algorithms Realization Based on Li-ion Batteries;锂离子电池组外围电路设计及算法研究

4.Design and Implementation of Area Array CCD Imaging Driver and Periphery Circuit面阵CCD成像驱动及外围电路的设计与实现

5.DAC Periphery Circuit Design and Waveform Creation Technique Research Used for UWB;用于超宽带通信的DAC外围电路设计及波形产生技术研究

6.Design and Experiment of Magnetic Fluid Acceleration Sensor s Peripheral Circuit;磁流体加速度传感器外围电路的设计与实验研究

7.Study and Design of General Platform for Microcomputer s Peripheral Circuit Based on MSP430 Series Microcontroller;基于MSP430系列单片机的微机外围电路的通用化平台研究与设计

8.The main electric circuit uses integration microprocessor and IC, few buffer circuit for stable operation.主要功能电路采用集成度很高的单片机,外围电路很少,工作更加稳定。

9.Analysis to On-load Test of Power Supply Line for Electric Railway电气化铁路外围供电线路带负荷测试分析

10.Design of Interface Circuits of SCM’s Peripheral Devices based on FPGA基于FPGA的单片机外围接口电路设计

11.Working Circuit of PMT in Photon Counting Systems光子计数用光电倍增管的外围工作电路

12.The Design of Cell-electrofusion Chip Based on MEMS and Drive Circuit;基于MEMS细胞电融合芯片及其外围驱动电路的设计

13.General principle of measuring methods of microprobes sors and peripheral interface circuits" parameters for semiconductor integrated circuitsGB/T12843-1991半导体集成电路微处理器及外围接口电路电参数测试方法的基本原理

14.CPLD Realization of Embedded System Peripheral I/O Interface嵌入式系统外围接口电路的复杂可编程逻辑器件实现


16.Analysis and Simulation of a Correction Circuit for Wide Input Power Factor电压宽范围输入PFC电路的分析与仿真

17.External Rescue Engineering of No.109 Tunnel on Baoji-Chengdu Railway宝成铁路109号隧道外围抢险工程

18.The Way Out of the Homogenization of Food TV Programs我国电视美食节目同质化的突围之路


external circuit外围电路

1.A control subsystem of some radar system, which is on the ADSP-BF561 as the core processor, and coupled with the keyboard, LCD screen, real-time clock, the standard RS232 interfaces, digital signal generated IO, reset circuit and otherexternal circuit, is introduced.介绍了以ADSP-BF561为核心处理器,加上键盘、LCD显示屏、实时时钟、标准RS232接口以及数字IO信号的产生、复位电路等外围电路来实现某雷达系统的控制子系统,并列举了部分DSP程序代码。

2.L293D is a DC motor controlling chip with simpleexternal circuit,easy to be integrated.L293D是一种直流电机控制器件,该器件具有外围电路简单、易于集成、控制等特点,本设计是在单片机SPCE061A的基础上,扩展了两片L293D构成了护士移动机器人主控电路板,同时也扩展了电源,确保L293D为电机供电。

3)peripheral circuits外围电路

1.The total structure of real-time video digital image processor with TMS320DM642 is discussed in the paper,which presents the design of theperipheral circuits emphatically,functions of peripheral parts and main devices are included.重点阐述图像处理器的外围电路设计,包括其各部分功能以及所选用的主要器件,同时针对视频图像处理算法的性质,对视频图像处理过程中图像数据的存放位置给出了一定原则。

2.,it expanded someperipheral circuits like A/D,D/A,CAN Communication Bus etc,and programmed the control software in DSP intergrate exploitation circumstance CCS2.本文介绍了一种新型气动伺服系统控制器,该控制器采用功能强大的32位定点DSP芯片TMS320F2812为控制核心,扩展了A/D、D/A、CAN通信总线等外围电路,并结合TI公司的DSP集成开发环境CCS2。

4)CRC external circuitCRC外围电路

5)peripheral circuit of micro-machined gyroscope微陀螺外围电路

6)peripheral driving circuitry外围驱动电路


外围1.指外层包围圈。 2.指外界的气氛。 3.指圆状物外圈的周长。 4.以某一事物为中心而存在的(事物)。
