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基频电路 baseband circuit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-25 23:27:05


基频电路 baseband circuit英语短句 例句大全

基频电路,baseband circuit

1)baseband circuit基频电路

1.Measured thebaseband circuit performance includes a -3dB bandwidth of 200 kHz, programmable gain over 41-dB range in 1-dB steps, the noise corner frequency of operational amplifier is 4.本论文在研究分析零中频接收机系统结构原理与特点的基础上,选择了有源RC滤波器来实现基频电路的低通滤波功能,并采用跳蛙结构来实现三阶巴特沃斯通道选择滤波器;作为系统直流偏置源,设计了具有相对于温度和电源电压稳定的带隙基准;为了消除温度和工艺等外界因素的影响,采用了电容阵列以调节滤波器的截止频率以及频响曲线;为了使基频电路的输出信号能够适合于其下一级模数转换器的动态范围,在电路中加入可调增益放大器,实现了增益可变功能;为了消除零中频接收机中的直流偏移电压以防止主通路中运算放大器饱和,电路采用了伺服回路架构的设计;芯片设计采用了TSMC 0。


1.Design of Analog Baseband Circuit for GSM Zero-IF Receiver应用于GSM零中频接收机的基频电路设计

2.cascode video output射地-基地视频输出电路

3.The Improvement of Thyristor Power Supply DeviceBased on Synchronous Circuit of Phase LockedLoop and Frequency Multiplier;基于锁相环倍频同步电路的电源改进

4.The Study of Intermediate Frequency Power Supply Control Circuit Base on FPGA基于FPGA的中频电源控制电路的研究

5.Design of Baseband Circuit Based on RF Front-End of GPS;基于GPS射频前端的基带电路设计

6.A Circuit used to Test High Frequency Based on PLC;基于PLC的高频信号测试电路及其实现


8.Design of intermediate frequency signal conditioning circuit based on LMH6505基于LMH6505的中频信号调理电路设计

9.Design and Implementation of Frequency Synthesizer Circuit Based on PE3236基于PE3236的频率合成器电路设计与实现

10.Design of radar"s upconversion circuit based on QDUC基于QDUC的雷达上变频电路的设计

11.Design of Digital Frequency Meter Based on VHDL基于VHDL语言的数字频率计电路的设计

12.High Frequency Circuit Simulation and Analysis Based on NI Multism 10.0基于NI Multisim 10.0的高频电路仿真与分析

13.Train Electro-passport System Based on RFIC Card基于射频IC卡的列车电子路票系统

14.Circuit design of a slip pulse frequency generator based on DDS基于DDS的滑移脉冲频率产生电路设计

15.Design and implementation of video overlay circuit based on embedded NIOSⅡ基于NIOSⅡ的视频叠加电路设计与实现

16.high -frequency channel高频电路, 载波电话通路

17.Modeling and Study of High Frequency Relay Based on Equivalent Circuit Method基于等效电路法的高频继电器建模与研究

18.Research on the Circuits of Power Factor Measurement of Switch Power Supply in Matlab基于Matlab的高频开关电源功率因数测量电路研究


fundamental extract circuit基频提取电路

3)clock division circuit分频电路

1.Counter,as a typicalclock division circuit,has some advantages such as easy implement,wave even.计数器作为一种典型分频电路有容易实现、波形均匀等优点,其遵循二分频原理也就要求在应用中系统时钟必须是输出频率整数倍为前提。

4)RF circuit射频电路

1.Important issues related to PCB designing ofRF circuit;射频电路PCB设计中应注意的有关问题

2.Reciprocal transformations between series/parallel components inRF circuit射频电路中串/并联元件间的互逆变换

3.Settle the best component parameters of matching network inRF circuit with ADS simulation.射频电路设计中为了达到最大功率传输、减少回波损耗等电路性能,一般在输入和输出端加入阻抗匹配网络来加以改善,计算机仿真高效地解决了确定阻抗匹配网络结构及各元件参数的问题,通过ADS仿真确定了射频电路中匹配网络的元件最佳参数。

5)radio frequency circuit射频电路

1.A design of dual frequency dual moderadio frequency circuit;一种双频双模射频电路的设计

2.The undergraduates ability in designing theradio frequency circuit must be hard cultured to meet the development of society.射频电路是通信工程专业的必修课程,为满足社会发展的迫切需要,必须努力培养大学生射频电路的设计能力。

3.The teaching was based on the network and the research topics was designed mainly in the area of the key technolgy of theradio frequency circuit and antenna.根据研究性教学的特点、学习观和教学理念,本文对"射频电路与天线"课程的研究性教学进行了探索与实践。

6)video circuit视频电路

1.In thevideo circuit of traffic monitor,the image outline dims and the visibility declines because of the limitation of the passband,thus twice differential video compensation is needed.交通管理监视器的视频电路,受通频带限制导致图像轮廓模糊、清晰度下降,通常需要采用双微分视频补偿。


基频基频Fundamental frequency基频(fundamentalfrequeney)有这些正基本)f vi-撰]基频是一个系统自由振动的最低频率。具一频率的振型称为基本振型。复杂的波是由一弦分量构成的,其中具有最低频率的分量称为分量,它的频率就是基频。参阅“振型”(modebration)条。 仁杨(Rw.Young)
